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Otherworldly Memorial ~ I thought it was an RPG, but it turned out to be a gal game world, but I'm going to play many rounds and try to capture all the characters! ~ Chapter 7


Otherworldly Memorial 【Chapter 7】

I was replaying the scene over and over in my brain, the one that was burned into my eyes.
In a gal game, you can usually clear the game once and then look back at your favorite scenes.
Unfortunately, I don't have that function, at least not at the moment.
There is no choice but to let it sink into your memory on its own.

It was after Sara-san and I had eaten our lunch on the second floor of the community center.
I watched a bit of shogi being played by children playing at the children's hall.
At that time, a little kid who quietly approached her flipped up Sara-san's skirt and ran away.
(T/N: That little bastard!)

She asked me if I had seen it, and I shook my head.
Actually, I could see it for a moment.
It was a white cotton fabric with purple polka dots.
That little bastard.
Well done.
If it were a social game, I'd want to request to be added as a friend.
A community center is not a bad place to go on a date.

For some reason, Mai, my younger sister, looked at me coldly that day.
It's not like you can see everything on......, is it?
(T/N: She sees all)

Some time had passed since that date, and it was now the middle of July.
There was a final exam.
In the first place, I can't read the question very well.
I am studying desperately, but I am still in the third grade of elementary school.

Therefore, I got red marks in all subjects.
Daily make-up sessions are confirmed.
Participation in club activities is also impossible.

Here's the current status.

Liberal Arts: 28 (+14)     

Science: 19 (+3) 

Athletic ability: 33 (+10) 

Appearance: 69 (+4)   

Art: 11 (+2)   

Cooking: 66 (+12)

I'm still studying a lot every day.
It's from early elementary school.

Jitsuwa Eiko 「I like it as much as the cat I saw on my way to school.」
Mouhito Sara 「About as much as a goldfish in your house.」
Jaana Rizumu 「What was the result of the final exam for a person so stupid he couldn't read!」

I'm glad to know that Sara-san is getting along much better.
Even goldfish are pets.
I guess that means she love me a little.
Lovely! How sweet it sounds.
And Jaana-san's interest always exploits my weaknesses, doesn't it?

So while everyone else is taking exams, I'm doing supplementary lesson.
Just as I was thinking, I've got to do my best, but I can't get into it.
There was a guest in the make-up classroom.

After all, it is this world.
Needless to say, she was a beautiful girl.
Her hair was a mixture of black and brown, down to her shoulders, and looked unkempt.
Her eyes were dim and depressed, yet deep down they held power.
And super high school-grade breasts.
The uniform is loosely worn and gives the impression of being disheveled, but the natural look suits her.

She plopped down on the classroom desk and yawned, her mouth wide open.
When she noticed me enter, she glanced sideways at me.
She opened her mouth, writing the back of her head in a ragged manner.

「Are you an idiot too?」
(T/N: That's a lotta damage!)

I was so bewildered that I couldn't get my lines out right away.

「I was recommended for sports, so I don't know anything about studying.」

She says, folding her hands behind her neck and balancing her chair with only two legs.
(T/N: For those who can't imagine it there's an example in the Translator Corner!)

「I can't even play sports. I'm just an idiot.」
(T/N: He say "ただのバカ")

I've never had such a pathetic self-introduction before.
Then he looked at me with a bit of surprise and murmured, 「Huh.」

「How did you get into this high school? baka-kun.」
(T/N: She uses sarcasm here I guess, she said "ただのバカ君, tada no baka-kun in english it would probably mean Mr. I'm just an idiot" I don't know how to translate this into proper english so I put it as be for now )

She smiled and said happily.
Good grief
I wish I had at least prepared myself with the ability to just barely get into this school.

「I'm not proud of it, but I'm so stupid I can't even read properly.」

For some reason I started bragging about how stupid I was.
I can't help but reveal myself in front of this person.
It had that kind of atmosphere to it.

「Seriously. You are really in trouble」
「I'm Lotto. I think I'm in trouble too.」
「Nice to meet you, Lotto. I'm Torano Maki. They call me Tora.」

It's not Maki but Tora
It was definitely an unmotivated tiger-esque atmosphere in the zoo, not a princess-like atmosphere.
(T/N: Her name in kanji are 寅野真姫, which probably read as Torano Mahime, Tora means a tiger and Mahime means a princess)
But since a Tora sounds like a cat's name, I'll call her Maki-chan in my head.
(T/N: Tora is a common cat name in Japan)

After the self-introductions, the teacher came over and started the supplementary lessons.
It looks like we're the only two getting supplementary lessons.

Maki-cahn was unmotivated the whole time, but she still did better than I did.
Every time I found out that I couldn't study better than her, she would giggle.
However, I didn't feel like I was being ridiculed at all.
It feels innocent and doesn't seem bad at all.
Just the fact that I had met her made me feel good for the first time in my unusually low academic career.

I don't think this is the main event to meet Maki-chan.
I wonder if  joining the same club are the right route.
But I was strangely fond of this relationship with my fellow idiots.

When the supplementary lesson was finished, a beautiful girl wearing a music note hair clip approached me with a ridiculously loud voice.

「Hey! Hey! I knew you were doing supplementary lessons!? Can I hear your test results!?」

Needless to say, it was Jaana-san.
She was probably curious out of pure curiosity, but unlike Maki-chan, she didn't want to be made fun of.

「Listen and be amazed, it's all red.」

I rubbed my chin with my thumb and forefinger and replied with a sly smile.

「Are you serious~!? Please let me interview you~!」

Jaana-san clasped her hands together and made a begging pose with her eyes looking up.
It's quite cute, but I don't lose my uptight attitude.

「Interview? Unfortunately I can't. I'm busy. I'm busy, after all, I've got all my supplementary lessons to do.」

I flipped my bangs and tried to look cool.
I'm such an idiot.

「So, so cool! Here lies an unprecedented man! I've become a witness to history.」

She's got a great sense of humor.
When I say so far, I think it's okay to be interviewed.
Even if it was introduced as an unprecedented stupid.
No that will definitely become a problem
Not every beautiful girl wants to be intimate with a complete and utter idiot.

「Yes, yes, you have to go through your manager for that kind of thing.」

When I jokingly refused, Maki-chan, who was watching next to me, said as she folded her arms in front of her large breasts.

「I, the manager of Lotto, give you permission.」


「Tora-san!? When did you become my manager!?」

Then, with her eyelids half-closed sleepily, Maki-chan put her hand on my shoulder.

「Well its fine isn't it? she's the one who's always writing about my activities. she's been a big help to me. Just say I'm indebted to you for this one.」

And it looks interesting, she added, and slapped my shoulder.
Isn't that what you really want?

「Toracchi, thank you~~」

Jaana-san hugs Maki-chan.
Maki-chan is stroking her hair as Jaana-san does.
It's like a cat lover and a cat.
You two must be close.
Beautiful girls getting along with each other is picturesque, but it's troubling.
If this happens, refusing to be interviewed will reduce the intimacy between them.

「All right, I'll take the interview.」

Jaana-san is delighted, but she doesn't stop skinshipping Maki-chan.

「So, can I visit your house now?」

Come to my house!?
I'm not proud of it, but having a girl come to my house is an event that never happened in my previous life.
I'm getting nervous.

「it, it's okay?」

My voice went up a little.
As if he knew what I was thinking, Jaana-san

「Well, let's go home together later?」

She winked as she hugged Maki-chan.
Damn, I know you're doing this on purpose, but you're absurdly cute.
I realize that my cheeks are flushed and tell myself to run away.

「Ah, I'll see you later.」

I dashed out of the classroom, but they could probably see how I really felt about them.
Oh, I'm so embarrassed.
It would have been embarrassing to be seen going home together, and I wondered what I should have said to her.
No, the only person who can say that is a beautiful heroine.
I'm not the one who should be saying this.

On my way out of school, happy and embarrassed.
I wasn't interviewed on the way to my house, but I was asked this question.

「What's your favorite newspaper?」

As expected of a newspaper club, this is a question you wouldn't expect from a high school girl.
But somehow I felt it.
This must be an option that affects intimacy.
I try to prepare as many options as I can think of in my brain.

1. Ordinary newspaper
2. Economic newspaper
3. English newspaper
4. Sports newspaper
5. Horse racing newspaper

First would be normal. It's a safe choice.

Second is a serious option, but I don't think Jaana-san is reading it.

Third is out of the question. Strictly speaking, English letters are not alphabets, but the words are English letters in this world, and there is no way I can read them, even in my own language at the elementary school level.

Fourth might be a good choice, it's similar to a school newspaper that focuses on the activities of the athletic department.

I don't think it will be fifth. In my previous life, I've read quite a bit about racehorse training simulations and other horse racing games.

「It's a sports newspaper.」

When I answered, Jaana-san raised her eyebrows, put her hand over her mouth, took about half a step away, and then said.

(TN: Raw: エロオヤジ, I don't know how to put proper English here so I let it be)

You're more of an Erooyaji than I am, with your perception that sports papers = erotic articles!
You'll make enemies of baseball fans!
While I was trying to argue with her, we arrived home.
It's not uncommon in gal games to think of a safe choice and then fail.

When I entered the house, Mai greeted me.

「Thank you for always taking care of my brother. I am his sister, Mai」

Jaana-san blinked her eyes and pointed at Mai and me alternately.

「Brother and sister? Really?」

She asked.
It's a perfectly natural question because we don't look alike at all.

「What do you think? Isn't she super cute?」

Dodon. He put his hands on his hips and boasted about his sister with his chest.
I don't have a single status to boast about, but I can boast about my sister's cuteness.

「Ha!? Well, yeah」

Jaana-san seemed bewildered.
No wonder, given my appearance.
Because my sister can't be this cute.
(T/N: Raw: 俺の妹がこんなに可愛いわけがないからな。, Orenoimōtogakon'nanikawaiiwakeganai kara na.)

The interview began through Jaana-san in my room, but I was turned on and started to use my treasured
I continued to brag about my sister while showing a picture of Mai
Later, the headline of the school newspaper distributed just before the summer vacation was

「The legend of the idiot who scored red in every subject is the ultimate siscon.」
(T/N: Most people will die socially after seeing that)

It was.

That's what I thought.

I'm really a legendary idiot, aren't I?

【Translator Corner!】

-Next week chapter may got delay because I have stuff to do irl.

-Balancing chair:

-I only do this for fun so I can't promise to do daily post but I'll try my best to do weekly post.

-Thanks for reading and if you like the novel or have some suggestion or want me to keep translating it comment down below.

-If you like the translation, please support me by reading it at my site or donate to me by ko-fi. 



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