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Otherworldly Memorial ~ I thought it was an RPG, but it turned out to be a gal game world, but I'm going to play many rounds and try to capture all the characters! ~ Chapter 6


Otherworldly Memorial 【Chapter 6】

I continued to improve my appearance, and July came.
It had been 4 weeks since the "Morning sickness lost child" incident.

Here's how it looks now.

Liberal Arts: 14 (+4)     

Science: 16 (+3) 

Athletic ability: 23 (+16) 

Appearance: 65 (+40)   

Art: 9 (+2)   

Cooking: 54 (+32)

As for appearance, it's finally about the same as in my previous life.
(T/N: If this is like Dark Soul, the max value will be 999 and that's gonna take a very long time)
It's a decent face.

As for cooking, it is no longer comparable to my previous life.
I'm capable of buying unprocessed seafood and making acqua pazza.

Jitsuwa Eiko 「I like it as much as the cat I saw on my way to school.」
Mouhito Sara 「Being like a toilet in a station」
Jaana Rizumu 「Is it true that you are too stupid to read?」

It seems that I got a good intimacy with Jitsuwa-san after that event.
How much of this expression depends on who you ask, but Jitsuwa-san seems to like cats.

I guess, Sara-san probably doesn't want to get involved as much as possible.
You don't have to hate me so much, do you?

Jaana-san had become my guideline for action.

「It's finally time for me to study.」
「So you're finally start studying, onii-chan」
「Not being able to read at all was hard to live with, to be honest.」
「I'm sorry to hear that.」

It was a first grade drill that my sister gave along with a line of sympathy.
Well, that's what happens.
With my academic ability, I have to start everything from the first grade.
I'd like to believe that since I know the language itself, I can absorb it quickly.

「By the way, onii-chan, tomorrow is Mouhito-san's birthday, what should we do?」

The only way to do that is to give her a gift and make her impression more favorable.
But that's the thing, I don't have a clue what kind of gift Sara-san would like.

「I'd love to give her a gift, but I honestly don't know how.」

When I let out my true feelings, Mai said to me as if she had seen through me.

「I'm sure one of these will please Sara-san?」
1. Handmade sweets
2. A fan for female professional shogi players
3. Mouhito Koe special cooking set

Ah..., it's amazing its like a gal game option.
I'm sure Mai knows which one is the right one.

I wonder about the first.
I guess it depends on your cooking skills.
We don't make sweets in the cooking club, so I don't know if she like them or not.

I wonder what second means.
Does that mean she actually like shogi?
Sara has an appearance that looks good with a fan.

Third should probably be the worst.
Mouhito Koe is the name of Sara's father.
My guess is that she hates her father, so this definitely not it.

I think first is not good with my cooking skills.
But is second okay?
Is giving this gift without any information that she likes this female shogi player a real thing to do?

Its may be a good idea to take a gamble here...... our intimacy are that she'll never hate me more than she do now.

The next day...

「Wa, why are you giving this to me!?」

I told her I needed to talk to her during club activities and asked her to come to the cooking preparation room.
She looked very uncomfortable......
That reaction was enough to shatter my glass heart, but there was no way a gamer could not see the results of the choices he made.

As soon as I plucked up the courage to give her the gift, her expression changed.
Her eyes lit up and she smiled in a way I had never seen her smile before.
I've won the gamble.

「I thought you might like it.」

If you ask me why this gift, I don't have an answer for you.
If I told them the real reason, that it was the choice my sister gave me, they would just think I was crazy.
I'll just have to fake it here.

「Ah, you've seen the straps on this bag.」

Eh, What is that!?
There was such a hint!?
I kept my poker face on, thinking to myself.
I see, her school bag has a shogi piece strap with the name of a female shogi player on it.

「Well that's about it」

I might be a pretty good actor.
I feel like I could be an active member of the drama club.

「Thank you...... Oh yes, I would like to thank you, are you free this weekend?」

First date event!
Just a moment ago my impression was that of a station toilet!
The effect of the gift was amazing.
And Mai-sama, who put this as an option.

「Of, of course」
「I'll be waiting for you at the local community center.」

Community center!?
A dating place that is too shiny and astringent.
(T/N: I don't really get this sentences, Raw: シブい、渋すぎるデート場所。)


Pachi, pachi
(T/N: Raw: パチッ、パチッ。, sfx for something I guess)

When I arrived at the community center, she was playing shogi with an old man.
Ah, I knew it you like shogi.

The community center was quite a bit bigger than I expected.
The first floor is a zone for the elderly, with a space for playing Go and Shogi, as well as calligraphy and haiku written by citizens.
The second floor is the children's hall area. The second floor is a little gymnasium where children are playing with kendama and koma(tops).
(T/N: Image at Translator Corner!)
The third floor is the library.
I never had the chance to go to a community center in my previous life, but it seems to be a surprisingly convenient facility.

23 old men and a high school girl were playing shogi in a room with 12 shogi boards.
The room is made of glass and can be seen from outside, but it stands out, it stands out.
She was dressed in a white T-shirt and a purple cardigan, with a long white skirt underneath, not a flashy fashion.
Still, you noticed it right away.
The picture is too plain, but it has a strange atmosphere.

I go near her and watch the battlefield.
I don't know that much about it, but I'm a gamer too.
I've also played a fair amount of shogi.

This is a crushing defeat.
It's so obvious just by looking at the pieces you have.
It would have been better to surrender now, but the old man was struggling to his feet.

「I admire you for not giving up until the end.」

Sara-san seems to be relentlessly sarcastic, even when dealing with the old man.
The poor old man was shaking and shaking, his face a mess of wrinkles.

「Well, well its nothing」
(T/N: I may mistranslated this. Raw: 「ま、ま、……ありません」 )

You didn't want to tell you lost, old man.

「Thank you very much.」

When the game was over, Sara-san finally noticed me.

「I'm sorry I didn't wait for you.」
「No, not at all. You're strong, aren't you, at shogi?」
「I'm not really that good.」

The old man are still there. Don't say you're not good at it, or you'll get pulled over again.

「I'm really bad at this. How about it, should we play one game?」
「Please treat me well.」

I said one game, and the first one I lost right away.
After three rounds of handicapping, I was already on my fourth game.

「If I win this game, I need a favor.」
「What is it?」
「May I call you Sara-san?」
「Then you can call me that. I don't like being called by my first name.」

I just wanted to call her by her last name because it was difficult to call her by her first name.
I wondered if her dislike of her first name was related to her father.

「May I ask why you like shogi?」

I decided to play shogi and gather information about her.

「My grandfather taught me, and I've been playing ever since.」
「Yes, I was always at my grandfather's house when I was little.」

I wonder if I'm intruding.
It was difficult to know if I should ask any more questions.
But no one is going to offer me a choice.
The only person who can give me a choice is my sister.

「Do you like your grandfather?」

I'll attack in a natural way.

「Yes, the best in the family. No, the only one I like.」

Oops, more and more deep stuff is coming up that I didn't expect.
The sound of clinking and clacking pieces drowned out the silence.
Shogi may be suitable for slow communication.

「Don't you like your mother?」

It was too early to ask about her father.

「That's right...... I don't like people who neglect.」

Ooh, that's a heavy word.
Neglect is when parents do not take care of their children at all, or abandon them.

「So you went to your grandfather's house.....?」
「Yes, I did. That's where I found shogi, so I'm grateful.」

I wonder if she means it......
I'd say it's about 50/50.

「Did you learn to cook from your grandfather?」
「No, I made it myself, following the recipe left by my grandmother.」

Her father is a culinary researcher, but instead of learning from him, she's learning by trial and error at her grandfather's house.
The way she said she left it, her grandmother must have passed away.

Due to her mother's neglect, she lived with her grandfather and grandmother.
The grandmother who used to cook the food passed away, so Sara-san started cooking.
It wasn't that she liked to cook or anything, but that she did it because she had to.
It's not the kind of situation you'd expect from the daughter of a culinary researcher.

「If my grandfather hadn't died, I would have been able to play chess forever.」

Her grandfather is no longer with alive.

「My father, whom I hadn't seen in over 10 years, said to me, you have a talent for cooking, you should take over from me.」

That's why you hate him.

「He doesn't cook at home. I don't eat my mother's food because it doesn't suit my taste. No one else cooks.」

It's a shitty house.
Neglect, huh
If the husband says your food is too bad to eat, he won't feed it to his daughter either.
Tsk, I feel disgusted.
Did I tell her in an interview that I came up with the idea after reading a recipe book from a guy like that?
No wonder Sara-san is so pissed off with me.

「The only reason I'm in the cooking club at this school is because my father ordered it.」

Is that so…….

「I'm sorry, it's not because I like to cook or anything.」

When I joined the cooking club, I told her I had never cooked before.
Maybe she was jealous of that.
The fact that I don't have to cook means that I am blessed with a family of my own.
She saw that I didn't seem to understand that, and that was why she was so cold.
I got the message.

「I lost」

I finally won with eight cards down.

「You're strong」
「I don't know about that, but I just lost.」
「No, I'm good at chess, but Sara-san...」

After making a strange face, Sara made a smile and said

「Would you like another game?」

That day, we talked about many things while playing Shogi.
The thank you was a specially prepared lunch.
Of course, it was delicious.

【Translator Corner!】


-Koma (tops):

-I only do this for fun so I can't promise to do daily post but I'll try my best to do weekly post.

-Thanks for reading and if you like the novel or have some suggestion or want me to keep translating it comment down below.

-If you like the translation, please support me by reading it at my site or donate to me by ko-fi. 



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