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The World’s Strongest Martial Artist who has Worked too Hard, Survives in the Magic World With Ease Chapter 71


Traps Won't Work

The next day, early afternoon.

After leaving the town of Murun, we had come to the plains beyond the mountains.

「It's going to be hard to find the entrance to the underground ruins from here.」
「If you have Noir-san's map, you can find the approximate location.」

The entrance to the underground ruins should be near the red dot that indicates the Demon King.

「So, Noir-chan. Which way should we go?」
「......That way.」

We headed in the direction that Noir-san was pointing.

After walking for about ten minutes, we found a staircase that led to the underground ruins.

「There's a stone monument in here! Come on, let's go!」

I get excited when we find ruins.

Let's get the stone monument deciphered before the seal is broken and quickly defeat the Demon King.

「It's pitch black. Philip, use your magic to turn on the light.」
「I know.」

As Principle Philip completed the runes, the back of the corridor brightened.

I knew magic are really nice.

I can't wait to get my hands on some magic so I can do stuff like this!

Unable to stand it any longer, I walked down the stairs.

After descending a long flight of stairs, we came to a spacious passage.

Like the ruins at the north, it's a straight path.

There was a dead end about 300 meters ahead, and the walls were covered in writing.

It's a stone monument!

「It seems to be a dead end in the back.」
「That wall is a stone monument. That's where the writing is.」
「Can you see the letters from here? You have good eyesight......」
「After all, Ash is my apprentice! Ash has eyes that can see 15 kilometers ahead!」
「I wonder what kind of training it takes to become one......?」
「Anyway, let's move on...... What's wrong, Noir-san?」

Noir-san was staring in a different direction than we were.

「......It's a stone monument.」

Noir-san pointed to the wall.

There was a stone monument the size of a nameplate embedded in the wall.

「It's got letters on it!」

It was short, but it was inscribed with indecipherable letters!

「Wha... What does it say?」
「......It shows you how to make this map.」

How to make a map...... You mean the magic that shows you where the strong are.

So it was this stone monument that Kühl-san was only able to partially decipher?

「Does it say anything else?」
「......It says we should use this magic if the Demon King escapes.」
「When it escapes?」

Noir-san nod her head.

「The Demon King here seems to be the fastest in the world.」

I see.

The previous Demon King was imposing, but this Demon King may run away.

Being the fastest in the world means that once you lose sight of it, it's hard to find.

That's why the 《Emperor of Ice》 inscribed a spell on the stone monument to indicate the location of the strong being.

Whatever it was, I'm glad I found a description other than swear words.

There might be some clues about magic left here.

「That's all it says here.」
「Okay. Now all we have to do is check out that stone monument over there!」

I couldn't wait to get there, so I started walking towards the stone monument.


Suddenly, I heard something shattering in my ear.

「Ash?! Are you fine!」

Master calls out to me in panic.

「I just heard a weird noise...... Did something break?」

When I asked him, he pointed to my feet.

There were shards of shattered ice scattered under my feet.

「Suddenly, an icicle came flying out of the wall. Well, it shattered.」

The moment it hit me in the head, the icicle shattered into pieces.

「You don't seem to be injured......」

Not only I didn't get hurt, but I didn't even realize I was hit by an icicle until my master told me about it.

Normally, it's not uncommon to be touched by skin and not notice it, but ......I was so focused on the monument that I didn't notice that the icicle had hit me.

「Ash is the hardest in the world.」
「I guess so. But I was surprised to see a trap. Have the other ruins been like this before?」
「I don't know about the south, but there were no traps in the north.」
「Maybe this place is special. I'll ask Kühl about it in a bit.」

Principle Phillip reached into his pocket and pulled out his cell phone.

「Hello, Kühl? I'm here at the Western Ruins with Ash and his friends. Is there a trap here? ......I see. Take care of yourself then.」

Principle Philip tucked his cell phone into his pocket.

「I heard that there were no traps when Kühl visited before.」
「It's not as if the trap magic has kicked in now.」
「Could... Could it be that the Demon King's seal is being broken?」
「It might be.」

I agree with Colon-san's guess.

This trap was designed to stop the resurrected Demon King.

The fact that it was not activated when Kühl-san came means that the sealing magic was still in effect at that time.

On the other hand, the fact that trap magic has been activated means that......

「Noir-san. Can you show me the map one more time?」
「I'll show you.」

Noir-san unfolds the map.

The location of the Demon king had not changed.......

But there is a good chance that the seal is wearing off.

「In any case, we should hurry up.」

We need to get it deciphered before the monument is destroyed!

「But if there's a trap, Noir-chan can't get to it.」
「I'll take care of all the traps.」

This passage is single path.

You only have one chance to stop the Demon King, and you don't need to activate the trap permanently.

In other words, once the trap magic is activated, it's gone!

To see if my prediction was correct, I made my way toward the monument.





Icicles shot out from above, below, right, and left, shattering the moment they touched me.

After reaching the stone monument, I turned back the way I came.

As I expected, the trap was only triggered once.

「It's safe now.」
「You're body are too hard.」

I walked down the corridor with my masters, who were surprised by my body, and reached the stone monument without incident.

As usual, the stone monument was covered in writing.

「They were all swear words.」

As usual, the stone monument was covered with swear words.

Not again!

How much of a grudge do you have against the Demon King?

You're also a Demon King aren't you, can you guys just get along!

There's only one ruin left...... in this case, I'll have to hope for the ruins in the east.

「Then I'll break it.」

After confirming with the masters, I punched the stone monument.


The stone monument shatters, revealing a hollow space.

「......There are no Demon King.」

Colon-san said absently.

During the sealing, there was no sign of the Demon Lord.

「......Over there.」

Noir-san pointed at the wall.

There was a gaping hole in the wall.

From the back of it, I hear a grinding and drilling sound.

「The Demon King has dug a hole and escaped!」

【Translator Corner!】

-Its time for high speed fight lol.

-I only do this for fun so I can't promise to do daily post but I'll try my best to do weekly post.

-Thanks for reading and if you like the novel or have some suggestion or want me to keep translating it comment down below.

-If you like the translation, please support me by reading it at my site or donate to me by ko-fi.



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