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Otherworldly Memorial ~ I thought it was an RPG, but it turned out to be a gal game world, but I'm going to play many rounds and try to capture all the characters! ~ Chapter 20


Otherworldly Memorial 【Chapter 20】

In the morning, when I opened the shoe box, there was no letter and chocolate there...... 
Don't be impatient, I just want chocolate.

For some reason, it's common in manga to find them in shoe boxes, but common sense dictates that you wouldn't put food in a shoe box.
Calm down, the day has only just begun.

Even in a life where there is no sign that I will get any at all, maybe? I'm so excited.
(T/N: Don't really get this, Raw: 全く貰える予兆がない人生でも、もしかして? とソワソワする。)
If it's a gal game, I will get chocolate, right? I'm so excited.
Even the romantic comedy manga in shonen magazines get excited about the Valentine's Day episode this week.
That's what Valentine's Day is all about.

Although this world has different food cultures, it seems that chocolate is what people give on Valentine's Day.

The first period began.
None of the girls in my classmates are close to me.
Not yet. It's not the right time to get it.

Second period was over.
I somewhat walked to the bathroom far away.
But nothing happened.

It was lunchtime.
What should I do? Someone might come to visit.
For now, I'll just sit in my seat.

......It's been about five minutes.

「Uwaa, he's been waiting without eating lunch, hoping he might get some chocolate」

What if the people around me think like that!?
Embarrassing, too embarrassing.
I couldn't take it anymore, so I left the classroom staggering.

I decide to eat the lunch Mai made for me in the courtyard.
If I eat alone, it's to make it easier for people to talk to me, it's not because I don't have any friends.

I opened my lunch box and to my surprise it was made of chocolate! Mai~!
......Of course, there was no such thing as inari sushi, but rather the so-called inari sushi that I recreated and taught the recipe to.

It's cold.
Of course, no one eats lunch in the courtyard in February.
I'm an idiot......

After I finished my lunch, I went back to the classroom.
There's something in my desk that I don't recognize!
Is this by any chance......!?

What I took out with anticipation was a pink wrapped box!
Is... Is it finally!
When I carefully peeled off the wrapping paper, I found it was a ~moe reference book Learning about slavery in the world with maids~.
I mean, isn't this mine.

「Ah, I returned the one I borrowed.」

It's you, Yoshitomo!
Why do you have to wrap it in pink!
When I glared at him with a demonic expression, Yoshitomo said, 「I'm sorry it took me so long to return it.」

Well, fine. He's the kind of guy who doesn't get chocolate.
I'll forgive him. 

「Oh, by the way, I got some chocolate from your sister. Thanks.」
(T/N: What!? This mean war!)

Wha... What did you just said......
What... did... you... just... said.........!?

「......What do you mean?」
「Stop grabbing me by the collar, will you! she just gave me as a thanks for taking care of you!」

I didn't even get a chocolate from my sister......
Even if it is obligatory chocolate I won't forgive you......

「There's no need to cry, Lotto.」

Yoshitomo said in disbelief.
Am I...... crying......?
Afternoon classes began, but the sound of my sobbing never stopped in the classroom.

The class was over and it was after school.
I didn't get any chocolate, and it was after school.
Not yet. It's not over yet.
I think we have club activities now.
If I go to the cooking club, Sara-san will be there!

As I was about to enter the cooking room, I quickly closed the door I had opened.
This was because a senior member of the cooking club was handing out chocolates inside.
What's this feeling of seeing something I shouldn't......
I don't feel like going into the kitchen, which is creating a sweet and sour atmosphere.

I left the kitchen in a hurry.
I have nowhere to go.
There's no place for me to stay.
What could be more lonely than that?

I was hoping that I might get some chocolates.
Because I had such a faint hope.
I never got any before as I go to all male school, so it was easier for me to give up as I have a reason before.
It was still better to be in a situation where there was no way I could get it.
It's such a hard thing to expect to get something and not get it.
I wondered if all the boys at the co-ed school were feeling this way.
I can't believe I was so envious.

Let's go home.
I accept my despair and start walking.

「Ah, there you are. What's wrong with you? You look like an outfielder who missed out on the National Championship because of his own error.」

Jaana-san spoke to me with her usual cheerful smile.
She bent at the waist and put her hands behind her back.

「Mufufu~ Tada~」

She looked up at me and held out her hand, which was behind her back.
There was a cutely wrapped box there.

「I'm giving it to you~, aren't you happy?」

Yes...... I'm so happy.
I can't express my happiness in words at all.
I wondered if there was such a thing in the world that I could be grateful for.
I fell to my knees and clasped my hands tightly together in tears of joy.
Like praying to a savior who rescued you from hell.

「I can't tell you how happy I am. Thank you so much.」
「Wait, you're so happy that it kinda scared me...... well, I guess I'm glad.」

Jaana-san blushed as she scratched her cheeks with her fingers.
Satisfied that I was holding the chocolate she gave me to my chest, she waved and left.
I was so moved that I couldn't move and froze for a while, and then I felt a presence approaching me.

「Praying in the middle of the corridor, do you even believe in your sister?」

Sara-san said in a cruel voice as she looked down at me on one knee.

「No, I just wanted to thank god for something.」
「Is that so? Why don't you come to the club?」

I stand up and look at Sara-san's face.

「Have you been waiting for me, by any chance?」
「Ha? It's not like I'm waiting for you. I just had a few business to run.」

Sara-san's lips pouted.
This reaction, it can't be!?

「Are you, by any chance, angry because I didn't show up when you're trying to give your chocolate in the kitchen?」
「Wha... that's not true. You're getting carried away, aren't you?」

She was clearly upset.
I see, I get it.

「I see, you're right. There's no way you'd give me chocolate. Ah, that's sad.」

I covered my face with my hands and tried to sound more sorrowful and depressed than ever.

「Were... Were you really that shocked? That you can't get chocolate from me?」
「No, I didn't think I'd get it, but I thought if I did, I would be so happy.」
「I... I see? You're that happy huh?」
「Isn't it obvious? It's Sara-san's chocolate, okay? I'll never forget it.」
「He, He~. I see」
(T/N: I don't know the equivalent of this in English so I leave it as it is, Raw: へ、へ~。そうなんだ)

Then Sara-san glanced off to the upper left, folded her arms, and coughed softly.

「Actually, I have one chocolate leftover, so you can have it.」

I make a gut pose in my mind.
I knew she was going to give it to me all along!
She lied to me about having a leftover.
I giggled inside my hands that covered my face, and I turned on the offensive.

「But it's just an obligatory chocolate you're giving me out of pity. I fell bad, sorry......」

I slump my shoulders, look down, and say gloomily.
Of course, it was an act.

「Ah, it's not pity. I've prepared it properly.」
「Huh? You're just giving it to me because you have some leftover, right?」

Blushing, Sara makes a paper shape with her hand in front of her mouth.
She's usually a cool beauty, so I can't help but find her comical expressions cute.

「You have no choice, you don't like it, but you're giving it to me as an obligatory, right?」

I make an unconfident sound as I peek out from below.

「No, it's not, okay? It's not like that.」
「What do you mean? You don't hate it?」
「I don't hate it.」
「Isn't it obligatory?」
「It's not obligatory.」
「You mean, you like it? A real chocolate?」
「Yes yes, yes I like it, it's a real...... What are you trying to make me say!?」

She flails her hands around and stomps her feet on the ground.
I cover my mouth tightly with my right hand and try my best to hold back the grin that's about to appear.

「Eat your leftover chocolate, idiot.」

She shoved a chocolate onto my chest and ran away, pouting and angry.
Ha... that was cute.

I was so happy to receive two chocolates that I started to head home.
I opened the shoe box with a different feeling than in the morning, and found a plain piece of chocolate sitting there.
When I took out a sheet of chocolate that was not wrapped in any way, there was a sticky note on it.

『For you. From Tora.』

Haha.. That's so like Maki-chan.
I was pleasantly surprised by this bluntness.
There was a person who carelessly put food in the shoe box.
It's easy to break the common sense I had.
As expected, Maki-chan.
I carefully put away the chocolate bar in my bag and put on my shoes.

As I approached the school gate, I heard a familiar voice.

「Thank you for all your help.」

I saw Jitsuwa-san handing out chocolates like she was handing out tissues in front of the station.
What are you doing!?

「Ji...Jitsuwa-san? What is this?」

When I frankly asked my question, I received this reply.

「I give out obligatory chocolates to all the people who I have obligation.」

......what in the world is that.

「Ah, thank you for everything, sensei.」

Jitsuwa-san takes out one small package from the paper bag in her left hand and hands it to the teacher.
Is there such a thing as a thorough obligatory chocolates?
I stared at it for a while, my mouth gaping open.
When the people who were leaving stopped, Jitsuwa-san turned to me and said.

「Lotto-san here you go.」
「Ah, Ah, Thank you.」

I accept the chocolate offered to me.
It seems a little different from what you were handing out to everyone?

「This is a obligatory chocolate, right?」

It doesn't look like a real chocolate, but I ask for confirmation.
Jitsuwa-san pretended to think about it for a moment, then smiled and said.

「It contains a little fondness.」

My heart skipped a beat when I heard that line without too many lies or exaggerations.
It is not the level of intimacy that my sister informed me about, but the real feelings that I heard frankly.
I didn't realize how precious this little fondness was.

「Thank you very much.」

I politely thanked her.

「You are welcome.」

With a hairdo and hair ornaments that made her look like a gyaru, Jitsuwa-san also bowed.
Her looks are flashy, but her appearance is very ladylike.

「Ah, thank you for your help, principal.」

As she resumed handing out obligatory chocolates, I gave her a last look and left.

I went home and headed to the living room.
As I was making some kind of coffee to go with the chocolate, a grumpy look appeared on my face.

「Stop crying and grabbing your friend's collar.」

My sister gives me a cold stare.
How did she know?

「And you can have that.」

I looked at the tip of my chin and saw something that looked like a daifuku.
(T/N: Can't really put it with word, so I left an example an Translator Corner!)
Why a daifuku......

「Well then.」

Mai walked upstairs casually.
What's this about?
Without any particular expectation, I tossed the Daifuku into my mouth.

The daifuku was a chocolate daifuku.

【Translator Corner!】

-"I looked at the tip of my chin..." something like this perhaps:
-The mc were trying to peek up looking at something that was far away, something like that and also I don't know the girls in the picture just found it on the net.

-I don't know about you guys but I legitly shocked when I read that Yoshitomo got chocolate from Mai, the shocked was so great that I kinda lost my feeling to translate, but I managed to pull it through.

-I only do this for fun so I can't promise to do daily post but I'll try my best to do weekly post.

-Thanks for reading and if you like the novel or have some suggestion or want me to keep translating it comment down below.

-If you like the translation, please support me by reading it at my site or donate to me by ko-fi.



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