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Let’s Raise the Abandoned Cat Heroes – an Awesome Demon Hunter Who Switched to Being a Teacher, and Is Very Much Missed by His S-Ranked Pupils Chapter 63


Chapter 63

It was about a week after Cecilia's departure from our home.

On that day, my three students and I were visiting the heroes' guild to receive a quest to exterminate the demon king.

While we were in front of the bulletin board looking for quests to eliminate the Demon King, one of the female employees of the heroes' guild spotted me and came running up to me.

The female employee makes a slight hesitant gesture and asks me this question.

「Um, Brett-san......, I believe you know Cecilia-san, right?」

「Yes, well. What's wrong with Cecilia? Huh! I don't think she's finally done something......! Where is she now? As soon as I find her, I'm going to beat her up, restrain her, and lock her up! I'm really sorry about our Cecilia!」
(T/N: He uses "うちのセシリア" )

With that said, I just reflexively bowed my head.
I've been living with her all these days, so I've think her as my relatives.

The female staff member, however, smiled in a troubled way.

「No, its not about that. Rather than that, what do you meant about "our Cecilia"」

「Ah, no, I mean, Cecilia have been living with us lately.」

「Eeh!? Brett-san, you've been living with Cecilia-san!?」

「It's not like that. I'm also living with my students. So I asked Cecilia-san to stay with my students...」

「With my students?! All four of you together!? Brett-san that is too much... aah」

The female staff member who had been biting me was slapped on the back of the head by another female staff member who had walked up behind her.

The one who was out of control said, 「Ouch......!」 and got teary-eyed, while the one who made the comment said「It's not about that. main subject」 and then she said, 「Oh that's right」 and flicked her tongue out.

The first female staff member turned to me and said.

「Brett-san, Cecilia-san left on a quest and hasn't come back. I believe she went to a village about half a day from here, but it's been almost a week and we haven't heard anything......」

The female staff member tells me this with an anxious expression.
The staff member who retorted at her earlier looked equally anxious, despite her cool demeanor.

Heading to a village half a day's travel away and not coming back for a week, and not having heard from her, was certainly a bit worrisome.

The contents of the quest - the extermination of the demon king itself is usually finished within a day, and even if it takes longer due to some irregularity, it is usually finished within two or three days.

Also, once the Demon King Hunter receives a certain quest, the relationship with the Hero's Guild becomes that of a job orderer and a job recipient.

So if it takes a lot longer than you would normally expect, it's common sense to use a magical phone to inform the Hero Guild.

Of course, there are heroes who are rough around the edges, but Cecilia is the type of person who is always on top of things, and it's hard to imagine her neglecting to contact.

「You've tried contacting the Heroes' Guild, right?」

「Yes, we did. we tried to call Cecilia-san's registered number several times, but we couldn't get through.......」

Surely, then, it is understandable that you would want to suspect the possibility that something unusual is going on.

「What kind of demon king was it that Cecilia-san went to exterminate?」

I asked, and the staff member waved her hand in the air.

「Oh, no. It's not a quest to exterminate a demon king. It's a "general quest", and it asks you to investigate the disappearance of several boys and girls in the village......」

「Ah, a general quest...... no but still.」

「Yes. Either way, it's strange that there is no contact...」

I nodded at the staff member's words.

"General quests" are quests other than those for the extermination of the Demon King.

A part of the country's defense budget is allocated to the heroes guild and the Demon King hunters who receive quests from the guild are expected to maintain the country's security in general, including this and that in addition to exterminating the Demon King.

In the case of incidents that occur in various parts of the country and are considered dangerous for the general public to handle, the neighboring heroes' guild may be called upon to take over.

And certainly, if the story is that a number of boys and girls have gone missing in the village, even if we don't know what the cause of the disappearance is, we can foresee the possibility of a certain amount of danger befalling the people we are investigating.

If that's the case, then it's understandable that the Demon King Hunter is on the scene......

「It's not a suitable quest for Cecilia-san. That person has outstanding fighting power, but I don't think she's the type who is good at research activities.」

「Yes, that's true, but...... "A boy and a girl are missing! I can't stay like this. I'll go right now!" Cecilia-san said and she took the job with great enthusiasm.」


I can just imagine the scene.

That's for sure, that person would go.
I think she's hoping for some kind of romance to start there.

However, in any case, a hero like Cecilia would probably be able to handle a few irregularities on her own and come back, and it is still strange that there has been no contact for almost a week.

The opposite concern flashed through my mind for a moment, but I wanted to believe that she would have enough sense not to actually commit a crime.
Aside from jokes like the one with me, where she attacked me with a plan to resist and make a joke out of it.

By the way, I also tried to call Cecilia's number that I knew, using my magic calling tool, but I couldn't get through to her.

「Still can't connect......」

「Yes. Its not good. What should we do」

I put my hand on my chin and think.

I'm curious about Cecilia as an acquaintance.
If it's half a day's travel from here, we can go check it out in person.

However, even if they are missing, it is possible that something went wrong and they will come back without any problems after a while.
(T/N: I don't really get it her)

I can't say that the lack of communication is not due to the fact that she accidentally lost her magic calling device somewhere.


Somewhere inside of me, my intuition was ringing an alarm bell.

I feared that if I didn't go look for Cecilia here and now, I might end up regretting something for the rest of my life.

「Hey nii-chan, what happen to Cecilia nee-chan」

Rio, who was listening to the conversation, asks me in an anxious voice.

I looked over to see that Iris and Maifa were also staring at me, looking as if they wanted to say something.

That's right......

These guys aren't strangers to Cecilia anymore.
When you hear that someone is missing, you must be worried.

All right...

「All right. I'm going to go to that village to see what's going on. I'm going to go to that village to check on things. You know the way back to the village, right? You guys wait at home for a while, okay?」

I tell my three students that.

Then the three of them tilted their heads.
They look at me like, 「What is he talking about?」 

Did I say something strange?

「Um, teacher......? Why should we go home? I think we should go with teacher to look for Cecilia-san.」


Now it was my turn to tilt my head.

「No, because this isn't an exercise, okay? I don't know what's going to happen, and I don't know if I can protect you guys if something does happen. There's too much uncertainty to involve you guys.」

I replied, and this time Maifa grabbed my hand.

「......Onisan, no....... We want to help you. We want to help her...... And we're worried about Cecilia onee-san too. We want to go look for her with you.」

「No, I say so. I also have a responsibility as a teacher......」

「If something happens and onii-san goes missing, that's an abdication of responsibility. It's not like you're trying to protect us when you're losing to the three of us.」

The blade of Maifa's words pierced my chest.

「Ugh...... no, no, I certainly lost 3 to 1, but that's a different story.......」

「It's not like that, teacher! We can already protect ourselves! And if we need someone to protect us, then the other Demon King hunters won't be able to operate in the first place. Isn't that right?」


Iris argued hard, and I thought for sure that she was right.

All three of them, Rio, Iris, and Maifa, are already more than capable of being full-fledged Demon King hunters.
They are no longer a weak, hero apprentice who can't get around properly without my protection.

Or, to put it another way, in terms of combat power alone, each and every one of us is already strong enough to compete with even a small dragon......

Because of my position, I tend to look at them as protectors, but in reality, all three of them are not that level of hero.

I chuckle as I realize this.

I'm hoping that the three of them will be able to stand on their own, but I can't help it if I can't keep my hands off them.

「All right...... Then the four of us should go look for Cecilia-san.」


The cheerful students responded.

That's why I took Rio, Iris, and Maifa to the village where Cecilia had disappeared.

【Translator Corner!】

-Next week chapter may got delay because I have stuff to do irl.

-I only do this for fun so I can't promise to do daily post but I'll try my best to do weekly post.

-Thanks for reading and if you like the novel or have some suggestion or want me to keep translating it comment down below.

-If you like the translation, please support me by reading it at my site or donate to me by ko-fi. 



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