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Let’s Raise the Abandoned Cat Heroes – an Awesome Demon Hunter Who Switched to Being a Teacher, and Is Very Much Missed by His S-Ranked Pupils Chapter 66


Chapter 66

I first contacted the heroes' guild to report the situation, and then I took action.

It's midnight.
I take my three students for a walk around the village.

In the darkness of the night, each of us had one magical light in our hands, created by the magic of 【Light】.

At this time of night, there was not a single person to be seen outside the house.
It was probably because the village chief had strictly ordered not to go out at night.

However, lights are leaking from inside the house, and I can hear the voices of families talking together.

There was also the smell of meat and other delicious food in the air, and Rio's stomach growled when she smelled it.

「U~, I should have eaten first, niichan. I'm starving~

「Be patient. A full stomach makes you sleepy and reduces your concentration. A little bit of hunger is just right for a hero to work.

「It's harder to concentrate on an empty stomach~!

「All right, all right. I'll give you a full meal when we get back to the inn after rounds.

「A~, come on already! I don't know what's going on, but if there's a culprit, come out quickly! Then we can just kick his ass and have dinner at the inn.

Rio mumbled a complaint.
It might have been better to come after eating even one piece of bread.

「Come on, Rio! You're too selfish and too relaxed. You don't even know when you're going to be attacked, do you? Isn't that right, sensei......?

Iris said, looking up next to me to see how I was looking.

I placed my hand on Iris's head and gave her a light pat to indicate that she had done well.

「Yeah, Iris is right, Rio, if you let your guard down like that, you'll get hurt sooner or later.」

When I warned her, Rio's mouth twitched in annoyance.

On top of that, Iris snuggled even closer to me in a hug-like distance, then looked at Rio and giggled.

When Rio saw this, she became even more annoyed.

「What's with that, niichan? You're just loving Iris like that.」

「You know what? This is not the time to talk about it. And Iris, don't make fun of Rio. You're both too relax.」


Both Rio and Iris replied with a slightly disapproving voice, but they were willing to listen to me.
Well, this attitude is also cute.

But even though they're getting better at being a hero, they're still kids at heart, aren't they?
No, it doesn't look like you're spoiled because I'm here.

However, it is also true that as the girls gain in ability, they are beginning to show glimpses of pride.

It's easy to say that confidence is necessary, but pride is not good - but in reality, these two are two sides of the same coin, so it's quite difficult.

On the other hand, Maifa was surprisingly cautious in such a situation.

「......Rio, Iris, you really have to be careful...... Don't forget that Cecilia oneesan has also disappeared.」

「I'm fine, I haven't forgotten. That's why we're doing a night rounds to look for Cecilia neechan.」

Rio replied, but Maifa shook her head.

「...... That's not it...... I'm talking about the something that we're about to face might be the something that even Cecilia oneesan's couldn't defeat.」

When Rio and Iris heard this, they looked as if they had been splashed with cold water.

「Ah...... is that so, so that might be...... 」

「Yes, that's right...... I mean, if the enemy is something that even Cecilia-san can't match......」

A serious expression dwells on both of their faces.

Yes, what Maifa said are right.

Even though the form of the threat has not yet been determined, the possibility that someone with more power than Cecilia is involved in the incident cannot be dismissed.

However, it is also said that there are not many opponents in this world that Cecilia cannot compete with in terms of ability.

In terms of simple individual combat power, it would be impossible to surpass Cecilia unless you brought a monster that was originally powerful, such as a giant, demon, or demon king, or even a monster of the Ancient Dragon class.
(T/N: Isn't she too powerful?)

So what Maifa is saying can be viewed as overthinking......

However, it is not something that can be ignored as a possibility.
Even if that's not the case, Cecilia has been saying and doing some inexplicable things.

In the absence of sufficient information, we should not be easily optimistic.
And as I was thinking about that...

「Huh......? Hey, Sensei, there's no light on in that house. I wonder if it's vacant.」

Iris, who had been clinging to me, pointed to a house that she spotted.

The house was certainly not lit, unlike the other houses.
There was no sign of smoke coming out of the chimney.

It was hard to imagine that the whole family was already asleep at this time.
So it would be natural to assume that Iris was right and that the house was vacant.

「Yeah, I guess so. Well, it's not unusual for there's at least one empty house.」

「I wondered what it was. It feel different from the other houses, so I thought there might be something there.」

「Oh, I like your perspective, Iris. It's important for a hero to be observant enough to notice such minor irregularities.」

I said, and patted Iris on the head again.
Iris giggled "Ehehee", and look happy.

Rio and Maifa stare at it.

「Just as what I thought, Niichan only like Iris.」

「...... This feel unfair...... Oniisan should give me a lot of pat later.」

「Is that so? I don't think I'm treating that much of a difference......」

「They both just forget what it's like to be loved...... From what I can see, Rio and Maifa seem to get a lot more attention than me.」

Maybe Iris is right about that.

I don't keep a count of how many times I've patted anyone, but I don't think I've ever favoured any one person......

So, while doing such a thing, we went around the night......

So, as it turned out, nothing happened that day.

The story was about a boy and a girl who went out in the middle of the night and disappeared, so I was expecting some kind of kidnapper to set up a trap, but I was wrong.

However, it wasn't as if we didn't get anything out of it.

This is because when I went to the village chief's house the next morning to report the patrol.

When we were reporting on the results of last night's patrol, I mentioned the vacant house that Iris had found, and the village chief, upon hearing this, said.

「Hmmm......? That house is not vacant. I'm sure there is a family of four still living there...... No, I don't remember seeing anyone from that house for the past few days......」

「Eh......? But I thought you said that the only people who disappeared were the four boys and the girl and Cecilia-san.」

When I prodded him, the village chief bowed his head in fear.

「I'm really sorry. The number of people I've heard of going missing is four...... There have been no more reports of disappearance since I ordered not to go out at night......」

I see.
That just means there have been no "reports" of disappearances, but in reality...

No, we don't know yet, we'll have to check.

「I understand. Then we will go to the house now to check on the situation. If the need arises, you don't mind us barging in, do you?」

「Yes. Please take care of it.」

With the village chief bowing, I signaled Rio, Iris and Maifa with my eyes.

Then my students and I went to the house where the lights were not on last night.

【Translator Corner!】

-Sorry for the delay, work have been hectic lately and I'm a little bit sick at the moment.

-The chief just got more and more suspicious, don't you think?

-Next week chapter may got delay because I have stuff to do irl.

-I only do this for fun so I can't promise to do daily post but I'll try my best to do weekly post.

-Thanks for reading and if you like the novel or have some suggestion or want me to keep translating it comment down below.

-If you like the translation, please support me by reading it at my site or donate to me by ko-fi



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