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Otherworldly Memorial ~ I thought it was an RPG, but it turned out to be a gal game world, but I'm going to play many rounds and try to capture all the characters! ~ Chapter 12


Otherworldly Memorial 【Chapter 12】

I was more concerned about her being disappointed than the girls who had praised me at the sport festival.
Whether I knew it or not, I was sitting in a daze in the classroom when Yoshitomo, my only male friend, came to talk to me.

「It's almost Halloween.」

It's an event that doesn't get implemented in to many gal games.
But since they do cosplay and stuff, I feel like I can collect the CG.

「The volunteer club is having a Halloween charity event.」

Yoshitomo held me by the shoulders and said to my ear

「They're looking for help, so if you join them, you might be able to get along with Jitsuwa-san.」

In my previous world, I would have said, That's not how it works.
But in this world, this guy's advice is too competent.
I shook this best friend's hand and thanked him.



I was drooling in front of the little girls.
No no no no.
No, no, I'm not that kind of person.

The boys are super cute, too.
(T/N: The raw refer them as 男の子, Otokonoko)
No no no no.
Let me explain something to you.

The Halloween volunteer was a puppet show at a kindergarten.
You see, there are only beautiful girls in this world, right?
Of course, the girls in kindergarten are only beautiful little girls.
All of those kids are dressed up for Halloween!
Orange hat and black clothes.
The girls are wearing orange pumpkin skirts and the boys are wearing short pants.
They are holding something that looks like a handmade magic stick.
So cutee~

「Oniisan, oneesan, please take care of us!」

Greet everyone.
So cutee~

「Lotto-san, please treat me well today.」

Jitsuwa-san stuck out her puppet hand, which was fitted in her right hand, towards me.
I also shake her hand with my old man's puppet hand on my right.

「Please treat me well too.」
「Fufu, you're already in the role.」

We laughed as we shook hands with the puppets.
Isn't this atmosphere pretty nice!?

By the way, this puppet show is called Momotaro Halloween version.
It's a story about Pumpkin Taro, who was born from a pumpkin, and goes to an abandoned hospital to kill zombies.
You may be thinking, What are you talking about?
It wasn't my idea, you know.
The script of the drama club's play is being converted into a puppet show.

「Once upon a time, there lived an old man and an old woman. The old man went to the disco fever to have fun, and the old woman went to Jusco to go shopping.」

The period setting is exquisitely old.
However, for kindergarten children, it will be a long time ago.
This world is a little older than my previous world.
Because the Internet and cell phones didn't exist yet.

「The old lady bought a big pumpkin at Jusco, and when she broke it open, she found a healthy baby.」

I held out my hands to the old man on my right and the old woman on my left and acted surprised.

「Let's name this child, Pumpkin Taro.」

I talk like a geezer.

「The old man named him Pumpkin Taro because he was born from a pumpkin.」

A narration that subtly criticizes the old man's lack of naming sense.
I wonder if the scriptwriters were wondering if they were writing it themselves.
As a person who plays the role of the old man, I am bewildered.
Jitsuwa-san, to my right, move Pumpkin Taro.

「Trick or Treat」

Pumpkin Taro, played by Jitsuwa-san, has a crisp voice and is very cool and cute.
Let's see, she sounds like Quatre from Gundam W.
(T/N: Check Translator Corner! for image)

「Pumpkin Taro grew up eating lots of candy and threatening his neighbors with mischief if they didn't give him candy.」

What a not good for education protagonist.
Maybe that's what Halloween is all about.
This story isn't really suitable for kindergarteners, is it?
This is not the time to be thinking about it.
It's my turn next.

「He... please help me, there's a zombie swarm at the hospital.」

It was a cute little girl's voice act to the best of my ability.
I wonder why I ended up doing the nurse.
I puts on an obsessive theatrical performance, making the nurse puppet's breasts look bigger by putting the base of my fingers forward.

「It's not cute~」

......I can hear the honest opinions of the children, but I don't care.

「Pumpkin Taro is on his way to the hospital to get rid of the zombies.」

It's my turn again.

「Nnya~o, Pumpkin Taro-san, please give me a cherry pie on your waist.」
「Very well, Kuro Neko-san, I'll give it to you if you accompany me exterminating the zombies.」
(T/N: It kinda awkward if I put Black Cat-san or Mr/Mrs Black Cat here so I leave it as romaji)

I wiggle my fingers to represent a cat's squishy hands.

「It's not cute~」

I can hear the honest opinions of the children, but I don't care. (Second time)

Next, it was the turn of volunteer club member A.
He's a man and I don't remember his face or name.

「Hyuudorodorodoro, Pumpkin Taro-san, please give me one of those cheese tarts you wear on your waist.」
「Very well, Obake-san, I'll give it to you if you accompany me exterminating the zombies.」
(T/N: Raw: お化け mean ghost)

If they were ghosts, couldn't they move more fluffily?
Good grief, you're not a very good actor.


I can hear the honest opinions of the children.
Is this cute!
I hated losing.

「Pumpkin Taro went to the hospital with Kuro Neko-san and Obake-san.」

Then the battle with the zombies begins.

「Take this, something like a crowbar」
(T/N: Raw: くらえ、バールのようなもの)

Pumpkin Taro uses a crowbar-like object to defeat the zombies.

「Ninpou, katon no jutsu」
(T/N: I leave this as romaji as I think it more fitting)

Kuro Neko is a ninja.


The boys' tension rises.
The setting helped me.

「I'm scared~」

Obake-san are scared of zombies, so it run away, which makes no sense.
A useless companion.


Damn, you beautiful little girl!
How can you be cute when you're useless.
My Kuro Neko should be cuter!
It's a cat and a ninja you know!?

「Take this, Super Ultra Galaxy Fantastic Pretty Cutie Honey Flash!」

Pumpkin Taro eradicated the zombies with his special move.
It was somewhat of a sexy attack.
This is the only place that's strangely kid-friendly.

「And so, Pumpkin Taro, Kuro Neko-san, and Obake-san were able to kill the zombies and save the hospital,  and they all lived happily ever after.」

Pachi pachi pachi pachi.

The children applaud.
It was a standing ovation.
So cutee~
This is a worthwhile activity.
The volunteer club might have been good too.

We had a closing party that day, and I toasted with Jitsuwa-san at the drink bar in a family restaurant.
Jitsuwa-san then asked me this question while tilting her head.

「Why did you join us today?」

I feel like I can't make a mistake in answering this question!
I try my best to create a choice in my brain.

1. I wanted to try volunteering.

Uumu, it looks a safe choice.
I can't think of a reason why I join today.

2. I like Halloween.

It's a good reason why I helped this time, but it's too far from the truth.
I'm not sure why I volunteer if I like it.

3. I'm interested in the children.

This can be misleading.
That's why I'm glad I did it this time.
(T/N: May be mistranslated here, Raw: 今回やってよかったと思う理由ではあるが。)

4. To be honest, I wanted to get along with Jitsuwa-san.

Its to honest and embarassing!
I can't say it!
It sounds like a bad reason!

「There's no particular reason.」

I couldn't choose an option, so I had to react out of time.
To be honest, I was often like that when I played the game of being a captain and defending the Imperial City.
If this were that game, there would be puffs of steam coming out of the frames surrounding the choices on the screen.


With one hand on the table and her chin resting on it, Jitsuwa-san looks at my face with interest.
I ran out of time, but I was still very embarrassed because my brain was still reeling from the 4 choices.
I could see my cheeks flushing even to myself.


I grinned a little as I squinted my wide open eyes.
I've been made to understand something......

Sunday night of that week.
As usual, Mai came over.
I'm really looking forward to Jitsuwa-san's evaluation.

Liberal Arts: 106 (+5)     

Science: 89 (+5) 

Athletic ability: 101 (+11) 

Appearance: 128 (+10)   

Art: 42 (+24)   

Cooking: 105 (+11)

「Hmmm? Hasn't the art gone up a lot?」
「That's because you were doing a puppet show.」

Ahhh, so theatrical things were treated as art.
So the art values were too low to be popular with the children.
So that's how it is~.
So you're saying I'm not good at acting when I try to act~.
Damn it.

Jitsuwa Eiko 「I like it as much as karaoke.」
Mouhito Sara 「Existence of a lance.」
(T/N: Raw: 香車, Kyousha. It's a shogi piece)
Jaana Rizumu 「It's true that the kindergarten children made a fool of you because of your poor acting! ?」
Torano Maki 「seriously subtle」
(T/N: Raw: 微妙, Bimyou?)

I've gone up from what used to be karaoke coupons to karaoke itself!
That's really great.
Isn't it safe to assume that this one is already good?
When I ask her to come home with me, She won't refused me because she is embarrassed to be seen with me?

Sara-san are also probably great.
You would be in trouble if you didn't have a lance.
I don't know what shogi lovers think of a lance.

......was I being made fun of by a kindergarten children?
To a creature with such an angelic smile?
Jaana-san's information is probably right on the money.
It is hard to live with low parameters.

Is it really that subtle.
The reason it is called subtle is because the parameters are subtle.

「Well, it's finally Christmas next month, oniichan.」
「I see. Is there a party at the house of a rich friend」
「There is no such event.」

Well, I never had a friend like that.

「It's not like it's game over if I don't get a girlfriend by Christmas, right?」

Because there is a setting to have a younger sister.
There are many elements of that game, too, in this world.

「If so, you should reset it already.」

......thank you for your harsh comments.

「There's a Christmas party at school. You're in the cooking club, so you're supposed to prepare the Christmas food.」

Is that so.
Why does my sister know so much more about school than I do?
I guess Mai knows everything.

Now, let's devote ourselves to club activities for the Christmas party.

【Translator Corner!】

-Quatre from Gundam W:

-Hello there, really sorry for the long delay there's a lot of things that had been going around (Kaichou graduation for example). This chapter take a lot more time then the previous chapter probably because I slack my Japanese lesson to much.

-I really like the part where the old man goes to Disco Fever.

-I only do this for fun so I can't promise to do daily post but I'll try my best to do weekly post.

-Thanks for reading and if you like the novel or have some suggestion or want me to keep translating it comment down below.

-If you like the translation, please support me by reading it at my site or donate to me by ko-fi.



  1. Replies
    1. No problem mate! Hope you enjoy it!

    2. May i take over that series , if that okey with you ? I am mtler

    3. Sorry for the late reply. I'm still interested in translating this series but if you are interested you could take over the other 3 series that I manage.

    4. I see . i will think abou , sorry , i thought you kinda dead sorta lol , my bad

    5. No big deal! Well I did kinda dead lol.


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