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Let’s Raise the Abandoned Cat Heroes – an Awesome Demon Hunter Who Switched to Being a Teacher, and Is Very Much Missed by His S-Ranked Pupils Chapter 71


Chapter 71

Rio collapsed on her back on the floor of the dining room.

I held both of Rio's wrists in a banzai-like position with my hands, restraining the girl's movements.

「Ni... Niichan......Wha... What are you doing......」

Rio, underneath me, was staring at me, her face red and frazzled.

「Master!? What are you......」

Iris hurriedly got up from her chair and tried to run to me, but Maifa, who had also gotten up, stopped her with her hand.

「......It's okay, Iris. ......Oniisan is sane. ......It's probably Rio who's not sane.」


I see.
Iris was asleep when I questioned her about what Rio was hiding, so she didn't know what was going on.

I call out to Iris, keeping my attention from Rio.

「Iris, I'm sorry to ask you when you haven't fully recovered your magic power, but can you cast a 【Sanity】 spell on Rio?」
(T/N: Raw: Kanji: 平静, Furigana: サニティ)

「Eh...... What, what actually......」

「......I'll explain it.」

As Iris is confused, Maifa explains the situation to her.
At times like this, I really appreciate the presence of Maifa, who understands my thoughts and works with harmony.
(T/N: 阿吽の呼吸, aunnokokyū?)

On the other hand, Rio, who I was holding down, sighed and said, 「So that's how it is......」 She looked somewhat relieved and disappointed.

Rio looks me straight in the eye and says.

「Hey niichan...... am I going crazy after all?」

「It's nothing for Rio to worry about. In fact, I'm glad your okay.」

「It's weird to hear you say that in this position. I'm about to be attacked by niichan, you know?」

「Hey...... don't say anything weird. we wouldn't know how Rio would behave in 【Enchanted】 state, so I just take her down.」

「I know that, but you know...... Oh, I wish you had done this to me in bed anyway.」

「Hey! Rio. You're not Maifa. Don't make fun of the adults too much.」

「I'm not even messing with you......」

While I was having this conversation with Rio, Maifa's explanation to Iris seemed to have ended.

Iris stands in front of us and uses her magic on Rio.


The magical light that Iris released enveloped Rio.
After a little while, the light was sucked into Rio and disappeared.

「......Rio. How's it?」

「Aa...... yeah. Just as I thought I've been attacked by 【Evil Eyes Enchantment】. I felt like my heart, which had been pulled back, was back to normal. ......Niichan, you can let me go now.」

It was strange to let her go when she told me so, but I stepped back from Rio and released her from her restraints.

Rio said something like, 「Ha... That was thrilling.」 and stood up, brushing the dust off her clothes.

「Rio, can you tell me what happened?」

When I asked her that, Rio nodded her head.

Rio then told me the whole story of what had happened to her a while ago.


That time when niichan stepped into the house where the vampire spawn was.

As Iris and I were helping to evacuate the villagers, I stopped in front of a house.

The house door was wide open.

So I thought it was dangerous, and I went to the house to tell the owner to close the door.

And then, inside the house...... there she was.

Cecilia neechan are there.

The house had all the windows closed except for the entrance door.
Neechan was standing alone in a dimly lit house with no sunlight.

But while it was definitely Cecilia neechan, it felt a little different.
Is it the atmosphere......?

She had blond hair and blue eyes just like usual, and was a little taller than me.
That was the Cecilia neechan I knew.

Her clothes didn't look like neechan's.
She wasn't wearing any armor, she was wearing some kind of white one-piece dress, and instead of that usual cool look, she looked somewhat like a lily.

And the atmosphere......
I felt like it was neither neechan when she was serious, nor neechan when she was pathetic.

What can I say...... bewitching?
(T/N: Raw: 妖艶)
She smiled at me in a creepy, cold way.

I had a strange feeling, but I was more than happy that my sister was safe, so I told her.

Thank goodness, I was worried.
I said, "Niichan is over there, so let's go together."

Then neechan said

......No, Rio chan
(T/N: She said "ううん" here so I'm rather confused. Sometime it mean "Hmm" and sometime "No")
I don't really like to go out much in the daytime anymore.

And then, when she opened her mouth, I saw it.
Neechan's teeth...... the back teeth were longer and sharper on both the right and left side.

It was like a vampire.

No, it's not "as if" or "like".
Cecilia neechan is a vampire.

Neechan approached me step by step.
I got scared, so I pulled out my sword.

I couldn't figure it out.
Because until the other day, I lived with her, learnt many things, and slept with her at night.

I'm pretty sure she wasn't a vampire at the time, she was just a normal human.......
Because the atmosphere is completely different.

But she's still my sister.

I didn't know what to do anymore, so I told neechan, 「Don't come!」

Then she smiled and said.

......I've stopped listening to Rio and the others.
I will be obedient to my desires.
Would you hate me like that, Rio?

At that moment, neechan's eyes glowed a mysterious red.
I looked into her eyes and said......

......No, I love you, neechan.
I like you more than anyone else.
I'll give you all of my being.

No, you're wrong!
At that time, I felt like...... my heart was all taken away by neechan. ...... Anyway, I didn't feel normal!

......Let's continue?
(T/N: Raw: ……話戻すよ?)

Then she smiled again and said.

......Is that so, I'm happy to hear that.
But, I really want to eat Rio right now, but I'll hold off for now.
Instead, I have a favor to ask of you, Rio.

I was thrilled to see her smile.
I thought I would do anything for neechan.

So neechan asked me to open the door of the inn and invite her in, since she would be visiting us here at midnight today.

She also told me to not say anything to niichan about it.

I thought why would I do that, but when neechan said 「Please」 to me again, I couldn't say anything else.

I felt like I had to do whatever it took to help neechan.

But then I left neechan and met up with niichan, and I started to calm down a bit.

I'm really starting to worry if I'm going to be okay doing what neechan says......


「So...... I'm sorry, niichan! I almost did something horrible!」

Rio, who was talking to me in the cafeteria, bowed her head to me as hard as she could.

I put my hand on Rio's head and gently stroke her.

「Like I said Rio, there's nothing to be concerned about. It's just that you was hit by the ability of the 【Evil Eyes Enchantment】.」

「......Yeah. That's true, but......」

「Its fine. You're safe now.」

I gently hugged Rio and patted her on the back.

Then Rio pressed her face against my chest and sobbed, and eventually she started to cry.

Well, it can't be helped.
It might be a little hard to separate the two if it's not my fault.
(T/N: I'm not confident with this. Raw: 自分のせいじゃないと割り切るのは、ちょっと難しいかもしれないな。)

The 【Sanity】 that Iris used on her is a magic that can calm an agitated mind, cancel the effects of magic or special abilities that interfere with the mind, and return it to a normal state.

The 【Evil Eyes Enchantment】 that was cast on Rio seemed to be quite strong, helped by the fact that Rio originally had a favorable impression of Cecilia, but the effect was also lifted by the magic of 【Sanity】.

We can now say that the most recent crisis is over.

「Cecilia is a vampire......」

If what Rio just said is true, then it certainly seems so.

In addition, the fact that she has the 【Evil Eyes Enchantment】 and her eyes are not bright red and she looks like a normal human is a characteristic of a true vampire itself, not a spawn.

I was prepared for the possibility that something was happening to Cecilia.

I was prepared for this, but it was still hard when I was confronted with such a definite matter.

When Cecilia was living with us, she was not a vampire or anything like that, but she was definitely a human hero.

So if Cecilia "became a vampire for some reason," it must have happened within the last week or so.

If that's the case, there's still a good chance that Cecilia can be turned back into a human by Iris' 【Ultimate Heal】.

But to begin with, what was the "cause" that made Cecilia become a vampire......
When I think about it, I get cold sweat.

In fact, I think we are facing a crisis that could be called a crisis of the world itself.

Whatever the case, the first thing to do is to contact the hero guild.

I took out my magic calling device and accessed the number of the hero guild in the city of Lindbergh.

【Translator Corner!】

-I only do this for fun so I can't promise to do daily post but I'll try my best to do weekly post.

-Thanks for reading and if you like the novel or have some suggestion or want me to keep translating it comment down below.

-If you like the translation, please support me by reading it at my site or donate to me by ko-fi.



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