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Let’s Raise the Abandoned Cat Heroes – an Awesome Demon Hunter Who Switched to Being a Teacher, and Is Very Much Missed by His S-Ranked Pupils Chapter 59


Chapter 59

「I'm sorry to keep you waiting. This is Brett-san's updated hero card and Rio-san's, Iris-san's, and Maifa-san's new hero cards.」

The receptionist at the hero guild said this with a smile and handed us each a card from behind the counter.

The first thing I do is check my cards.

The status had moved a bit, but there was no change in the certified brave level.
There were no other major changes.

Meanwhile, as for the three students...


「Fuwaa...... This is my hero card......」

「This might make me quite happy. Oh, I can't stop grinning.」

All three of them looked at their own hero cards with sparkling eyes.
They looks so happy.

By the way, I was also very happy when I got my own hero card for the first time.

I remember feeling like I had been recognized as a real hero, and even after I got home, I kept taking out the card and looking at it with a grin on my face.

The three of them looked at their cards for a moment, and then began to compare them with the other two.

「Huh......? Both Iris and Maifa are certified heroes at level 12. I'm 14?」

「Eeee, Why only Rio?」

「Muu...... I don't understand. Onii-san, what does this mean? Does it mean that me and Iris are weaker than Rio?」

「Hmm, let me see......」

I look at the three hero cards and compare them.
Then, sure enough, the certified hero level was 14 for Rio and 12 for Iris and Maifa.


Name: Rio
Certified hero level: 14
Strength: 36
Agility : 49
Hitting Strength: 35 (T/N: 打たれ強さ)
Magic : 17

Name: Iris
Certified hero level: 12
Strength: 26
Agility : 27
Hitting Strength: 25 
Magic : 37

Name: Maifa
Certified hero level: 12
Strength: 18
Agility : 26
Hitting Strength: 19 
Magic : 52


All three of them are super cute and look perfect in their photos.

I see, with this kind of status, I can understand why Rio is the only one to jump out a bit.

I explain to the three of them.

「The "Certified Hero Level" is calculated based on the sum of the four statuses. It is a vague indicator of the strength of the hero, but it does not represent the absolute strength. In the first place, it does not reflect skills and so on.」


All three of them reacted delicately, as if they were convinced or not.

In addition, the professional demon king hunter who is just starting out has a level of about 6, and the veteran has a level of about 8 is the standard line of the certified hero level, so the certified hero level of these three people is already outstanding compared to the average professional demon king hunter at this stage.

Moreover, all three of them are still growing, so I can't find any other words to describe them other than terrifying.

「Nii-chan can you show me you hero card again?」


At Rio's request, I show her my updated hero card again.

By the way, the status and certified hero level on the hero card is important personal information, and since the brave's ability is explicitly quantified, it is usually handled with great care.

The general value of the brave card is that it is not something to be shown off too much to others, in a similar sense to not telling others your annual income.

But with these three, I don't think there's a need to hide it.

my status was slightly higher than the one on last year's version of the hero card, which looked like this.


Name: Brett
Certified hero level: 21
Strength: 52
Agility : 51
Hitting Strength: 51 
Magic : 36


Compared to last year's version's stats, the stats for Strength, Agility, and Hitting Strength had increased by one point each.

However, just like Rio's mistake in the 100-meter run, the status of the hero card is somewhat affected by the error in measurement and the condition of the card at the time, so it is too early to judge that the ability has improved with this level of growth.

In general, it is said that after three to five years of experience as a professional Demon King hunter, the growth of the hero is almost at a standstill.

Well, I can't say for sure about that, because it is said that it depends on how much of a tight spot you are in on the battlefield and how much you can get through.

But I too, haven't had any major status growth in the past few years.

That may be because I retired from the demon hunter business and no longer experience the predicament and shambles of the battlefield.......

However, looking at it the other way around, experiencing a predicament or a crisis means that you are putting yourself in an environment where you are likely to lose your life, and if you keep doing that, you will eventually lose your life.

「To be truly strong and brave, you must be brave. Bravery lies between recklessness and cowardice」 
These are the words of Ars, the first great hero.
(T/N: 始祖の大勇者)

However, he also said on another occasion...
「I have come to be called a great hero because I happened to be blessed with talent, companions and luck to survive this far among many reckless heroes. That's all.」

In any case, the general view is that the status of a hero is the result of the synergy of talent, experience, and the risks undertaken.

The three of them, Rio, Iris, and Maifa, were comparing my resulting status with the status of their own hero cards.

「Nii-chan, Level 21......I feel like I'm getting pretty close, but it's still a long way off......」

Rio says so, and I poke her forehead with my fingertips.

「Of course. I can't let you guys overtake me so easily, no matter how much I want to.」

「Eheheee. But one day I'm going to catch up with my nii-chan, and when I do, you'll see us as partners, not children.」

When Rio said that to me, I was at a loss for words.

Partners...... in other words, "comrade"
I hadn't really thought about it that way.

At the moment, I feel like I'm the guardian of the three of them, but maybe one day we'll become equal partners, fighting shoulder to shoulder against the Demon King.

And what awaits me beyond that is me......, who will be in a position to be protected by the three of them.

「Eh......? What's wrong with you, teacher? You suddenly kneeled stiffly on the floor and crawled on all fours......」

「I don't know what's gotten into you, onii-san, but it will be fine.」

As I was thinking of my vision for the future, Maifa stroked my head as if I were a child.

By the way, since our strange behavior is now well known in this hero guild, the people around us are looking at us like, 「Again?」

In the first place, there are many hero who are blatantly strange, perhaps because they don't need to fit in with society, and there is nothing we can do about it now.

And now Rio asks me this question as she hands me back my hero card.

「By the way, nii-chan, how strong is the strongest hero in the world? I've never seen a hero stronger than nii-chan, there must be someone better than nii-chan right?」

I responded as I received my own hero card.

「I don't really know how strong the strongest person in the world is. If you're talking about the strongest existing heroes, Manuel the "Demon Emperor" and Oswald the "Warrior God" are the first that comes to mind, but I've never actually met any of them」
(T/N: 魔帝, Demon emperor? 武神, Warrior god?)


「Of all the heroes I've met in person, Cecilia, the Holy Knight of Steel, is the strongest. It was frustrating, but I didn't think I could beat her one-on-one.」
(T/N: 鋼の聖騎士, Hagane no seikishi?)

「It's amazing that they can make teacher say that much. I can't imagine a stronger person than teacher. This Cecilia-san, from her name, is she a female hero?」

I answered Iris's question while patting the girl's head.

「Oh, I met Cecilia-san when I was an active demon king hunter, so it's been many years ago. She said she was twenty-two at the time, so she must be in her late twenties now. I'm pretty sure she said she was based in the area around here, so maybe we'll see each other again.」

I was nodding my head and patting Iris head when I said that.

The door to the Hero's Guild opened with a squeak and a lone female hero in a stained white cloak and plate armor walked in.

(T/N: I can sense rivalry between the girl and cecilia)

【Translator Corner!】

-Next week chapter may got delay because I have stuff to do irl.

-I only do this for fun so I can't promise to do daily post but I'll try my best to do weekly post.

-Thanks for reading and if you like the novel or have some suggestion or want me to keep translating it comment down bellow.

-If you like the translation, please support me by reading it at my site or donate to me by ko-fi. 



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