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Let’s Raise the Abandoned Cat Heroes – an Awesome Demon Hunter Who Switched to Being a Teacher, and Is Very Much Missed by His S-Ranked Pupils Chapter 72


Chapter 72

About a week ago...

Cecilia received a quest from the hero guild and came to the village that night.

Cecilia had heard some information in the village and had gone into the forest near the village to investigate it.

「I heard that a hero from the city planned to meet a village girl in this area.」

A hundred times in the field.
(T/N: I don't get this. Raw: 現場百回)
Cecilia looked around for any clues while illuminating the area with the magic of the 【Light】.

She is fully armed in case of an unexpected attack by someone.

The magic-enhanced plate armor made a clattering sound, but Cecilia didn't seem to be concerned about the weight of it, and it looked like normal clothes.

「It's not so easy to find clues. ...... Oh, it's so miserable. I'm not sure why I came out of Brett-kun's house to go on a quest by myself here. You'll never get that kind of paradise again, so why did I come out here on my own......」

Cecilia's shoulders slumped.

For Cecilia, who was tainted with loneliness, living together with Rio, Iris, Maifa, and Brett was a dream come true.

It was fun to be the dog of the three girls, it was nice to be hugged like a pillow by Rio, it was a treat to be stepped on by Iris, who was actually a sadist, and it was very comfortable to be fondled by Maifa.

The girls were irreplaceable angels, and that place was definitely heaven.
And Cecilia herself was so perverted that she had no excuse.

The reason why Cecilia was running away from that place was because she was about to lose control of her desires.

I don't care if I am a pervert.
But I can't hurt those kids.
That was Cecilia's last-minute pride.

「Oh, I hate it! I hate my sexuality! If only I were a little more normal, I could have been a dog to those angels forever......!」

The sight of a fully armed female hero talking to herself in the forest at night was quite surreal.

「Hmmm....... Is this a bloodstain......?」

When Cecilia illuminated the base of a certain tree with the light of her 【Light】, she found what looked like a reddish-black stain there.

If you look closely, you can see that there are several bloodstains lying around.

「Well, maybe it's due to animal conflict...... No, it's still a "hit".」

Cecilia also noticed something more, and turned her gaze to the depths of the forest.

From beyond, I could see a not-so-good presence approaching, rustling and pushing through the grass.
It's not a very strong force, but there are three presence of evil.

No, I can also feel some strong power behind it.
Four in total.

Cecilia turns the light of her 【Light】 in that direction.
Eventually, what appeared from beyond......

「Is that a zombie or a ghoul...... No, it looks more like a vampire spawn.」

Three humanoid figures with glowing red eyes stepped out of the darkness toward Cecilia.

No matter how you look at them, they are not normal human figures.

Their long, sharp-nailed arms were slouched down, and drool was dripping foully from their sharp-fanged mouths.

Cecilia calmly held up her large shield and drew her sword from its sheath at her waist.

「I see. So the reason why the villagers went missing was because of a vampire. Come to think of it, there's an old castle at the end of this forest that's been abandoned for a while now.」

The female hero's appearance showed no signs of being overwhelmed.
On the contrary, she walked nonchalantly towards the three evil demons.

Soon, the two sides were close enough to engage in hand-to-hand combat.
The three humanoid...... vampire spawn quickly scattered to surround Cecilia.

「A woman...... she looks delicious.」

「This woman...... is she a human hero......?」

「If so we'll dedicate it for that person......」

Cecilia looked around at the spawn with cold, narrowed eyes.

「I don't care if about this person or not, but I'm going to take you guys down. I'll treat you with 【Ultimate Heal】, so I need you guys to be quiet.」

「「「That's foolish,  you're just a human hero......!」」」

The three spawn attacked Cecilia all at once.

They jumped at Cecilia from the front and diagonally in front of her from both sides, with a slight time delay.

Cecilia first hit the one coming from the left side with her large shield and blew it away, then skewered the one from the right side in the chest with her sword, and then swung the sword with the spawn's body still stuck in it as if it were a piece of stick and struck the one coming from the front with full force.

And so the three vampire spawn rolled on the ground together.

Cecilia thrust her own sword into the ground once and held out her right gauntlet-clad palm toward the three spawn.

「......【Holy Ray】!」

A holy light radiated from Cecilia's palm, enveloping all three spawn together.


The spawns were shot by the magic of the holy light that destroys evil, and all of them lost their strength.

Cecilia took one look at it, then pulled her sword out of the ground and looked further into the forest.

Out of the corner of my eye, a man dressed in a black cloak with a crimson lining appeared.
Like Spawn, he has sharp fangs, but his eyes are colored with intelligence.

Cecilia thrusts her sword at the black-cloaked gentleman and says.

「You underestimated me, vampire. If you had come at me with your men, you would have had a slight chance of winning.」

In contrast, the black-cloaked gentleman...... the vampire, shrugged his shoulders as if he was in trouble.

「......Good grief, you're a fearsome woman hero who doesn't even falter when three of my family members attack. Are you a famous Demon King Hunter?」

「It seems that people know me as Cecilia, the "Holy Knight of Steel". I'm not too happy with that name as a maiden, but... but you're taking your time, vampire. You'll be the next to be defeated.」

「Fufu...... What, you don't know. Vampire are immortal at night.」

The vampire said and laughed, baring his fangs.
But the female hero, on the other hand, kept a cool face.

「No, I'm well aware of that. I've heard that the vampire of the night can be shot down and then resurrected in its own coffin of "unholy soil". However, I also know that this immortality has a number of weaknesses. For example」

Cecilia then swung her sword not at the vampire, but in the opposite direction.

The sword swung over Cecilia's head, cutting down a thick tree branch nearby.

The female hero caught a branch as thick as her wrist that had fallen and swung her sword at it with another quick, shuffling motion.

The result was an improvised "wooden stake".

「For example, it is possible to destroy a vampire in the night by driving a "wooden stake" through its heart. I've been taking classes at the Hero Academy for quite some time now. The results of the classroom studies were not bad either.」


The vampire clicked his tongue and quickly turned on his heel to flee the scene.

【Translator Corner!】

-Damn, Cecilia sure are strong.

-I only do this for fun so I can't promise to do daily post but I'll try my best to do weekly post.

-Thanks for reading and if you like the novel or have some suggestion or want me to keep translating it comment down below.

-If you like the translation, please support me by reading it at my site or donate to me by ko-fi.



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