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Let’s Raise the Abandoned Cat Heroes – an Awesome Demon Hunter Who Switched to Being a Teacher, and Is Very Much Missed by His S-Ranked Pupils Chapter 67


Chapter 67

We came close to our destination house.

Yesterday it was the middle of the night, and now it was a little past breakfast time.
The sky was reasonably bright, if not quite clear.

The door and window of the house were closed.

Of course, it was the same last night, but still, if the house lights were on at night, the lights would have been visible through the gaps in the doors.

By contrast to last night, I could see a few villagers around me now.

The four of us seemed to stand out... partly because the students were all beautiful girls, and partly because we were all armed with weapons... the villagers were glancing at us.

We walked up to the door of the house we wanted to visit.

I signaled Rio, Iris, and Maifa with my eyes, and took the last step to knock on the door.

「Umm, excuse me. I'm a Demon King Hunter dispatched from the Heroes's Guild, is anyone there? I'd like to ask you a few questions.」

I call out to them.
We wait for a while but there's no response.

A few moments later, however, a languid voice answered from behind the door.

「......I'm sorry, but you have to leave. I've just been asleep.」

A man's voice.
But the voice seemed to be eerie, as if it were echoing from the depths of the earth.

I look at the faces of my three students.
Rio, Iris, and Maifa all had tense expressions on their faces.

I nodded to the three of them, then called out through the door again.

「You say you were asleep, but there was no light in the house at dinner last night, was there? Were you asleep then, too?」

I asked, and wait again for a few moments.
Then another blunt reply came back.

「......Ah, that's right. If you understand, get the hell out of here.」

「I heard from the village head that you were a family of three, but did the whole family sleep all the time?」

Now I'm going to try and mix in some fakes.

In reality, I heard that it was actually a 'family of four' not a 'family of three'.
If a complete stranger is impersonating you, you might get ripped off.

「......That's right. And we're a family of four. Did you really talk to the village chief? You're a suspicious person.」

He didn't fall for the fake I set up.

What's this about......?
Did you really just sleep since dinner last night?

「I'm sorry, but may I please open the door and come in? You've heard about the missing persons case, right? We're investigating that. Please cooperate.」

When I said that...

This time, I waited for a while, but did not get a response.
The place went silent.

It was obvious that something was wrong.
There are many ways to find out the composition of the family living in this house...

We're going to have to force our way through this one.

I made eye contact with my students again.
Then I put my hand on the handle of the door of the house.

I tried to push the door open, but it was locked and would not open.

I have no choice.
I took my hand off the door...


I kicked at the door with my foot as hard as I could.

With a loud bang, the wooden door blew off its hinges and slammed into the house, separating it from the entrance.

Now, I'm very sorry if this is where ordinary villagers live, but...

Should I say fortunately or unfortunately?
What I saw there was not an ordinary scene.

Inside the dimly lit house.
As soon as I opened the door, there's a wooden coffin... placed on the floor.

The lid of the coffin was open and the inside was filled with moist "soil".

I sensed something ominous about the "soil".
It's called a hero's intuition.

However, the miasma emitted seems to be slightly different from the miasma emitted by the Demon King.
It's more like the presence of an undead monster...

And that's when it hit me.
Many of the areas I had been wondering about were connected by a single thread, and it all made sense clearly.

I pulled my sword from its sheath at my waist and gave instructions to my students using only my voice.

「Rio, Iris, Maifa! Evacuate the surrounding villagers as far away from here as possible! What we have here... is a vampire!」

And I, myself, carefully stepped into the house.


It's a kind of undead monster, but it's one of the most powerful and troublesome of them all, and it has a number of special nature.

As the name vampire implies, they attacks humans and sucks their living blood, but they also has the ability to revive people who have been sucked dry by them as undead monsters called vampire spawn.

The vampire spawn has memories of their life before, but they are imbued with an evil nature and an urge for violence, killing and bloodsucking.
At the same time, they are a loyal servant to the vampire who created them.

On the other hand, an even bigger problem is the combat power of vampires and their spawn.
This is pretty bad.

Vampires themselves are not demon kings, and in that sense they are "just monsters," but they are still so powerful that ordinary Demon King hunters would have to work together to defeat them.

And even the bastard spawn are monsters, with each one possessing a fighting strength that rivals that of any hero.

With my abilities, it's not an opponent I can't deal with at all, as long as I don't make any mistakes.

Especially now, in the morning, the sun is shining, though weakly.

Sunlight is a weakness for vampires, and they have a tendency to take heavy damage and eventually burn and melt away if they are continually exposed to sunlight.

In other words, now that it is daytime, the situation is in our favor.
If the need arose, I could get out of the house, out into the sunlight.

If that's the case, we should launch a strong attack and defeat them all at once so that we don't let them escape here and cause more damage.

Even though I've retired from my position as an active hunter of demon lords, I don't intend to fall behind so easily against an opponent of this caliber.


As I stepped into the house, one of the vampire spawn scream and attacked me from the side of the entrance.

The vampire spawn are generally human in appearance, but their pale skin, sharp claws and canine teeth, and above all their eerily red glowing eyes indicate that they are no longer human, but monsters.

He held out his arms and tried to grab me, but it was a very slow move for me, since I was always dealing with an agile monster named Rio.

I back-stepped out of the house to dodge the blow, which must have been intended as a surprise attack.

Then, when the opponent lost his balance, I lunged in with a blink of an eye and struck him with a sword thrust.

The skin of a human turn vampire spawn becomes a little harder, but that doesn't matter to me.

My sword, imbued with magical power, pierced the vampire spawn's chest at an angle and went all the way through to its back.


The vampire spawn screams, but it's not someone you should show mercy to.
Besides, it is not a monster that destroyed at this level.

I pulled out my sword and kicked the spawn as hard as I could.
The spawn blasts off into the depths of the house, crashing and collapsing into the wall that was in the way.

And I walk toward it...


I hit it with fire element magic.

The four flaming bullets I created all hit the spawn that were trying to get up and set it ablaze.

Then, after the flames had died down, I saw the spawn that had stopped moving.

It's hard to believe that a spawn driven by the killing instinct would pretend to die, and it's safe to assume that I've defeated it with the damage from earlier.

「But... I don't think it's one of those things.」
(T/N: I don't really get it here. Raw: けど──一体ってこともないだろうな)

I stepped into the house again.

Then, from behind a door at the back of the room, three vampire spawn appeared in a row.

Their forms are slightly different from the first, but there will be no significant difference in their individual combat power.

「Three of them huh...... Well, what should I do?」

Even as I was taking it easy, the spawns were attacking me.

First of all, instead of greeting I though I should give him 【Gale Sword】 , I held my sword...

「......【Firebolt】 from the right hand, 【Firebolt】 from the left as well... go!」

Bam bam bam bam bam bamm!

A total of ten fire arrow were fired from behind me, rushing towards the three vampire spawn.

When the flaming arrow land, they envelop the spawn in flames.
It's not like I can be defeated by something like this, but...

But then again...... good grief.
They really didn't listen aren't they.

「......Oniisan, I'll join you...... Rio and Iris are enough to guide the villagers to evacuate.」

「I understand. I don't care if you come...... but don't let you guard down, Maifa.」

「......It will be fine...... I'll use my oniisan as a shield, so as long as you doesn't get hit, I'm safe」

「Is that so. Well that's a relief.」

I exchanged some light words with one of my students who stood next to me.

【Translator Corner!】

-I really hope Cecilia are fine.

-Sorry for the delay, I'm fine now the sickness have gone away but work still hectic as usual.

-I only do this for fun so I can't promise to do daily post but I'll try my best to do weekly post.

-Thanks for reading and if you like the novel or have some suggestion or want me to keep translating it comment down below.

-If you like the translation, please support me by reading it at my site or donate to me by ko-fi.



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