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Otherworldly Memorial ~ I thought it was an RPG, but it turned out to be a gal game world, but I'm going to play many rounds and try to capture all the characters! ~ Chapter 8


Otherworldly Memorial 【Chapter 8】

「Summer break is here! Yahoo!」

As I was sitting in the living room, my sister gave me a thumbs up and told me to go upstairs.
She acted as if she meant to tell me to get out in the open.

As I was entering my room first, Mai came in without knocking.
Not the usual lovely, fancy, prettily dressed.
It was the kind of jersey that people who hang out at discount stores late at night would wear.

「You know right......?」
「Status check, right?」
「That's right, but」

She motioned with her index finger to sit on the floor.
There was no way I could say no, so I sat down on the floor.
I'm being scolded, aren't I?

Liberal Arts: 58 (+30)     

Science: 39 (+20) 

Athletic ability: 43 (+10) 

Appearance: 69 ()   

Art: 13 (+2)   

Cooking: 70 (+4)

My academic ability is improving~!
I'm glad I did the supplementary lesson.
It was rather good.
I'll think that way.
I have to think positively, not negatively.
(T/N: Raw: ポジティブにシンキングしないとさ~、ノーグッドじゃない。)

「Isn't it great? I'm awesome, right?」
「That's okay.」

My sister responds to my slightly frightened comment in a cold, emotionless voice.


I sit upright again.

The problem was the impression of the girls at school.
Yes, that's right......
The whole school knew that I was extremely stupid and extremely siscon.

Jitsuwa Eiko 「I like my sister, too.」
Mouhito Sara 「Existence of goldfish excrement」
Jaana Rizumu 「The more you dig, the more you'll find!」
Torano Maki 「Seriously stupid」

I've lost track of Jitsuwa-san's intimacy.
It's not about feelings for me, it's about pity.

I got demoted from pet goldfish to an excrement by Sara-san
That's pretty bad

And Jaana-san became my paparazzi.

Meanwhile Maki-chan is disappointing or rather it's expected to be.

I've done it, haven't I?

「You know, Onii-chan...」

My sister tries to say something, but I restrain her with my hand.

「Don't say a word, Mai. I have no regrets.」 
「You're gonna regret this......」
(T/N: I may mistranslated this, Raw: 後悔しなよ……)

Hah, sighs my Sister.

「It's already summer vacation, and people say that rumors last for 75 days.」

I give a positive opinion.

「75 days is a lot longer than a summer vacation.」

Mai puts her hands on her forehead and shakes her head.
This is the gesture of a boss who is troubled by a completely helpless subordinate.

「I mean, summer vacation is mostly supplementary lessons, right? You have to go to school every day, right? Just now you just said, "Yahoo!"」

It's true that I got red marks in all subjects, so I had to take supplementary lessons for all of it.
The only time we don't have supplementary lessons is on the weekends, so we have to follow the calendar, which is not like a summer vacation.

「Normally its about time for a date at a summer festival or a pool or something? What are you doing?」
「That's right! Okay Mai, let's go to the pool together!」
「I'm not going. Hah~, maybe I've been born a little too cute.」

My sister has some great things to say.
She's saying as if she could adjust her cuteness when born.
I don't think so, though.
(T/N: Please not another reincarnated)


In a school classroom.

「Hey Tora-chan, since we don't have supplementary lessons tomorrow, why don't we go to the pool?」

I was able to have a frank conversation with Maki-chan through the daily supplementary lessons.
I can't call her Maki-chan yet, but I can call her Tora-chan.

「I don't have a swimsuit that fits my breasts anymore, so I can't.」

Maki-chan said calmly.
It's a line that will turn most girls against you and most boys against you.
I'd like to see it even more if you say so.

「Then, how about we go buy swimsuits?」

I was longing for a situation where I could go swimsuit shopping together.
Of course, I never had the slightest chance to do so in my previous life.

「Haa? Why would you do that?」

Maki-chan says with a ridiculed look on her face.
I'm sure she thinks I'm an idiot, or even a big idiot.
She went on to say.

「If you want to go to the pool so badly, why don't you go with your sister?」

She's already turned me down for that! I can't say that.
Why don't I ask in a straightforward manner?

「That's not the case, I'm asking you to go on a date with me.」
「Wha!? You, you want to have a date with me?」

Maki-chan scrutinized me as if she were looking at something strange.
I wonder if it is that surprising.
It's not like a girl this pretty hasn't been courted before.
When I nodded as if to say of course, Maki-chan crossed her arms and said with deep emotion.

「Ha..., there are some interesting people in the world~」

No..., there were some amazing boobs in the world~
When Maki-chan crosses her arms, her chest rests on her arms.
It's not half bad to be like that on a uniform.

「Then, I'll see you tomorrow at the mall.」

To be honest, all I could think about was her chest, but I was surprised when she agree.

The next day...

As I waited in front of the shopping mall, Maki-chan appeared in her casual clothes.
She was dressed like a boy, wearing denim shorts, a yellow and black bordered T-shirt, a blue cap and sneakers.
But her healthy, bouncy bare legs and breasts so full that they distorted the border of her T-shirt didn't make me think so.

Now, this is where I supposed to compliment people on their clothes.
Like, It looks good on you.
When you're this boyish, what should I do?
(T/N: May mistranslated this, Raw: ここまでボーイッシュな場合、どうなんだろう?)
I was a little lost.

「What are you waiting for? Let's go.」

I ended up choosing, run out of time.
We immediately headed to the swimwear section of the mall.

「Is this fine?」

Maki-chan chooses a swimsuit as soon as she arrives.
It was too fast to even make a cup of ramen.
(T/N: The mc probably saying that Maki-chan are choosing so fast then when making a cup noodle)
This is not allowed.

「It's not good.」
「It's not good, huh」
「Of course.」
「Of course, huh」
「First of all, why do you insist on the yellow and black stripes?」
「It's tigerish, so it's always this way.」
「Its not good enough?」

It is very straightforward.
This person really like a boy, isn't she?
It's so easy for a block head like me to treat her like a mother.
(T/N: Raw: 唐変木, touhenboku?)

「First of all, you should not make a decision to buy a swimsuit so quickly.」
「Is that so.」
「The real pleasure is to worry about which one to choose.」
「I don't know about that.」


「Try to come up with about three different types of candidates.」

The reply is too boy-like, but we'll get through that.

「How about these three?」

For some reason, she was proud to bring all the swimsuits that looked like prison uniforms.

「Wha, what do you mean?」
「It's black and white, white and blue, and white and red, not tiger stripes.」

That's what I mean when I say I can't stop talking.
What a fatal lack of feminine power.
I held up my index finger and began to speak.

「Okay listen here, where is your charm?」
「Charm? Strength, right?」
「That's~ wrong! No its not!」
(T/N: Can't really make the same sentence in English, Raw: ち~が~う~だろ~! 違うだろ!)

When I heard the absurd answer, I went into the mode of "you idiot!"
It seems that Maki-chan is good at martial arts in general, and is a fierce competitor in judo, kendo and archery at school.

「We're talking about your attractiveness as a girl! We're talking about what appeals about you, especially in a swimsuit!」
「As a girl......」

Maki-chan flinched.
She has a look on her face that says she never thought about it.

「What's the most attractive thing about you, of course it's your chest!」
「Che, chest!?」

Her mouth is agape and her eyes are rolling.
As everyone has probably noticed, she seems to be using her proportions only for martial arts.
You're too unaware.

「Isn't this what you'd normally expect?」

I show her a pink bikini.

「Wa-, isn't that pink.」

She crosses her hands in a wispy fashion, appealing like she doesn't have it in her.
What do you mean, you reject it just because its pink?

「Here it is then, if you want a tiger print, it would be this one!」

To put it bluntly, it's a swimsuit that looks like Lum-chan.
(T/N: Probably referring to Lum Invader from Urusei Yatsura. Please refer to Translator Corner! for illustration.)

「This, this is the legendary......」

She is gulping down.
As a lover of tiger stripes, it may have been a legendary item.

「Let's try it on.」
「Try it on......?」
「Of course」
「Of course?」

I push her into the fitting room.
This is it, the event where I wait for her to try on the swimsuit of my choice.
This is the situation I've been waiting for!
I grinned and shake my fist up and down in overflowing joy.
A female clerk looked at me blatantly and raised her eyebrows, but I didn't care.

The curtain of the fitting room opens with a swoosh.

「I wore it...」

Although it was a simple line, the Lum-chan swimsuit was incredibly destructive.
She was standing with his chest out, looking more like Tiger Mask than Lum-chan, though.
(T/N: I don't know whether he is referring to the Japanese wrestler or a manga goes by the same name)
If her hair wasn't so shaggy, she'd make her gravure debut immediately.
On the contrary, she is so attractive and stimulating to young people that they may not be able to put it inside the gravures of boys' magazines.
This is it! There are no other choice than this.

「It's goes beyond the level of fitting you! Let's go with this!」
「Nnya, this is too expensive, I can't buy it.」

The price?
You don't have the option to give up on something as trivial as that.

「I will pay it for you as a present.」
「Seriously? Do you have that much money?」
「Fufufu, I've already expected this!」

I used a special move to put the payment to the end of next month.
It was a household credit card that I borrowed from my sister.

「Are you sure about this? It's going to cost 200,000?」

200,000? As I recall, it was 50,000 for a four-day clinical trial job.
If you think in common sense, you should use that money on item that give an effect......
Men are helpless in front of chest.
This is the nature of men.
Before a gamer, I'm a man.

As I pulled my card out of the register, I felt my work motivation rising.
I'm willing to endure any clinical trial for this swimsuit.
I don't care if it makes me constipated or diarrhea-prone!
(T/N: He is a man of focus, commitment, and sheer fucking will.)

【Translator Corner!】

-This is the most enjoyable chapter I've translate and my favorite chapter by far.

-Lum Invader from Urusei Yatsura:

-Next week chapter may got delay because I have stuff to do irl.

-I only do this for fun so I can't promise to do daily post but I'll try my best to do weekly post.

-Thanks for reading and if you like the novel or have some suggestion or want me to keep translating it comment down below.

-If you like the translation, please support me by reading it at my site or donate to me by ko-fi



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