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Let’s Raise the Abandoned Cat Heroes – an Awesome Demon Hunter Who Switched to Being a Teacher, and Is Very Much Missed by His S-Ranked Pupils Chapter 75


Chapter 75

It was a good thing that I was so determined.

Unfortunately, our counterattack turn ended with a disappointment.

When Rio led me to the house, its empty, and I never saw Cecilia.

But instead, we get another piece of good news.

It was soon after I came back to the inn again.
Cedric, the guildmaster of the hero guild, had already contacted me.

In my room at the inn, I held the magic calling tool to my ear and heard Cedric's excited voice.

『Brett-san, we have a Demon King Hunter to assist us! We've received permission to use the transfer magic circle, so our timetable is to arrive there before noon tomorrow!』

「Oh, you've decided immediately? That's very helpful.」

『Fufufu, leave it to me. Besides, who do you think that support is?』

「Who's the backup......? Does that mean it's someone I know?」

『Yes, I'm pretty sure you know the person well. The Demon King Hunter who's on its way to assist you are......』

When I heard the name Cedric had given me, I was so surprised that I almost dropped my magic calling tool.

「......Are you serious?」

『I'm serious. So, please look forward to tomorrow. Well then.』


I turn off the magic calling tool.

I leaned back in the chair I was sitting in and looked up at the ceiling.
...... There's a lot that goes on in a person's life.

「What's wrong niichan, did something bad happened again? Do you still want to fondled my chest?」

「Stop doing that, Rio. And I don't have bad news, I have good news.」

「......That's unusual ......We've been getting bad news since Cecilia oneesan go missing...... Funyuu.」

I grabbed Maifa and patted her on the head while I tried to figure out a plan for the rest of the day.

Reassuring support will arrive before noon tomorrow.

All that left is......
We just have to get through this night in one piece.


Then, at midnight.
After dinner and bathing, it was time to get into bed and go to sleep.

The four of us, Rio, Iris and Maifa, were waiting inside the inn, huddled close to the entrance door.

It is a small inn and there are no other guests today.
I told the owner of the inn about the situation to some extent, and now the family are holed up in their room.

As a precaution, we've applied 【Sanity】 to the entire innkeeper's family and Iris, and I've also confirmed that there is no one else in the inn.

Everything is in order.
The preparation for barricading are complete.

The time Rio was promised by Cecilia was almost up.
And when we were waiting......

Knock, knock.
We heard a knock on the door of the inn.

Then, a voice come from the other side of the door.

「......Rio-chan, are you there? I'm here. Can you open it for me, please?」

There was no way I misheard it.
It was definitely the voice of Cecilia, whom I knew well.

But the person on the other side of the door is not the Cecilia I know as a human hero, but the vampire she has become.

Vampires have an absolute restriction rule that "they cannot enter a house with people in it without being invited by the people inside".

If Cecilia were a vampire, she would not be able to enter the inn without Rio opening the door and inviting her in.

Rio, hearing Cecilia's voice, went to the door and answered it on the other side.

「Neechan, I can't do that.」

「......Why is that?」

On the other side of the door, the intonation of Cecilia's voice changed.

Rio looked a little frightened, but held her ground and answered.

「Neechan...... You're going to attack me, Iris, Maifa and niichan...... I, won't listen to Cecilia neechan who have become a vampire.」

Then there was a slight pause.
Then we get these words back.

「Fufu, I see. You have managed to broke out of 【Evil Eyes Enchantment】......Are Brett-kun also there?」

When she asked that, I walk up next to Rio and respond.

「Yes, I'm here...... Cecilia-san, can I ask you a question?」

「What is it.」

「The Vampire Lord is he right now...... next to Cecilia-san?」

There was another short pause, and then Cecilia's voice came back, sounding amused.

「......Wow. As one would expected from Brett-kun, how dare you read that much into it.」

An affirmation.
I knew it.

I had a feeling that if Cecilia were to visit the inn tonight, she would bring the Vampire Lord who was the source of all this.

A vampire who is born after being vampirized by a Vampire Lord becomes a member of the Vampire Lord's household.
Even though the distorted ego will remain, it will be in absolute obedience to the Lord's orders, and will not do anything that will harm the Lord's interests.

Then the hero to be prey...... Cecilia wouldn't just attack us alone, sucking blood and turning us into a spawn herself when he knew there is valuable vampire material out there.

This means that right now, on the other side of the inn's door, there is a Demon King of the same calamity level that once caused a world class disaster.

The thought of such a thing being right in front of me gives me goosebumps.
If we fought in the middle of the night, which is the vampire time, we would definitely be the ones to lose.

However, even a Vampire Lord has to follow the rules and restrictions of being a vampire.

In other words...... the Vampire Lord also can't come into this inn without we invite him in.

By the way, they can't even destroy buildings.
I still don't understand the principle, but it's a great help now.

Meanwhile, Cecilia, on the other side of the door, knocks on the door again.
Knock, knock.

「Hey, Brett-kun. Open this door. If you do, you'll all be made a part of our great master's household.」


「And then we're free...... I know now that I am in this body. I don't have to follow the ethics and morality of human society anymore, I can just follow my desires.」


「I can say it honestly now. I want Rio, Iris, Maifa, and Brett, too. I want to mess you up. I want to hurt you. I want to hurt them. And in return, you can hurt me really badly too. That's why, Brett-kun...... open this door and let us in. Let's be happy together?」


It is said that a hero who is vampirized by the Vampire Lord and becomes a vampire will have their hidden desires amplified and give in to their twisted desires.

I don't know if what Cecilia is saying now is wrong as a person or not, but it seems to me that at least one important tag has been removed.

The Cecilia of today is similar to the Cecilia of her human days, but is definitely different.

「Hey, open up, Brett-kun. Let's all go for each other. Let's melt into each other. It'll feel so good.」

Knock, knock.
There is a knock at the door.

「Rio-chan, Iris-chan, and Maifa-chan are there too, right? Anyone is fine. I just need one of you to open this place up. There's something you all want, isn't there? You can take those things by force. Don't worry about it. It doesn't matter how they feel. Let's be honest with ourselves.」

Knock, knock.

Rio, Iris, and Maifa come up to me, looking frightened.
With both arms, I hugged them to protect them.

It doesn't matter what Cecilia is saying.
What we must not do now is to open the door in front of us and invite the monsters outside into this inn.

「Hey, please, Brett-kun. Rio-chan, Iris-chan, and Maifa-chan. Open this door. Hey, please, Mr. Brett. Rio, Iris, and Maifa. Open this door. Accept me.」

(T/N: カリカリ、カリカリ)

The sound of the knocking changed, and it sounded like sharp claws scratching at something.
There was a sound that stirred my heart.

But finally.......

「......Yes, I get it. I guess I'm not going to be accepted after all.」

A lonely voice.
Rio, Iris, and Maifa tried to say something.

But before I could, all three of them looked at me, and I shook my head.

And next came a voice different from Cecilia's.
It sounded like a pretentious man's voice.

「......You have no blood or tears, human heroes. Even though Cecilia, my subordinate, has been asking for you so much.」

It was a cold and frightening voice that seemed to reap the soul.

I hugged my three students and said a few words back to the door of the inn.

「......So you're the Vampire Lord?」

「Indeed. I am the king of the vampires and the supreme ruler who should be the king of all this world. Weak human heroes, if you join my army here and now, you will be given a position in my service. I'll even give my love to the beautiful girls...... Would you like that?」

「You gotta be kidding me, stupid!」

「Who is going to become a vampire? Or rather, can't you just go kill yourself?」

「......Even a nonsense have a limit...... Don't be an idiot.」
(T/N: Might be wrong. Raw: ……戯れ言も、ほどほどにしないと不愉快。……バカは休み休み言って)

Before I could answer, Rio, Iris, and Maifa vehemently protested.
As usual, you're relentless when it comes to rejection.

However, as expected of a vampire, even though he was covered in miasma and became a Demon King, he did not seem to have lost his sense of reason, nor did he seem to be dominated by an unthinking urge for violence or an instinct to kill.

Then he said, 「I will be the king of this world」.
Well, I'm sure he's one of the fearsome Demon Kings with the power to say so.....

I call out to the other side of the door.

「Vampire Demon King-san. I think you're underestimating us human heroes a little too much. You can't see the world.」

「I see. Then prove it to me. I'll look forward to it...... Lets go, Cecilia.」

「Yes, my Lord.」

And so the two presence on the other side of the door left.
I guess they gave up and went home for today.

I let out a deep breath as the tension in my body dissipated.

「Niichan...... can we help Cecilia neechan? She's gonna be okay, right?」

Rio, in my arms, stares at me with eyes that look like they're about to cry.
Iris and Maifa were equally anxious, though they didn't say it out loud.

I gently patted the three of them and told my students.

「Yes, it's okay. We heroes don't always fight alone. There are people behind the heroes who fight against the Demon King, and they can help each other when someone is in trouble. So...... just watch.」

At my words, Iris seemed to notice something and said.

「That's right! Sensei had a adult discussion, and called for backup!」

「Hmmm......Well, that's true, but......」

It's kinda frustrating to see something so ordinary being brought up in such a big way.
Iris has amazing fantasies about "adults"......

And it's not quite right to say that I called in the support, because Cedric, the guildmaster of the hero guild, made a lot of effort to reach out to people.

I wanted to convey that we are helped by the work of many people in this way, and that we heroes in the field are not alone in fighting the Demon King...... This is probably not getting through properly.

As I was thinking this, Maifa now grabbed my hand and said something like this.

「......But the reason we got support was because oniisan did it well. ......If it were only three of us, we wouldn't contact the Hero Guild, we would move on our own, and we were already in despair...... Thank you, Oniisan.」

With that, she smiled her angelic smile.


The smile on her face grabbed my soul.

She's just Maifa, she's just Maifa......!
She's surprisingly good at giving compliments......

「Well, I guess so...... Thank you, too, Maifa. I'm feeling better.」

「......? ......Why is oniisan thanking me?」

「Nothing. I felt like it.」

I patted Maifa on the head to hide my embarrassment.

Maifa who are being patted comfortably, turn her cheeks into flushed red.

......So, we managed to get through the night, which was a problem.

The decisive battle with the Vampire Lord will be tomorrow.
Once the backup Cedric had called for arrived, the odds were more than enough.

We went back to our room at the inn and crawled into bed, ready for tomorrow.

And the next morning......

When the support arrived safely, I was given a disapproving look by the support.

【Translator Corner!】

-I hope the support will be a decent person not only in ability but personality wise.

-I only do this for fun so I can't promise to do daily post but I'll try my best to do weekly post.

-Thanks for reading and if you like the novel or have some suggestion or want me to keep translating it comment down below.

-If you like the translation, please support me by reading it at my site or donate to me by ko-fi.



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