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Let’s Raise the Abandoned Cat Heroes – an Awesome Demon Hunter Who Switched to Being a Teacher, and Is Very Much Missed by His S-Ranked Pupils Chapter 61


Chapter 61

It was the afternoon of that day when I returned to the village of Lit from the heroes' guild in the city.

As the sun was about to set, Rio and Cecilia, the "Holy Knight of Steel," stood facing each other in the garden in front of the ramshackle hut known as the Heroes Academy.

Cecilia was going to train Rio, but they were both wearing battle-ready equipment.

In other words, Cecilia has plate armor, a shield, and a sword.

Rio is also equipped with a real shortsword that she uses in the actual battle against the Demon King.

By the way, me, Iris, and Maifa are observing at the side.

「Hey, Cecilia-neechan. Are you sure it's safe to use a real sword? I think I probably have more attack power than you think.」

Rio asked anxiously, but Cecilia smiled cheerfully.

「Ah, just though of me as a Demon King that you need to defeat, hit me with all your might. By the way, if you go easy on me I will know it. ......Haha......haha」

「O...okay. I'm going to do my best to beat you or rather, I'm going to knock you down.」

Rio showed the chill that ran down her spine and then faced Cecilia with a serious stance.

Cecilia also ready her sword and shield
The sword, like the shield, is probably going to be used for defense.

「Well then...... I'm going Cecilia-neechan」

「Hmmm, okay」

Just as Cecilia was about to finish saying that, Rio shot out like an arrow.

And in no time at all, she was near Cecilia's chest.


The speed seemed to be slightly faster than Cecilia had predicted.
The skilled female hero shows a bit of surprise.

「I got you... 【Gale sword】!」
(T/N: 疾風剣)

Rio let her fighting spirit shine as she activated the technique, and from there she unleashed an instantaneous multi-stage attack.

【Gale sword】, This is my signature technique and the strongest sword technique that Rio can currently use.

Although the blow is light, the overwhelmingly large number of strikes makes this technique one of the most useful sword techniques in the upper intermediate class.

Cecilia giggled when she saw the technique in action.

Gakinn, Gangann, Gagagagagagann
(T/N: Probably the sound of the shield/armor Cecilia use when being hit by the attack)

The slashes that Rio unleashes strike Cecilia one after another, but...


When she finished her technique, it was Rio who had a look of surprise on her face.

This is because Cecilia was completely unharmed when she was hit by Rio's serious 【Gale sword】.

Cecilia showed little sign of evasion, letting the majority of the slashes hit her plate armor.
Cecilia defended herself with her sword and shield with only a few attack that almost hit the parts of her body that her armor didn't protect.

Cecilia, the "Holy Knight of Steel," has a fighting style in which her armor is clad in her own enormous fighting spirit, repelling enemy attacks with an unbelievable amount of defensive power.

Rio's 【Gale sword】, with its lightness of blow after blow, is the worst match for Cecilia's fighting style, and even if it weren't for that, there would still be a difference in ability.

「Hmmm, its to light. It wont work against strong opponent.」


Cecilia lets go of the sword from her right hand and extends her hand gingerly toward Rio's chest.

Rio looked seriously terrified, and with a bang, she took a large leap backwards, distancing herself from Cecilia.

「Haaa...... Haaa...... it's true, she is stonger than nii-chan」

Rio was looking extremely drained from the momentary engagement she had just had.
It must be using a tremendous amount of concentration.

Cecilia, on the other hand, smiled at Rio with a relaxed expression and picked up her sword again.

「You seem to have good instincts. that the end of Rio-chan's seriousness?」

「No, not yet! If the 【Gale sword】 doesn't work...!」

Rio sprinted toward Cecilia again.

This time, instead of diving straight into Cecilia's chest, she took a large leap forward.

「How about this... 【Rock-cutting sword】!」
(T/N: 斬岩剣)

Rio swung her sword wide in the air and swung it down as she fell towards Cecilia.

The fighting spirit of Rio's sword turned the momentum of the natural fall into power and attacked Cecilia.

However, the heavily armed female hero was completely unfazed.

「Wow, that's an interesting style of 【Rock-cutting sword】. But...」

Cecilia raises the shield on her left arm in front of her and concentrates her fighting spirit on it.

Rio's sword clashed with Cecilia's shield.

Rio's all-out 【Rock-cutting sword】 was easily caught.

「Guu......! I can't even get through with 【Rock-cutting sword】......!」

「It's a good tactic to switch from light multi-stage attacks to heavier ones. But if it looks like it, I'll use my shield.」

Cecilia swung her shield as if she was going to slash it away.


Rio's small body was easily blown away, and she was thrown to the ground after drawing a parabola.

Rio still managed to turn her body acrobatically and landed on the ground, somehow distancing herself from Cecilia again.

「Are you serious......strong......」

「How about it Rio-chan, do you still want to do it?」

With that said, Cecilia smiles again at Rio.

She wasn't even breathing heavily.
(T/N: I don't really get it here, Raw: 息ひとつ上がっていない。)

Rio, who was supposed to have acquired considerably higher skills than the average professional demon hunter, was treated completely like a child.

In response, Rio thought for a moment, then sheathed her sword and raised her hands.

「No, I won't. I don't feel like I can win at all right now. Cecilia-neechan is really strong. Just as what nii-chan said」

「Fufu...... "right now", but it is true that Rio has a lot of talent. So, here's the deal.」

Cecilia said, and walked up to a large tree that stood behind the ramshackle hut at the Heroes Academy.

Then she beckoned Rio over to her.

「Well then Rio-chan, can you cut down this big tree with one blow?」

Cecilia asks Rio.

The trunk of the tree was so thick that I could not hold it even with my arms outstretched, and normally I would have to hit it with an axe dozens of times to cut it down.

「Eeeeh!? No, it's impossible to do it in one hit. You can't swing sideways with 【Rock-cutting sword】, if I hit 【Smash】 several times in the same place, I may be able to cut it down......」

「Well, I guess that's about it. So, one more question. Do you think me or Brett-kun could cut down this tree with one blow?」

When she was asked that, Rio thought about it.

「No, even if it is Nii-chan or Cecilia-neechan I don't think its possible, right?」

「Yes, you're right. It's hard for me and Brett-kun to cut down this tree with a single blow. I mean, not with the usual series of strikes and heavy-hitting techniques. Watch me.」

After saying that, Cecilia held her sword at her waist and put her fighting spirit into her sword body.
And then...

「【Moonlight Sword】!」

Cecilia's sword flashed.
The blade of the longsword swung out, leaving a half-moon afterimage of fighting spirit, which slowly disappeared.

And then...

The large tree, cut in half diagonally by Cecilia's sword, fell with a clatter.

「No way......! Amazing......」

When Rio witnessed it she was surprised with her eyes rounded.

【Moonlight Sword】, it's a technique that Cecilia taught me once, but I couldn't master it.

It is said that this technique not only makes the sword clothed with fighting spirit, but also passes the fighting spirit through the blade of the sword so that it becomes one with the blade of the sword, thereby transcending the limits of physical attacks.

Its characteristic is that, in addition to its normally high attack power, it ignores the attack target's defense halfway.

But Cecilia's instruction did not end there.

(T/N: I don't know what she is trying to say probably no meaning, Raw: どっせーい!)

Cecilia went around the end of the large tree, which was about to fall, and supported it with her arms outstretched to hold it.
The large tree that was on the verge of falling down stopped immediately.

A huge tree, dozens of times the size of Cecilia's own body, supported by her alone, is a sight that would make any normal person doubt their eyes.

Cecilia went on to say...

【Translator Corner!】

-Things have calmed down for me so next week chapter will probably posted on time or early.

-I only do this for fun so I can't promise to do daily post but I'll try my best to do weekly post.

-Thanks for reading and if you like the novel or have some suggestion or want me to keep translating it comment down below.

-If you like the translation, please support me by reading it at my site or donate to me by ko-fi. 



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