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Let’s Raise the Abandoned Cat Heroes – an Awesome Demon Hunter Who Switched to Being a Teacher, and Is Very Much Missed by His S-Ranked Pupils Chapter 68


Chapter 68

The vampire spawn were burned by Maifa's 【Firebolt】, but of course it wasn't like three of them were wiped out by that one shot.

Rather, not even one of them is fazed, the three of them shook off the flames and attacked us in a rage.

「Maifa, stay back!」

「.....Got it.」

Maifa obediently follows my instructions and retreats.
I stood in front of Maifa to protect her.

No, I guess it's not the same as following my instructions and backing down.

Maifa is Maifa, and she is thinking and moving on her own.
I guess it's really a matter of tactical thinking and agreeing with me.

Maifa is a typical rear-guard type of hero.

She can handle a spear and her body movements are not bad, but her strongest point is her high magic attack power as an attack magic turret.

I, on the other hand, am a relative all-rounder, but I have a status that is more suited to standing as the vanguard.

If it's a combination of me and Maifa, it's only natural that we'll be split up into the vanguard and rearguard.


One of the vampire spawn rushes head-on to grab me.

It was an attack that threw off all defenses.
Do you see us as superior and think you can catch us in a fight.

And what awaited them after they were caught would be a bloodsucking attack with those sharp fangs.

Meanwhile, from behind them, another two spawn run out to the left and right.
They're trying to get through me and attack Maifa who is behind me.

That's a pretty nasty move.
It's hard to prevent them all.


「【Gale Sword】!」


I first used my 【Gale Sword】 to slice up the spawn that came from the front.

The spawn that received the total of twelve slashes was blown to the back with it and crashed into the wall, becoming motionless.
That's one.

However, the remaining two pass through my left and right and attack Maifa...

「You're not going anywhere!」

I forcefully shook off the posture collapse after the 【Gale Sword】, I reached out with my left hand, grabbed spawn's hand that was about to pass by on my left side, and forcibly dragged him down to the floor.

I also lose my posture and fall to the floor, but that's okay.

The spawn squirms in confusion and tries to lash out, but I subdue it by force.

「Maifa! I leave the other one to you!」

As soon as I shouted that...

「......Oniichan, you're too amazing...... but thanks to you, I can fight with ease ......【Firebolt】!」

Maifa once again released a double cast of 【Firebolt】.

All ten fire bombs slammed into the one remaining spawn, which burst into flames and crumbled to the floor.

Now all that's left is the one I'm holding down.
It seems unlikely that any more reinforcements will appear from the back of the house.

I shout to the spawn I've seized.

「Hey, where's your master, the true vampire! Why have you been hiding here, and under what orders!」

「Gauuuuuuuu! Guruaaaaaa! Human hero......! That person are the one who will rule the world......! You're just inferior human, don't get to cocky......!」

The spawn shouted back, jerking and flailing, but they were unlikely to speak any useful information.

In addition, if I'm not careful, it will try to bite me with its fangs anywhere on my body.
It is much worse than any kind of fierce or magical beast.

「Damn it...... it can't be help, go to sleep!」

I hit the rampaging spawn in the head three times with a headbutt enhanced with fighting spirit.

the spawn was struck in the head one after the other and eventually lost all strength in his body.

This made the last spawn unable to fight.
The battle is over.

I move away from the spawn and stand up, brushing the dust from my body.

「Fuuu...... looks like it's going to be hard to get any info from the spawn.」

「......Oniichan, you're amazing...... the things you do are so forceful and powerful.」

Maifa said admiringly, and came over to me.

「Well, you know. It's not all about fighting.」

「......I'm not sure how I would feel if oniichan came on to me with such forcefulness...... Oniichan I'd like you to try to kabedon me like that next time.」
(T/N: I don't think I need to explain "kabedon" but I'll put example on the Translator Corner! just in case)

「......Ah, we'll talk about that another time.」

I replied with a bitter smile.
But Maifa's tension-free words were kind of lovable.

I'm grateful for this kind of thing, because it's easy to break the thread that keeps me tense even when I'm feeling serious all the time.

Aside from that.
We then took a walk around the house, but there was no sign of any other vampire spawn lurking about.

Instead, they found three more coffins filled with dirt in the back room.

Vampires and their spawn use the "unholy soil" as their bed.
(T/N: Raw: 不浄なる土, Fujounaru tsuchi?)

And if they don't sleep at least once a day in a place where there is "unholy soil," they become weaker and weaker, just like people who stay up all night.

In short, they are troublesome monsters with the restriction that they can only sleep on their own futon.
(T/N: Futon = Japanese bed)
The vampire, an undead monster, is a powerful creature with many weaknesses and limitations.

Anyway, after checking the inside of the house, I took Maifa with me and left the residence where the spawn had been living.

Then Iris, who seemed to have finished guiding the villagers to evacuate, came back.
When Iris sees us, she runs up to us.

「Sensei! How was it in there? And Maifa, were you okay?」

「The vampire spawn, there were four vampires that had sucked the blood and turned into a monster. But I killed them all with Maifa's help, she were unharmed.」

(T/N: Probably the way Japanese said the word "V")

Maifa makes a peace sign with her fingers and shows it to Iris.
She seemed a little proud of herself.


「By the way, Iris, how's Rio?」

I ask Iris.

Looking around, I could not find the eldest of the three sisters.

「Ah, umm...... aren't she back yet? we were splitting up and evacuating the people from the village who were in the opposite direction.」

「Hmm, I see. Well, she'll be back in a while.」

After waiting for a while, eventually Rio come back.

When Rio spotted us from a distance, she came running up to us.

「Sorry for the wait, niichan...... How did it go, the enemy in the house?」

「Oh. I worked with Maifa and defeat all of the vampire minions inside.」

「He, hee. So it was the vampire's minion that were inside.」

「Yeah...... but Rio what happened to you? Is there something bugging you?」

「U, uun, it's nothing. Anyway, what are you going to do now, niichan?」

「Aa...... firstly. Let's try to heal the vampire spawn we killed.」

「......healing the monster that you just defeated?」

Iris interjects from the side.
I put my hand on Iris's hair and patted it.

「Aaa...... it's Iris's turn.」

「Hoe......? my turn......?」

When I patted her, Iris tilted her head adorably, squinting her eyes like a cat.

【Translator Corner!】

-Hello there, really sorry for the long delay there's a lot of things that had been going around (Kaichou graduation for example). This chapter take a lot more time then the previous chapter probably because I slack my Japanese lesson to much.

-Kabedon from Blend S:

-I only do this for fun so I can't promise to do daily post but I'll try my best to do weekly post.

-Thanks for reading and if you like the novel or have some suggestion or want me to keep translating it comment down below.

-If you like the translation, please support me by reading it at my site or donate to me by ko-fi.



  1. thanks for chap
    10/10 whatever rio didn't tell now was important/something happened to her

    and TL san Kabedon the pic clearly not suitable(as the terrible height match doesn't help with blocking the way)

    1. No problem mate!
      I've got plenty of other example for kabedon but if you ask me the best one, this definitely at the top


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