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Otherworldly Memorial ~ I thought it was an RPG, but it turned out to be a gal game world, but I'm going to play many rounds and try to capture all the characters! ~ Chapter 13


Otherworldly Memorial 【Chapter 13】

When I think of Christmas, I think of turkey legs.
Many households may have roast chicken or roast beef.
And it's normal to eat Christmas cake.

By the way, in this world, they eat whole roasted Jamulph.
I don't know what a Jamulph is.
(T/N: Raw: ジャムルフ. How the heck should I romaji this lol)

I'd still like to recreate a Japanese Christmas dinner.
As a member of the culinary club, I've been creating a lot of creative dishes by recreating the dishes from before my reincarnation in this world.
I can substitute valere for chicken and nuponf for beef.
The problem is the cake.

Making sweets is very different from cooking.
Cooking and pastry making are different profession one being a chef and the other are being a pastry chef.
Cooking can be made somewhat better through trial and error, and by tasting and adjusting.
However, if you don't follow a set recipe for sweets, you are sure to fail.
(T/N: I never done any baking so I don't know if this true I'm just translating stuff.)

In other words, it's incredibly hard to make sweets in a creative way.
In this world, there is no such dish as cake.
What should I do…….

I did a quick search in the library to see if there were any similar dishes, but I couldn't find any clues.

I don't know what to do.
I was in the cooking club, thinking about the cake and handling a fish as big as a tuna.


I cut my finger with a saw-like knife.
I put my left index finger in my mouth.
The taste of blood spread in my mouth.
It's just a scratch, but I'm bleeding a little too much.
Maybe a tablespoon or so.

「Pacifiers aren't cute.」

It's Sara-san.
She usually talks like this, but in an angry tone.

「An overdose of iron is not good. Follow me quickly.」
(T/N: May mistranslate this, RAW: 鉄分の過剰摂取は良くありません、早く付いておいでなさい)

It's a roundabout way of saying that they're going to take care of you.
I watched Sara-san's back as I headed to the infirmary.

「You were distracted. Did you hit two steps?」
(T/N: What? Raw: 注意力散漫でしたね。二歩でも打ったのですか?)

She tells me as she picks up the antiseptic from the shelf.
Is this a shogi joke?
(T/N: I don't know shogi so I kinda blur here)

「I have a dish I want to make for Christmas.」
「......Is it your specialty, creative cooking?」
「It's something fluffy and sweet, baked in the oven.」
「You have an idea, but you don't know how to do it.」
「That's what I mean.」
「Isn't it your idea of fluffy and sweet?」

The hand gestures were gentle, but the lines were not.
After applying the antiseptic and applying the bandage, I tried to thank Sara-san, but she was mumbling something.
Is there something that's hard to say?
I'll wait for a while.

「Um, that...... can we make it together?」

The words Sara-san finally spoke didn't make much sense to me.

「Li... like I said, if you can't do it alone. I'll going to help you making that dish.」

......Why are your cheeks red?
You're not being honest with me.

「Please make a Christmas cake with me.」

I bowed my head honestly.
Crossing her arms and straightening her back, Sara replied shortly, 「Hmm」.

From that day on, Sara-san and I repeated the experiment of baking the cake.
The process goes on and on, changing the amount of flour and baking time little by little to see how it goes.
It's more of an experiment than cooking.
Same goes for whipped cream.
It took us eight days to come up with something I could call a cake.

「Yeah, it's good. I guess you could call it a cake.」

I try it and confirm that it tastes just like the cake I know.
It's a shortcake, though, with no strawberries, so I used a fruit similar to peaches.

「Hmm? It's a new dish, isn't it? Have you eaten it somewhere else?」

Sara-san wonders.
I can't think of a good excuse, so let's cover it up.

「Forget about that, just try it.」

I put a bite on my fork and offered it to her.

「Na!? Mumumu......」

Why do you look so bewildered?
She hesitated for some reason, but then, as if she had made up her mind, she ate the cake I offered her.
In other words, I was the one who gave her the "ahhh" look.
I froze with my mouth open at the unexpected event.

「Its delicious......」

Sara-san chews with an embarrassed look on her face.

「I was just trying to give you the fork......」
「Wha?! What did you say......」

When she realized that she was mistaken, she blushed even more.
Her eyes darted around, unable to focus.
Apparently, she was a bit shy.
But still, I love the gap between her usual cool expression and this one.
I decided to embarrass this person from now on.

The food we prepared for the Christmas party was a big hit.
The Christmas cake in particular was a big hit, and Jaana-san was taking a lot of pictures of it.

I gave Sara-san a cookie that resembled a shogi piece as a thank you for her help and as a Christmas present.
I then invited her to a folk dance at the end of the party, and I could see her shy face the whole time she was dancing.

......The following night.

「Oniichan, this is the last status check of the year.」

Mai opened the door and walked in.
I was sitting in my recliner and spit out hot cocoa on the ceiling.

「Hey, what are you doing, oniichan?」

My beloved sister showing a dumbfounded face.
I'm hit by the rain of cocoa

「Tha... that outfit, wha... what are you wearing」

Mai had become what is called a mini-skirt Santa.
(T/N: Here a picture to help you imagine. Sauce: Blend S)
It's super cute, but if my sister suddenly came to me dressed like this, I wouldn't be able to take it calmly, okay?

「Fufufu, it's a Christmas present」

Mai spins around in front of me.
I've never seen a more service-oriented sister!
The skirt is too short, and the legs are too sexy......

(T/N: Stabbing sfx I think)

「Gyaaaaa! Why are you blinding me?」
「You can't look at your sister with a naughty eye.」

Did I have such an naughty look in my eyes?
I guess I did.
Even so, there is no need to do that.
Generally, don't look at me like I'm sexy. I'm not dressed like that......
(T/N: Still confused on this. Raw: 大体、エロい目で見るなって、そんなえろい格好をしておいて……)


「AAAAH! Why did you do that again! It's super painful even with my eyelids closed!」

I flail around.

「Mo~, No thoughts other than it's cute. Don't even thinking about it.」

......You've got a pretty good personality, my sister.
It's quite a gift to be able to see your cosplay.
I don't want to be blinded again by unnecessary thoughts.
Super cute, super cute, super cute......
I fill my brain with only the thought of super cute as if it were a Buddhist prayer.

「Yeah, yeah, that's it. I'll check the status then, okay?」

I can't open my eyes.

Liberal Arts: 110 (+4)     

Science: 93 (+4) 

Athletic ability: 111 (+10) 

Appearance: 138 (+10)   

Art: 426(+4)   

Cooking: 123 (+18)

「Its like this.」
「I kind of figured it out.」

This time it's as expected.
The problem would be Sara-san!

Jitsuwa Eiko 「I like it as much as karaoke.」
Mouhito Sara 「About as much as a cake.」
Jaana Rizumu 「That thing called Christmas cake is too good!?」
Torano Maki 「Seriously normal」

You don't like the cake and you don't like me, do you?
This must be a good feeling!

「Next event is the New Year's visit, oniichan.」

Is that so, so my sister will be in furisode next.
(T/N: Raw: 振り袖. A long-sleeved kimono, example on the Translator Corner!)
Japan Banzai!

「......I don't have any furisode, okay?」

After saying that, Mai left the room.
......You have a mini-skirt santa, but not furisode......
Disappointed, I headed for the bath to get rid of the cocoa smell.

【Translator Corner!】

-Hello there, sorry once again for the delay. I was kinda off the grid for a while and a little bit of procrastinating.

-LOVE THIS CHAPTER. Sara got deredere and mini-skirt Mai.

-振り袖, Furisode: 

Sauce: High School Fleet

-I only do this for fun so I can't promise to do daily post but I'll try my best to do weekly post.

-Thanks for reading and if you like the novel or have some suggestion or want me to keep translating it comment down below.

-If you like the translation, please support me by reading it at my site or donate to me by ko-fi.



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