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Let’s Raise the Abandoned Cat Heroes – an Awesome Demon Hunter Who Switched to Being a Teacher, and Is Very Much Missed by His S-Ranked Pupils Chapter 77


Chapter 77

After my soul had slipped out of my mouth, I somehow returned from beyond the sky and hurriedly gear up and headed to the support Demon King Hunters.

The two support Demon King Hunters were in the middle of having a light meal in the dining room on the first floor of the inn.

Seated at a round table for six is an elderly man who is probably over sixty years old, and the other is a middle-aged, tattooed man with an exposed muscular upper body.
(T/N: The second guy doesn't wear any upper cloth)

The old man sees me rushing downstairs and says, while stroking his white beard.

「Oh, little boy, you've been showing me things since early in the morning. You're pretty impressive for calling an old man like me from all the way out here.」
(T/N: The old man use 小童, Kowappa here which could mean brat or child)

That was the first thing he said to me.
I panickily tried to explain myself.

「No... That's not what it seem. You're definitely misunderstood here.」

「What's there to misunderstand? You have three such beautiful young girls in your bed. Ah... how I envy you.」

「No, like I said......」

I tried hard to think of an excuse, but nothing came to mind.

I don't think it would be objectively acceptable to state the fact that I slept with my students because they were anxious.

The muscular man, by the way, takes a quick glance at me and starts to eat the meat on the table, seemingly not particularly interested.

And then──

「Hey niichan, who are those people?」

「Are they, by any chance, the Demon King Hunters got sent for support?」

「......About that, they said they would be here around noon today. ......That mean, that information was a fake to trick oniisan.」

Three of my students came down the stairs after me from upstairs.
Everyone changed out of their pajamas and into their work gear.

When the old man sees this, his face turns joyful.

「Oh, what a lovely group of girls. ──Here, there's an extra seat right there. Come and sit down, all of you.」

In response to the old man's words, Rio, Iris, and Maifa looked at me.

I shrug my shoulders dejectedly, but nod toward the three of them with the intention of asking them to sit down.

If I put priority on clearing up the misunderstanding, the story could get very complicated, so let's talk about that later for now.

Seeing me nod, the three students took their seats as they pleased.
I sit down in an empty seat, too.

「Ho ho, they seem to quite fond of you little boy.」

「......Yeah, well. They're my students, all three of them.」

「Hmmm? I heard that you were a teacher at the Heroes Academy, but to think that you were embracing your students. Well, that's──」

「No, you're wrong! We'll talk more about that later....... For now, may we introduce ourselves to each other first?」

「Oh, yes, that's right. I was so shocked that I forgot that it was our first meeting. Ho ho.」

The old man laughs cheerfully.
Apparently, he's an old man who doesn't seem to care much about details. ......

──I introduced myself first, then Rio, Iris, and Maifa, in that order.

After that, the two Demon King Hunters support introduce themselves.
First, the old man spoke up.

「I'm Manuel, a Demon King Hunters who works mainly in the south of this country. As you can see, I'm an old man, but I'm not too old to be outdone by the younger generation. Sometimes they call me "Demon Emperor" Manuel which is a pretty famous nickname.」
(T/N: Raw: マヌエル, Manueru; 魔帝, Ma Tei)

「......"Demon Emperor" Manuel? ......I think I heard that somewhere.」

Maifa tilts her head.
I answer to Maifa's question.

「You remember when Rio asked me when we received Maifa and the others' hero cards at the heroes guild. Who is the strongest in the world. At that time, I said.  ──Among all the existing heroes, Manuel-san is one of the strongest in the world.」


Three surprised voices echoed together.

The old man seemed pleased to see it.

「Ho ho. That's quite an impressive reaction. As an old man, I'm glad that you are surprised by my rather grandiose nickname.」

「Eh...... Then, the other one is......?」

Rio timidly looks at the other man ──a muscular man.
The muscular man responded with a few words.

「I am Oswald. Some people call me Oswald, the "God of War".」
(T/N: Raw: オズワルド, Ozuwarudo; 武神, Bujin)


My students are showing their reactions more brilliantly than ever.
These guys are usually on the receiving end of surprises, so it's quite a rare scene.

Iris asks with a blank stare.

「Well then, sensei...... are you saying that two of the strongest class heroes in the world are right in front of us......?」

「Yes, that's how it goes. I was surprised when Cedric-san first told me too.」

「When I hear that the Vampire Lord appeared, I can't say I don't want to go because my back hurts today. That's right, young ladies, would you mind massaging my back a little bit later?」

With that said, the old man ──"Demon Emperor" Manuel pat his back.

But when Rio saw this, she suddenly got a cold look in her eyes.

「......Hey niichan, aside from the muscular old man over there, is this old man really strong? I'm starting to get worried......」

Rio said something outrageous in front of the world's strongest class of heroes.
I rush to scold her.

「O, Oi, Rio! Don't be so rude!」

「I mean ,like... We're going to fight a big boss who's going to get the world in trouble, right? It's not good if all you have is a great name when in fact you're weak.」

That's true.......
Should I say that this lack of fear in the face of a legendary hero is the privilege of a child or not?

Come to think of it, I think I was like this when I first became a Demon King Hunter a few years ago......

On the other hand, the old man who heard this ──Manuel, the self-proclaimed "Demon Emperor," stroking his own beard with amusement.

「Ho ho, You are very brave, young lady. If you like, you and I can have a 『duel』」

「Duel you said...... We're going to pull out our weapons and compete? Here?」

「No, no, we don't have to go that far. We just stand here and face each other.」

After saying this, the old man gets up from his seat and walks toward the wide open space in front of the dining room counter.

「......? What do you mean?」

Rio tilts her head curiously, but follows suit.

Then the old man and Rio, the two stood facing each other, about ten steps apart.
The old man opens his mouth.

「Well then, little girl, go ahead and unleash your fighting spirit at me with all your might.」

「Fighting spirit......? Oh, that's what you mean.. If you hit each other with fighting spirit, you can understand each other ability.」

Rio seemed convinced and set herself up straight to face the old man.

Feet shoulder-width apart, arms naturally lowered, fists lightly clenched.
Then she takes a deep breath and──


With a fearless shout, Rio's fighting spirit was unleashed.

The waves of energy shake the air
The innkeeper, who was looking on to see what was going on, shuddered and almost dropped the cup.

Fighting spirit is the power that is the source of the hero's superhuman abilities.

All heroes have their own "fighting spirit" to a greater or lesser extent, but naturally, the more capable a hero is, the greater the amount of fighting spirit he or she possesses.

The old man, bathed in Rio's fighting spirit, muttered, 「Ho」 and looked interested.

「As expected, she is a very good girl. The other two girls are just as powerful as you, aren't they?」

「Yeah. By the way, niichan is a lot stronger.」

「Ho ho, I know, I know. That little boy seemed to have perceived my and Oswald's power at a glance. ──Well, little girl, it's my turn now. Stand firm and endure.」

With that said, the old man takes one deep breath as well.
Then, with his hands folded behind his back in a hunched posture──


With a small shout, an enormous amount of fighting energy was unleashed.

(T/N: Rumbling SFX I guess)

Its power is several times the pressure of Rio's fighting spirit, and it pressures the surroundings.
(T/N: Kinda like that scene in One Piece when Shanks come aboard Moby Dick)

「U, Aa......!」

「......Uguu......Stro, Strong...... I'm being pushed.」

Iris and Maifa, on the sidelines, were pressured just to be nearby.

I likewise feeling the pressure of the force so much so that I would tremble if I relaxed.

The fighting pressure is so great that a small old man with a hunched back standing in a dining room seems far more powerful than the massive dragons and giants that reign in the wilderness.

Only one person, "God of War" Oswald, had a calm face......

Even those of us on the sidelines looked like that.
Rio was hit by the full force of his fighting spirit ──


She jolts up, then falls to her knees.

The old man who saw this ──the "Demon Emperor" Manuel suppressed the release of his fighting spirit, and Rio cowered to the floor, trembling.

「Haaa, Haaa, Haaa......! Wha, What is this, this...... something like this......」

「Ho ho. This is the difference in age between you and me. Don't be conceited because of your talent. Because it would be a waste for a growing person to become a tengu.」
(T/N: I'm not confident with the last sentence. Raw: 伸び盛りが天狗になってはもったいないからの)

After saying this, "Demon Emperor" Manuel walked up to Rio, grabbed the girl by the neck with his wrinkled, slender arms, and lifted her up.
(T/N: Might be wrong on this, the raw said 首根っこ which mean neck? Either he literally hold her by the neck or by the collar of her cloth)

Lifted up like a cat, Rio was brought in casually and placed in a chair.

And Manuel himself sits back in his chair.

「However, you can't win against the passing of the years, can you? It wasn't like this in the past. So, little girl, will you massage my back later?」

「Ah, yes...... Hahaha......」

Rio had a half-smile in her eyes, as if her soul had been drained out of her.

【Translator Corner!】

-First of all, I wanted to say sorry for a very long delay. There have been some trouble IRL and I just finally able to recovered this account.

-For now I don't think I would be able to consistently post a chapter every week like before but I'll try to at least post a chapter once a month. Of course if I can post more I will do so.

-Since it been quite some time since the last time I translating and my Japanese lesson my translation probably degraded on some degree, sorry about that.

-Recently, I'm hook on a new web novel series I found called Live Dungeon (Link to NU). Since I catch up with the translation, I'll probably read the raw (can't contain my excitement you know). It won't effect my time translating other stuff... I hope.

-If mine translation on 首根っこ are right, Rio probably looks like this:

-Or like this (Sauce: Seitokai Yakuindomo Season 2 Ep 5): 

-I only do this for fun so I can't promise to do daily post but I'll try my best to do weekly post.

-Thanks for reading and if you like the novel or have some suggestion or want me to keep translating it comment down below.

-If you like the translation, please support me by reading it at my site or donate to me by ko-fi.



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