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Let’s Raise the Abandoned Cat Heroes – an Awesome Demon Hunter Who Switched to Being a Teacher, and Is Very Much Missed by His S-Ranked Pupils Chapter 62


Chapter 62


Cecilia shouted with enthusiasm and lifted up the huge tree that had fallen over and thrust it back into its original place.

Then, after making minor adjustments, she aligns the diagonal cut made by the 【Moonlight Sword】 exactly.

Then, as if the slashing had been a lie, the giant tree returned to its original shape.
The cut is really clean.

But the tree didn't fall again, of course, because Cecilia was holding it up.
If she let go of his hand, it will go down again in a heartbeat.

Cecilia then nominated me for the next one.

「Brett-kun, come over here for a minute and hold this tree up for me.」

「Yes yes」

I'll take Cecilia's place and be in charge of supporting the tree so that it doesn't fall.

Cecilia, on the other hand, pointed her palm at the cut of the tree and went into mental concentration to exercise her magic.

Just a few moments later, Cecilia's magic was activated.

「【Ultimate Heal】!」

A dazzling light of magic power shot out from Cecilia's hand.
It concentrates on the cut of the tree.

Eventually, the light stopped.
The magic effect seemed to be complete.

「Okay, Brett-kun. You can let go.」


I pulled away from the large tree that was supporting me.
But the big tree did not fall.

Furthermore, it did not falter when pushed or pulled.

Rio, Iris, and Maifa saw this and applauded with an exclamation of 「Oooh!」

In other words, the cut on the tree that was cut by the 【Moonlight Sword】 was healed and repaired by the magic Cecilia used, and returned to the state it was in before the cut.

【Ultimate Heal】
It is a composite attribute higher magic of water, earth, and light, and has the highest level of effectiveness as a simple healing magic.

It is said that its effects go beyond healing, and even go as far as restoring principle itself.

Even so, there are things that can be cured and things that cannot be cured, but as long as life itself is not lost, there is a sense of panacea that can be managed......



When Cecilia called her name, Iris straightened her back.
She must be nervous, witnessing the ability of this senior female hero.

Still, it's hard to believe that this is the same person who was on her knees in front of the kids earlier asking for help......

「I've heard that Iris has S rank aptitude in all three attributes, water, earth and light. If that's the case, it's never too early to learn this 【Ultimate Heal】. I'll teach you how to do it, and I think you should try to master it.」

「Yes! Please treat me well, Cecilia-san!」

「Oh, please treat me well too. If you want, I can teach you how to do it. Haa haa......haa haa......」

「Ah, sorry, that's a bit....... I'll have to ask you to give me some verbal guidance.」

When Iris flatly refused, Cecilia fell to her knees.

「No way, why!? Why can't the world just give me some skinship? If its come to this, Brett-kun I don't! care if its you! Give me skinship, give me skinship, give me skinship......!」

This time, Cecilia comes towards me like a wraith.
It was the behavior of a complete criminal, and I had to back off slightly.

What make her turn into this......
Being single for many years is terrifying

「That's the worst thing you can do!」

Rio snaps the back of Cecilia's head as she tries to get close to me.

Then Cecilia looked at Rio with her eyes full of tears and finally slumped down and began to cry like a child.

「Uwaaaaaaann! The world is so cold to me!」
(T/N: Somehow this remind me of Aqua from Konosuba)

She is very emotionally unstable.
Or rather, doesn't she have any pride in herself......?

You have the power, but you can't get what you want.
There was a sad figure of a person in every way.

However, Cecilia's overly miserable appearance may have attracted the girls' pity.

From that day on, Cecilia lived with us for a while, and because there were not enough beds, the three girls allowed her to sleep with Rio, Iris and Maifa in their beds at bedtime.

Every day, she would visit each of the three people in their beds.

I was a bit worried about Cecilia, who was almost a sexual predator, and my children sleeping in the same bed, but according to Rio and the others who had interacted with Cecilia for a while.

「Its fine. Cecilia-neechan may look like this, but we don't really hate her.」

「That's right. If we tell her to put it off, she'll do it.」

「Rather than that, I afraid if we don't feed her a little, she'll go crazy and attack onii-san...... Don't worry, we'll train her properly.」

When Cecilia heard that, she also said, 「Woof woof. I'm the obedient dog of the three of you.」. I couldn't understand what was going on, so I decided to leave Cecilia to the three of them.
(T/N: Cecilia is a masochist? or she's just really desperate?)

Still, was it wrong to make Cecilia ask for permission from the three of them to follow her?
Maybe the master-slave relationship between the two had been decided by that dogeza.

Where did this person really throw away his pride as a high-ranking hero who would have the ability of the high-ranking class in the world......?

Anyway, that's how she ended up sleeping in the same bed with Maifa on the first night after Cecilia's arrival.

When I went to bed that night, I felt a slight uneasiness, so before I fell asleep, I invoked the magic of 【High Hearing】 from my own bedroom, and listened for a little while to the exchange in the bedroom of the students next door...

So what I heard was this conversation between Maifa and Cecilia.

「Cecilia-oneesan, your breast are big and fluffy. How do you get this......?」

「Hawawaa, I'm being touched by a little girl......! I'm so happy......」

「Don't say little girl...... It's not okay for onee-san to touch you, but it's okay for us to touch you...... Do you understand......?」

「Uuu, I understand Maifa ojou-sama. Maifa-chan is cruel, she's a cruel general. Uuu...... I want to hug Maifa-chan in her pajamas right now......」

「Well okay...... you also need a treat for training. If its about a hug I'll allow it.」

「Huh, really?! You're a goddess, Maifa-chan! Gyuuuuuuuuuu!」

「Hmmm...... its a little warm. If Iris or Rio doesn't want you to do something, you have to follow through with it, okay?」

「Of course! I will obey my master orders woof! Hauuuu, Meifa-chan is soft and warm and feels good」
(T/N: Well that escalated quickly)

「Hmmm......, Thats good. nade nade.」
(T/N: Raw: なでなで, its a sfx for patting or stroking)

I listened to that point and turned off the 【High Hearing】.

It somehow seemed like a conversation I shouldn't be listening to.
Maybe this is a world I'm not supposed to know.

I rolled over onto my bed, covered myself with a blanket, and fell asleep.

This made me feel a little lonely, and I felt like I understood Cecilia's feelings just a little bit - just a little bit.

And so it went on for about a month.

Cecilia appeared dignified and reliable as a leader during the day, and submissive and pathetic as a doggie obeying her three pupils at night.

A month after she came to our house, Cecilia left just in time for Rio to master the 【Moonlight Sword】 and Iris to master the 【Ultimate Heal】.

When I asked Cecilia why she was leaving, she said, 「If I stay here, I'll be in too much heaven and I'll ruin myself.」

From my point of view, I think it was ruined a long time ago...... Well, I guess it wasn't so bad for her.

As Cecilia eventually left the village, I, Rio, Iris and Maifa waved her off.

「Hmmm, I guess I treated Cecilia-neechan too badly?」

「It can't be help. We have to destroy our rivals, don't we?」

「No problem...... I was really enjoying that」

I think my students were saying some disturbing things, but I decided not to worry about it.

And so my students and I returned to our normal lives, but...

Then, about a week later...

At the reception desk of the heroes' guild, we heard the news of Cecilia's disappearance.

【Translator Corner!】

-This is by far the hardest chapter I've translated so far, mentally speaking. Just as I was just about to like Cecilia (except for the master-slave stuff) she have gone missing, damn.

-For those who didn't know Aqua from Konosuba this is her:
-The anime is a must watch for those who like comedy genre

-I only do this for fun so I can't promise to do daily post but I'll try my best to do weekly post.

-Thanks for reading and if you like the novel or have some suggestion or want me to keep translating it comment down below.

-If you like the translation, please support me by reading it at my site or donate to me by ko-fi. 



  1. thanks for chap
    wow i was thinking the same thing that it was a convo we shouldn't have heard

    damm the mental damage now my head is filled with hentai images of what the girls did to her

    1. No problem mate!
      Have fun trying to sleep with those images in mind


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