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Let’s Raise the Abandoned Cat Heroes – an Awesome Demon Hunter Who Switched to Being a Teacher, and Is Very Much Missed by His S-Ranked Pupils Chapter 76


Chapter 76

......Chirp, chirp

I woke up in daze on my bed as I heard birds chirping from outside my room at the inn.

「Ah..., its already morning...... Hey, girls, wake up...」

I called out to my students, who were sleeping next to me.

We have to stayed up late yesterday and the day before.
So it can't be help to feel a little weak in the morning.

「Good grief, you are making such a cute sleeping face.」

I gently stroke Iris's hair as she snoozes on the bed in front of me.

She really did look like an angel sleeping......

Then I stopped moving.

Hold on.
Something is not right.

Why is Iris asleep in front of me...... in the same bed as me?

No, it's not just Iris.
Rio and Maifa are also sleeping in the same bed as me, hugging me.

My blood starts to flow rapidly.

......This is bad.
I don't know what's bad about it, but it's just bad.

What in the world is going on here.
What happened to me and these girls last night......?

I'm totally panic and can't think straight.

That...... can't be true.
Particularly me, that kind of thing is......
(T/N: Might be wrong here, Raw: 俺に限って、そんなことは──)


As I was confused, the angel in front of me...... Iris woke up.

And when she finds my face in front of her, she smiles and opens her mouth softly

「Ah, sensei....... Good morning, sensei.」

「Go...Good... Good morning, Iris」

「Did you have a good sleep too, sensei? I was able to sleep peacefully thanks to you, sensei.」

「Is... Is that so. That's good to know.」

Iris' attitude is natural.
Nothing seemed out of the ordinary.

The only one behaving suspiciously was me.

In the meantime, the other two who had been clinging to me...... Rio and Maifa also woke up.

「Hmmm...... Fuaaaaaaa. Unyu~, niichan, good morning......」

「......Good morning, oniisan......  You're so full of energy first thing in the morning. ......I'm still sleepy.」

The two girls over here didn't look any different.
It was like a normal, everyday morning scene.

......All right, calm down, myself.
I need to remember exactly what happened last night.

The first thing I remember is that last night at midnight, we had an encounter with some vampires through the door of the inn.

After exchanging a few words with Cecilia, and the Vampire Lord, I remember them leaving.

And after that, I don't know what I did......

That's right.
I was about to go to sleep to get ready for tomorrow when there was a knock on the door of the room I was staying in.

It was Iris who visited my room.

I had rented a three-person room separate from mine for my students, so it was strange that Iris would come to my room at this time.

When I asked her 「what was wrong」, Iris replied

「Sensei...... can I ask you to fulfill your promise in the daytime now......?」

I opened the door of my room and Iris, in her pajamas, squirmed shyly in front of me as she said this.

The daytime promise is probably the "reward" that Iris demanded when she saved the villagers from being turned into vampire spawn by 【Ultimate Heal】.
I think she wanted to sleep with me at night or something.

Then Iris continued.

「The Vampire Lord has left, but I just can't sleep because I'm so anxious. ......So, please, sensei. Can I sleep in your bed with you......?」

I was in trouble, of course, but I couldn't go back on a promise I'd made to my student.
It is a request that must be fulfilled eventually.

And if she can't sleep because of anxiety, I'd like to support her in that.

In that case, I accepted Iris's offer.

But even though Iris is a student, her body is now that of a proper woman.

Rather, it possesses such a terrifying appeal that it can be called a weapon of rational destruction for men with healthy desires.

I'm a healthy man, and I feel that sleeping with Iris right now is a very bad idea.

However, I knew that what Iris was requesting was for me to sleep with her as a child, so it was just a matter of me putting aside my evil thoughts and doing my best to act like a "mature adult".

I did my best.
As I got into bed with Iris, I fought desperately against the evil thoughts that were attacking me from within.

I'm a teacher.
A teacher should never lay a hand on their student.

It was a hopeless battle.
Gently snuggling up to me, Iris was soft and warm and smelled so good that I almost lost the battle with myself more than once.

Then another assassin came to my room.

「Niichan, it's not fair if its just Iris! I want to sleep with niichan too!」

「......Oniisan, I'm anxious too. ......I'm anxious not only today, but tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.」

I thought I saw Iris puff out her cheeks when she saw the new assassins who had visited my room, but that aside.

When I got to that point, I was in the mood to take the poison and eat it too.

Therefore, my three students were going to sleep in the same bed with me.

After that, I don't remember much more about what happened.
At any rate, all I remember is that I experienced a lot of soft and pleasant sensations.

And this morning...... now.

As usual, I couldn't remember some of the things I did, but I'm sure it was safe to say that I didn't do anything inappropriate to my students.

It's safe, it's safe.
That's what I told myself.

「All... All right. Let's get up, wash our faces, and have breakfast.」

I did so, and tried to get out of bed as if nothing had happened.

The time of trial had passed.
All I had to do was to treat my students as I always have, with an unconcerned expression on my face, and everything would be fine.

All is well. All green.
That's what I thought.

But then......

「Oh, what's this, the door to your room is unlocked? I'm coming in, kid.」

There was a hopeless sound as the door to the room opened.

I have never cursed the lack of common sense that is common among heroes as I did at this moment.

Fearfully, I looked toward the entrance of the room.

On the other side of the open door, there were two figures.

One is an old man.
One is a muscular, shirtless, tattooed hulking man.

I think we were told that the backup would arrive before noon......

However, the presence I felt from the two of them was definitely not an ordinary person.
These two must be the Demon Hunters that Cedric had sent to assist us.

But that's about it.

「......What's this, did I interrupted something, I'm sorry, sorry. However, in a place where there are Vampire Lords, you seem to be quite determined. Either you are an idiot or a big shot」

(T/N: Raw: ──バタン。)
Before I could say anything else, the door to the room was closed.

To me, that sounded like the closing of the door to being a decent member of society......

「Oops. I think we've been caught in a bad spot.」

「Ahaha,  that can't be. ......Hmm, hey sensei? Hey, sensei, are you okay......?」

「......He doesn't look fine. ......His soul is slipping out of his mouth.」

I turned completely white and set off into the sky, hearing the voices of my students somewhere in the distance.

【Translator Corner!】

-I only do this for fun so I can't promise to do daily post but I'll try my best to do weekly post.

-Thanks for reading and if you like the novel or have some suggestion or want me to keep translating it comment down below.

-If you like the translation, please support me by reading it at my site or donate to me by ko-fi.



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