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Otherworldly Memorial ~ I thought it was an RPG, but it turned out to be a gal game world, but I'm going to play many rounds and try to capture all the characters! ~ Chapter 18


Otherworldly Memorial 【Chapter 18】

It's been a while since I had a date with my sister.
Although, the only time we go out together is when we are buying items.
I had saved up quite a bit of money from my part-time job, so I came here to look for items that would improve my academic performance.

「Just make sure it's legal.」

Mai makes an "ok" sign with her right hand.
If I don't tell her in advance, she will put in illegal items, which limits my options.

「Academic improvement! Mai's Best List~」

As usual, Mai chooses the items for me.
I don't know why she's so excited, but it's cute.
It's always a little weird.

1. Hargus Fingernail 50,000 yen
(T/N: Raw: 生爪ハーガス)
2. Forced Sleep Study Machine 200,000 yen
(T/N: Raw: 強制睡眠学習機)
3. Moe Reference Book ~Hey, let's memorize with sister~ 200,000 yen
(T/N: Raw: 萌える参考書 ~ねえ、妹と暗記しよっ~)

「......Mai, explanation please?」

I held my temples and hoped for an explanation.
I can imagine this one. In a bad way.

Mai holds up her index finger and begins to proudly explain.
Why does she look so happy?

「The first one is to set it on your toes. Whenever you get sleepy or lose your concentration, the nails come off! That's why you can always concentrate so hard!」

I don't understand why her eyes are shining so brightly.

「Absolutely not.」
「Ah, is that so. Coward.」

Am I the one who is crazy?
I'm pretty sure I'm not.

「The second one is awesome too! A dream device that floods you with knowledge while you sleep!」
「What about side effects? There are, aren't there?」

There definitely is.
There's no such thing as a good deal in this world.

「It's no big deal. You'll just lose other memories. Like memories of me.」
「That is the most important thing in the world!」

My sister tilted her head.
No, no, no. That's ridiculous.

「Like I've told you before you can't capture me, and your parameter won't go down.」

My sister says with a face like, "Good grief".
Anyone who thinks that you don't need memories those you can't capture or doesn't concern your parameters is not human.

「Anyway, the moment I lose your memories I'll stop being myself. Rejected. Rejected」

She listened to my story as if she was interested.
Sometimes I think that this sister might not be human.

「I honestly don't want to recommend the last one, but it's a reference book where you can learn what you need to memorize just by filling in the holes in the episodes you love about your sister.」
(T/N: Raw: キタ━━━━(゜∀゜)━━━━!!)

Mai leans back while putting her arms behind her back.
I think that reaction is a little old-fashioned.
Well, my action is old, too.

「That, That's it! Isn't that the best way to study?」
「How much do you love your sister......」
「Don't mock me. I don't like my sister. I like you.」
「That's even worse!」
「No it's not! Please have a proper love.」

That's harsh.
In any case, it's a great way to get excited about studying.
This is the only way.
I think 200,000 is a lot of money, but I am sure it will work.

From that day on, I became a child who loved to study.


A gust of wind hit my ears.
The wind was so cold that I could barely open my eyes.
Jaana-san and I had come to an outdoor pool in winter.
We were there to support and make a coverage on Maki-chan's midwinter swimming competition.
We were stationed right next to the pool for the shoot, which also contributed to the cold.

「Isn't it too cold?」

Jaana-san took off the earmuffs.

「What did you say?」
「Isn't it dangerous to be in a situation where it's so cold that you have to wear ear protection to endure it?」
「That's how it is.」

Jaana-san answered dryly and continued to adjust the camera.
Perhaps because of the precision of the work, she took off her gloves and breathed frequently to prevent her hands from becoming numb.
She's a newspaper reporter, radio personality, and seems to be a superb photographer.
This person's vitality are truly fearsome.

「Ah, there she is! Torachi~~~! Fight~~~!」

She exhaled a white breath and called out loudly to Maki-chan.
When I looked at Jaana-san's hand direction, I saw that the players had appeared.
They were all wearing swimsuits.
It's a swimming competition so its natural, but I honestly can't believe it.
Even with my down jacket on, I'm still freezing.
(T/N: Raw: ダウンジャケット. Example at Translator Corner!)

「Oh~! Thanks for the support!」

Waving her hand, Maki-chan wasn't the least bit cold.
The swimsuit was a tiger-print bikini that I had bought, the so-called Lum-chan swimsuit.
She looks great and has a dynamite body, but strangely enough, she doesn't excite me at all.
She may shows a sunny smile, but it still looks cold~~~! is all I can think of.
The appeal of swimsuits is only possible in a summer situation.
However, all the other girls were wearing swimming suits, so it couldn't help but stand out.
In the first place, this competition is usually treated as a special event for the swimming club.
Maki-chan are a martial artist and not a good swimmer, but she's entered because she's not afraid of the cold.

「National Midwinter Swimming Competition, Women's Division, Freestyle 200m」

A female announcer narrated the events.
This is a national competition?

A gunshot sounds.

All the girls in swimsuits jumped in at once.
The girls in swimming suits showing off their beautiful dives, and Lum-chan hitting her stomach with a tremendous sound.

「That's look hurt~」

Frown Jaana-san who is beside me.
She hit her stomach hard and splashed, but she didn't care and started swimming.

「Wait, she is doing a dog paddle!」

Freestyle is really free swimming, but I had never seen anything but crawl in real life.
But in this cold weather, maybe it's important to keep your face out of the water?

「If she is doing a dog paddle, we can take pictures of her face while she is swimming~」

Is that the reason?!
Jaana-san quickly snaps picture.
The dog paddle are not fast, but she is slowly overtaking the other.
Just as I thought, the other competitors seemed to be too cold to move their bodies.

「She is in the lead!」

As she passed the last one, Jaana-san leaned forward too far.
If you fall into this pool, you're in trouble!?
I tried to grab her hood but couldn't, so I jumped on her as she was about to fall and sent her flying backwards.
I fall into the pool with too much momentum.

The world goes into slow motion as I think I'm going to die from this, and I fall into the pool.

As soon as I landed in the water, I felt as if my heart would shrink.
My hair was so cold I thought it was frozen.
The down jacket absorbed the cold water in no time at all.
I tried to hurry back, but it was too cold and my limbs wouldn't listen to me.
Perhaps it was because I was wearing heavy clothes, the resistance of the water was too strong for me to swim.
It was no longer cold, but painful.

All I could do was wade through the water, but finally I was rescued.
(T/N: Not really confident on this. Raw: 藻掻くことしか出来なかった俺に、ようやく救助が行われた。)
Perhaps it hadn't been that long, but it seemed like a long time before I were rescued.

I managed to get to the ground and looked back.
It was Maki-chan, who should have been swimming, who pushed me up to the side of the pool.

【Translator Corner!】

-This chapter remind me of that one time where I almost die from drowning, good old memories.

-ダウンジャケット, Down Jacket:

-I only do this for fun so I can't promise to do daily post but I'll try my best to do weekly post.

-Thanks for reading and if you like the novel or have some suggestion or want me to keep translating it comment down below.

-If you like the translation, please support me by reading it at my site or donate to me by ko-fi.



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