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Let’s Raise the Abandoned Cat Heroes – an Awesome Demon Hunter Who Switched to Being a Teacher, and Is Very Much Missed by His S-Ranked Pupils Chapter 70


Chapter 70

I carried the now totally sleeping Iris to the inn and put her to bed.

When someone collapses due to magical depletion, they usually don't wake up for about an hour.
Iris will need to be laid down for a while.

I then used the magic calling tool to report the current situation to the hero guild.

There were four vampire spawn lurking in one of the village dwellings, and I fought them off and used Iris' 【Ultimate Heal】 to save the lives of the victims.

However, the vampire itself, which is supposed to be the cause of the incident, has yet to be encountered, and Cecilia has yet to be found.

After giving this information to the hero guild, I hung up the magic phone.


This is the end of it.

I sat down on one of the chairs in the inn room, picked up a glass of milk from beside me, and drink it.

Then Rio, seeing me like this, stood in front of me with a worried look on her face and said something like this.

「Hey niichan, are you tired? ......Are you okay? Do you want to rub my boobs?」


I coughed up a big gush of milk.

「Gehoo, gehoo......!」
(T/N: Raw: げほっ、げほっ……!)

「Uwaa, its dirty, niichan! Some of it get me!」

「So... Sorry...... but Rio where did you learn that line.」

I get a towel and wipe Rio's body with it.

Rio was blushing a bit as I wiped her down, but halfway through she said, 「I'll do it myself......」 She took the towel from me and started wiping herself.

「......Cecilia neechan told me about it. She said that when men rub boobs it will blow away their tiredness.」

「That damn woman......! What in the world are you teaching to my cute angel!」

「......Onesan, you never told me that...... I'm so hurt right now.」

On the other hand, Maifa was crumpling on the floor of the room, looking at her flat chest.

Ah...... well, you know, Maifa has her own charm, so I don't think she need to worry about it.

All such nonsense aside.

「Well, Rio. I have a favor to ask you.」

「Hmm, what? As I thought you want to rub my tits? Niichan are so naughty.」

「No! That's not it...... Rio, if there's something you're not telling me, you can tell me right here and now.」

When I said that, Rio's face instantly turned serious.

Even Maifa, who had fallen apart, listened to the story with interest.

「E... Um......, I don't know what you're talking about, niichan.」

Rio said, but her eyes were darting left and right.

The first time I felt uncomfortable with Rio's words and actions was after we had defeated the vampire spawn.

Only a few words came out of Rio's mouth after that, but they seemed unnatural.

Rio came back after evacuating the villagers a little later than Iris, and during that time... when Rio was away from me, something might have happened.

I put my hands on Rio's shoulders.
Rio shivered.

「Rio, tell me what's going on. Depending on what it is, it could be something that puts Rio, Iris, or Maifa in danger.」

「Like... Like I said...... its nothing......」

As I said this, Rio still wouldn't make eye contact with me.

I'm pretty sure she' s hiding something from me, but I don't think she's going to tell me.
I have no choice.

「I understand. If you remember anything, let me know when you do.」


Rio replied while looking down.

Maifa watched her with a gesture as if she was thinking about something.

While there was such a scene.
After a while, Iris woke up and we all had lunch together in the inn's dining room.

「「「「Let's eat!」」」」
(T/N: Raw: いただきまーす!)

Gathered around a round wooden table for four, we all join hands in front of the food.

Bread, soup, grilled chicken with a salad for garnish, and an orange for dessert.

As Rio, Iris, and Maifa began to eat their meals, I lectured my students on what I knew about vampires.

Namely, that vampires have the ability to attack humans and suck their blood, turning their victims into spawn.

In addition to that, its high fighting strength and the fact that it gets damaged when exposed to sunlight and weakens if it doesn't sleep in a place with "unholy soil".


「There are a number of other mysterious abilities and characteristics of vampires. For example, there are vampires that have the weakness of "not being able to enter inhabited houses without being invited by the householder."」

「......What is that, I don't understand...... What do you mean, oniisan?」

Maifa tilted her head at my explanation.
Iris was also wondering about it, but Rio made another gesture of thinking.

I'm still worried about Rio's behavior, but that's okay.
I continued my explanation.

「I don't really understand the principle, but the content is what I just said. A vampire cannot enter a human home without being invited by the person inside. You can think of it as a kind of warding that only works on vampires in human houses.」

「......I don't understand it even when it's explained to me...... its a mysterious phenomenon.」

Even with my explanation, Maifa still seemed unsure of what was going on.

I know how you feel.
At first, I wondered what it was.

「Anyway, that's the way it is. That's why the village chief's instruction to the villagers "not to go out of the house at night" was, in the end, a good one. Sun-damaged vampires don't like to move much during the day, and usually sleep in coffins covered with "unholy soil". However, when the vampire goes out of the coffin at night, all the humans are inside the house at night and the vampire can't touch them. This makes it hard for the vampire to move.」

「I see....... But master, then why were the people in that house become vampire spawn? if the vampires can't get inside the house, it can't bite you and suck your blood......」

Iris asks, squirming as she brings the salad to her mouth with her fork.
That's a good question.

「There are several possibilities for that...... For example, maybe for some reason, the homeowner invited the vampire in.」

「For some reason....... What kind of reason would that be......」

「I'm sure there are plenty of ways to think about it, but for example, vampires have one more nasty ability. It's called the 【Evil Eyes Enchantment】.」
(T/N: 魅了の魔眼)

「......Are there more? ......One after another, it's like a vampire or some other monster, a trade show of special abilities...... So, oniisan, what kind of ability is the 【Evil Eyes Enchantment】?」

I smiled at Maifa's comment and replied.

「The 【Evil Eyes Enchantment】 is an ability that allows a vampire to interfere with the "heart" of the person he or she is looking at, "forcing them to fall in love" with him or her. If the target is an ordinary person with weak resistance, he or she will fall in love with the vampire, the user of the ability, in a state of euphoria. So......」

「You... You know, niichan......!」

At that moment, Rio suddenly interrupted.

When I looked at her, Rio was staring at me with an anxious gaze.

「Hmm......? What is it Rio?」

I made an attempt to put on a friendly face and smiled at Rio.
When Rio saw my face, her cheeks flushed a little, but she continued to speak.

「No, about that...... For example, just for example...... If a heroes like us, not an ordinary person, is subjected to the 【Evil Eyes Enchantment】, what will happen......?」

「......Well, it depends on the level of the brave person, or the strength of their resistance, but it seems that it is difficult to become as sticky and euphoric as when ordinary people are subjected to it. However, if they can't resist it completely, it seems to have the effect of making you feel good about the vampire or accepting a favor from the vampire.」

「Is... Is that so......」

After saying that, Rio look down again as if he was thinking about something.

......I see.
I think I have a general idea of what Rio is hiding.

It was a very dangerous situation, but it was rather fortunate that Rio was here now in this state.

I felt relieved.
One wrong move and we would have been in a heap of trouble.

I don't know exactly what the enemy has in mind...... but aside from that.

I got up from my seat and walked over to stand behind the seat where Rio was sitting.
Rio looks at me nervously.

「Ni... Niichan, Wha... What......?」

「I'm sorry, Rio...... but I'm going to have to restrain you for a moment.」

「Hee......? Uwawaa......!?」

I kick over the chair Rio was sitting on.

Then I pushed Rio down on the floor of the cafeteria as she lost her balance.

【Translator Corner!】

-I only do this for fun so I can't promise to do daily post but I'll try my best to do weekly post.

-Thanks for reading and if you like the novel or have some suggestion or want me to keep translating it comment down below.

-If you like the translation, please support me by reading it at my site or donate to me by ko-fi.



  1. thanks for chap
    lol she got charmed huh?imma guess cecilia's warning that night might have been similar(or to avoid more hero victims idk)


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