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Let’s Raise the Abandoned Cat Heroes – an Awesome Demon Hunter Who Switched to Being a Teacher, and Is Very Much Missed by His S-Ranked Pupils Chapter 65


Chapter 65

When I entered the village with my students, I first visited the village chief's house.

I knock on the door of the village chief's house and tell him that I'm from the heroes' guild.

The elderly village chief who appeared at the door tilted his head "Huh" when he saw us.

「Excuse me...... but, are you a Demon King Hunter?」

He seemed to be wondering what was going on.

Well, by the looks of it, he's a young man with three beautiful young girls, so it's not surprising that he's wondering.
It's the usual pattern.

I managed to gain the trust of the village chief by showing him the letter of introduction from the heroes' guild and the heroes' card.

「I'm sorry about this. Please come in.」

The village chief then led us into the house and listened to us in the reception room.

I asked the village chief a straightforward question.

「Chief. I think a hero named Cecilia came to this village, do you know where she is now?」

Then the village chief leaned forward a little and answered.

「Oh, so that's what this is about. It's true that Cecilia-san came to the village about a week ago and said she would investigate the disappearance of the village. But...」
(T/N: The village chief sus, just saying)


「Yes. Cecilia came to visit the village in the afternoon, and it was midnight that day. She came to the house and said, "I may not be around for a while, but don't worry, the case will be solved. I may not show up for a while, but don't worry, the case will be solved. Please don't contact the heroes' guild either." I haven't seen Cecilia-san since then, and when I asked the people in the village, they said they hadn't seen her after that day.」

What's that?

Cecilia hinted at her own disappearance?
And don't contact the heroes' guild?

「Um...... did Cecilia-san say anything else?」

「No...... however, the letter of introduction from the Hero Guild also stated that she is a skilled and courageous, and I felt that she was well spoken, so I trusted her. But it's been a week since then, and I was wondering if I should contact the heroes' guild or not, and then you all came.」

「Is that so......」

By the way, when the village head said, 「she was well spoken」, there was a 「Eh?」 from the students, but I instructed the three of them to be quiet because it might complicate the conversation.

Cecilia, as it looks like, is a very firm and courageous person, as long as there are no boys and girls involved and she doesn't go out of control......

It's a sad reality that some of the he who are hunters for the demon king are just like the thug like the brother the other day, so just being able to do normal, natural things makes a good impression.
(T/N: The brother here refer to that one guy during the physical exam)

Well, that's aside.
I was immediately troubled.

I don't know what Cecilia's intentions were when she said that, but this has destroyed my lead to Cecilia.

Which means...

「So, Chief, can you tell us more about the disappearance in the first place?」

The only thing left to do was to follow the same research path that Cecilia must have followed.
It may be a long way to go, but the sooner you get there, the better.

The Chief replied, 「I understand」 and thinking a bit before continuing.

「The first person to go missing was the only daughter of a family living in this village. When her parents woke up one morning, they found that their daughter had disappeared from the house...... But if that was all, it still seemed like she might have run away from home or something. Over the next few days, there were a series of disappearances of young girls and children in the village.」

「I see......... So, you made a request to the heroes' guild. And Cecilia was dispatched.」


Certainly, if it was just the first case, but if there have been several similar disappearances in a row, it would be reasonable to suspect a case.

In addition to that, the disappearance of Cecilia herself, who came to investigate.

However, what I am curious about are the words Cecilia left behind when she visited the village chief's house before her disappearance.

「Don't worry if I disappear」 「Don't contact the Hero Guild」
I have no idea why Cecilia left those words.

Based on the information we have obtained so far, it seems natural to assume that Cecilia herself has a hand in covering up the incident.

But that doesn't match the Cecilia I know.
Even a useless hero like that should not be the kind of person who would engage in such criminal activities.

I wondered if someone, the real culprit, had taken advantage of her in some way.

It's no good.
There is too much information missing to narrow down the truth at this stage.

As I was thinking this, the hem of my cloth was tugged at.

I turned around to see Maifa staring at me with her swaying eyes.

「......Oniisan. ......Cecilia oneesan is not like that. ......Oneesan is a pervert, but she is not the kind of person who would be involved in the evil of kidnapping children for selfishness. ......Oneesan is a no good person, but she is a good person at heart.」

Maifa, who was quick-witted, must have realized that she had no choice but to judge that Cecilia was suspicious that she was involved in the incident in some way by comparing the information so far.

However, Maifa had shared her bed with Cecilia many times and knew her personality well.

And Rio and Iris, who had snuggled up with Cecilia as well as Maifa, were also staring at me.

「Niichan, I don't think Cecilia neechan would do that either.」

「Me too, sensei. Cecilia-san may be a no good person, but she's not a bad person.」

Seeing the sincere gazes of the three of them, I chuckled.

Cecilia, it's funny how everyone I asked prefaced the question with 「no good person」, but we all also agreed that she was not a bad person at heart.

I patted Maifa, Rio, and Iris on the head, one by one.

Each of them squealed 「Funyaa」, 「Wafuu」, 「Kyann」 and so on, and cuddled comfortably.
It's cute.

「I understand. I don't think Cecilia-san was involved in any wrongdoing, either. That's not who she is.」

When I told them that, their faces lit up with happiness.
Very cute.

「...... But oniisan, then there is the mystery of what Cecilia oneesan said to the village chief. Do you know what it is.....?」

Maifa asks me the same question I've been asking myself.

That's right.
I end up back there.

There is not enough information yet.
But I'm not sure how I got that information from.......

「By the way, Chief, how many girls and boys in the village have been reported missing?」

When I asked, the village chief nodded and answered.

「There were four people who disappeared, not including Cecilia-san. When the fourth person disappeared, we gave strict orders to everyone in the village not to go out at night. I'm sure there have been no more disappearances since then.」

「Is that so......」

I felt something in the village chief's words that stuck with me.

「......Ummm, Chief. What do you mean, "don't go out at night"? Is it absolutely safe in the morning, during the day, or in the evening?」

「......Oh, yes. I don't know if it's absolutely true, but all four disappeared in the middle of the night. And all of them seemed to be cases where they went out of the house by themselves.」

「I see......」

All of the disappearances have occurred in the middle of the night.
When they banned people from going out at night, the damage was gone.

This seems to me to be useful information as a clue to follow the case.

「By the way, How about Cecilia-san......?」

「Oh, Cecilia-san, have been going out at night to do investigation. It was also in the middle of the night when she visited our house and told us what she had done.」

I see......

I look out the open wooden window from the reception room of the village chief's house.

The sky was covered with clouds, and the faintest glimpse of the setting sun was about to sink into the mountains to the west.

「If you do not enter the tiger's cave, you will not catch its cub,...... Let's give it a try.」
(T/N: It's a Japanese proverbs, it has the same meaning as "nothing ventured, nothing gained")

I mumbled to myself.

【Translator Corner!】

-I don't know why but the village chief are really suspicious.

-Next week chapter may got delay because I have stuff to do irl.

-I only do this for fun so I can't promise to do daily post but I'll try my best to do weekly post.

-Thanks for reading and if you like the novel or have some suggestion or want me to keep translating it comment down below.

-If you like the translation, please support me by reading it at my site or donate to me by ko-fi



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