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Let’s Raise the Abandoned Cat Heroes – an Awesome Demon Hunter Who Switched to Being a Teacher, and Is Very Much Missed by His S-Ranked Pupils Chapter 64


Chapter 64

A path in the forest leading to our destination village.

Rio and Maifa were running around like they were on a picnic, chasing butterflies and giggling.
The butterflies seemed to be struggling to escape from the two of them, who were moving in a way that was different from normal children.

By the way, Iris was walking next to me, gently holding my hand.

At first, Iris squirmed shyly or giggled happily, but now that she has walked for a while from the city, she has the demeanor of a wife who has been together for many years.

When I glanced at Iris, she noticed my gaze and smiled at me.

The smile on her face was so cute that I felt embarrassed and averted my gaze.

When Rio saw us, she tried to say something, but Maifa put her hand on her shoulder and shook her head.

Then Rio and Maifa walked away from me and Iris, looking patient

It seems that some sort of agreement has been made between the three girls......

Well, in any case, that's how the trip from the city to the destination village went.

In the midst of such peaceful scenery, I was thinking about something.

The word that Maifa said to me at the Hero's Guild.

「And onii-san, you can't be defending us when you're losing to the three of us.」

Those words had become a surprisingly large thorn in my side and remained with me.

Of course, Maifa probably didn't mean it in such a strong way.
I know she used it as a ploy to persuade me.

But still...

Those words... or rather, the fact that they were there, have remained a wedge in my mind ever since.

In a month or so of training, Rio easily mastered the 【Moonlight Sword】, which I had failed to master.

The 【Ultimate Heal】 that Iris mastered is also a magic that I cannot use.

My students are steadily trying to move ahead of where I am.

I know that I should be happy about that.

But even so, the fear that I would be left alone kept lingering in the back of my mind and wouldn't leave.

It can't be helped because of the difference in inborn talent.
That's one side of the truth.

Also, I have no objection that the power of a hero is not all that he is.
For example, Alma, who was a fellow teacher at the Hero Academy in Royal Capital, is not much of a Hero, but I like her as a human being, and I'm okay with that.

But when I ask myself if I am okay with that, I can't help but feel bewildered.
There was a vague sense of urgency in me all the time that I couldn't go on like this.

That's why for the past month, I've been waking up early every morning and swinging my sword while Rio was learning how to use the 【Moonlight Sword】 from Cecilia, hoping that I could learn it again.

But even so, the overwhelming difference in sense between Rio and me could not be bridged, and even now that Rio has mastered the 【Moonlight Sword】, I have not been able to use that technique in my own hands.

But then, one day, Cecilia happened to wake up early and saw me doing my secret morning training...

When Cecilia spotted me training hard in front of the house that morning, she giggled and said

「I'm relieved, Brett-kun. Now you look like a beast with its fangs pulled out...... By the way, why did Brett-kun quit being a Demon King Hunter?」

I wiped the sweat off my face and replied.

「No, if you ask me why....... If I had to pick one, I would say that I felt a sense of emptiness in the days when all I did was keep defeating the Demon King, and I also admired my teacher.」

「Fumu, Brett-kun was more attracted to nurturing the younger generation than to turn himself as a hero. But didn't you want to be the strongest demon hunter in the world? Any man would dream of it, he wanted to stand at the top of the world」

When she said that, I thought about it for a while before answering.

「......No, there are a lot of types of man out there. I wasn't really interested in it...... Well, I'm not that kind of a person.」

「So you gave up on yourself because you had no motivation to become the strongest in the world and you didn't have the talent to do so. But even for Brett-kun, the motive for aiming for the strongest in the world was born. ……Right?」
(T/N: I can't put this into proper word, sorry. Raw: 世界最強を目指す動機もなかったし、そこまでの才能もないと自分を見限ったわけか。──しかしそんなブレットくんにも、『世界最強を目指す動機』のほうが生まれてしまった。……そうだね?)


I was at a loss for words when she put it that way.

Cecilia looked at me like that and continued.

「Your students will grow up watching your back. If you're not a good role model, they'll leave you behind. So you have to show them that you're willing to aim high... I like that, Brett-kun, because you're so honest and dedicated. I'm sure they do, too.」

That sounded like a compliment.
My face got hot and I turned my eyes away from Cecilia.

A side of Cecilia I hadn't seen in a long time.
As an older sister, she was reliable and good-looking, and I used to admire her a little.

I reply with these words to hide my embarrassment.

「...... It's not that cool. I'm just afraid those guys are going to give up on me.」

「Even so. It is not possible for everyone to stand tall without being frustrated when they think they are lacking something. Especially when you work hard and the results don't always come.」

「......Actually, even if you swing you sword honestly, you won't be always rewarded」

「Well, yeah. But fortunately, we are the heroes. History has proven that there are blessings for the heroes. I believe that your positive attitude will be rewarded, Brett-kun.」

Cecilia said and walked away from me with a fluttering wave of her hand.

As Cecilia said, there are many legends of heroes who boldly faced their destiny and blazed their own trail.

Of course it will also have survival bias.

It is not hard to imagine that many heroes who were not rewarded for their positive attitude and dedication, and whose aspirations were dashed in midstream, have disappeared into the darkness of history.

But if the possibility is not zero, there is no reason not to try.
I'm going to do what I can to get the future I want.

If it's still not enough, then so be it.
It's much better than sitting around and letting fate take its course......

「...... Sei...... sensei...... Umm, sensei. Is there something wrong?」

Iris's voice.
As I was pondering the past events, I realized something.

A path through the forest.
Next to me was Iris, who was holding my hand.

「Ah...... no, it's nothing.  I was just thinking about something.」

「Is that so...... ah, look sensei, the village is coming to view.」

The entrance to the village was indeed visible where Iris was pointing.

It was almost dusk, but clouds were looming in the distance, and the area was already becoming noticeably dark.

「Nii-chan, hurry up, hurry up~!」

「....... onii-san are slow. No matter how much you want to......, you're flirting with Iris too much.」

From the end of the road, I can hear the voices of Rio and Maifa.

I felt a sense of foreboding in the sky, but I headed for the village with my students.

【Translator Corner!】

-This chapter hit to close to home... damn.

-Next week chapter may got delay because I have stuff to do irl.

-I only do this for fun so I can't promise to do daily post but I'll try my best to do weekly post.

-Thanks for reading and if you like the novel or have some suggestion or want me to keep translating it comment down below.

-If you like the translation, please support me by reading it at my site or donate to me by ko-fi



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