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Let’s Raise the Abandoned Cat Heroes – an Awesome Demon Hunter Who Switched to Being a Teacher, and Is Very Much Missed by His S-Ranked Pupils Chapter 58


Chapter 58

「Are you ready? Now, take your positions...」

The starting point of the 100-meter run.
I took my starting position in a crouching start position and listened to the attendant's voice.

Next to me on the second lane of the first course, Rio is in the same starting position.
Her face show an expression of a fearless and dignified that was facing forward, it wasn't the usual face she's always making.

It's so beautiful it's give me the chill.
I almost fell in love with the sight of her, and I hurriedly turned around to face forward.

「Here we go...」

However, Rio's cheeks were turning red and her eyes seemed to be shaking slightly.
Is she nervous?

No, it could be my imagination.
I need to focus on the race ahead.

I'm gonna start concentrating...


At the same time as the attendant, I kicked the ground.

With the image of a hero concentrating his fighting spirit into his legs, I ran powerfully and quickly, as if I were gouging the ground.

When I'm concentrating like this, I feel as if time has slowed down and even stopped halfway through.

It was an illusion, of course, but in this subjective sense of time, I kicked the ground and increased my speed rapidly.

「Ah! Shoot!」

Just then, I heard Rio's voice behind me.

Did she get a late start?
The delay was only about two-tenths of a second, but that was unusual for Rio, who was very focused.
Was she thinking of something else?

But even so, I'm not going to cut corners.

I ran the hundred meters as fast as I could.
Rio seemed to have reached the finish line only a little later than me.

Rio then stopped a few moments past the finish line and held his head.

「Haaa, haaa......naaaaaa~! brother you're cheating!」
(T/N: はぁっ、はぁっ……んああああ~っ! ああもう、兄ちゃんズルい! )

「Eh, what?」

I don't know what it is, so I ask her back, and she strolls right up to me and looks up at me with her cheeks all red.

「You look at me before we started! What was that? I thought I shouldn't worry about it, but before I knew it, it was starting! Aaaa~ damn it!」

「Ah, so that's what all of this about...sorry. To tell you the truth, I thought Rio's face was beautiful, and I was charmed by it...I'm sorry.」


When I lowered my head, Rio's face turned bright red and she let out a puff of steam from his head.
(T/N: It's just like in one of my Japanese anime)

Then Rio turned her head and looked at me with a somewhat sultry, upturned look.

「Ah......, you know, brother......, what do you mean by that......?」

「What do I mean ......? I mean, like normal.」

「What do you mean by normal......? Haa~ well it's brother so it can't be help.」
(T/N: The usual dense mc cliché I guess)


I'm not sure what it was, but Rio was dumbfounded.

That aside.
Rio took me by the hand and went to the finish line official to ask for the results.

The attendant gave us a half-hearted smile and told us our results.

「Mr Brett 1:96 seconds, Miss Rio 2:21 seconds. Both of you are amazing. That was today's top record number 1 and 2, and by far.」

But when Rio heard this, she writhed in agony.

「Ah, I'm so frustrated! There are times when I can cut two seconds!」

But each of the status tests is measured once, and the only time it's re-measured is when there's a mistake on the part of the measurement. 
Unfortunately, new official measurements will have to be put off until next year.

「Uh, Rio......, I'm really sorry if that was my fault.」

「Yeah, it's brother's fault. As an apology, you must hug me later. Then I'll forgive you.」

「Oh, okay. I'll hug you. But later, when there's no one around.」

I'm not sure what it was, but that's what we talked about.

To be honest, I think it's pretty bad to hold Rio, who has recently started to rapidly radiate the sex appeal of a girl, but I can't help but feel like it's my fault this time.

I'm sure Rio doesn't have any ulterior motives and is just saying it in the same way as a year ago, so I shouldn't think any ill intentions. To be honest, I don't have the confidence to do so but I'll do my best to make my heart pure.

By the way, Rio, who took my word for it, went to Iris and Maifa and talked with them about something.

「That cheating...... Rio, what was that? Is that even allowed?」

「It's not like I did it on purpose from the beginning. It's true that my time was slowed down because of brother.」

「Even so...... the way you did it is very sneaky. You use brother's weakness to satisfy your desires. I will also do it too.」

「Eh?! Then......, I will do it too.....」

I felt the eyes of my three students light up as they looked at me, and a chill ran down my spine.
What's with their eyes that look like they were looking at a prey.......
(T/N: Let's start the hunt!)

By the way, as for the older brother and the little guy who were watching me and Rio run the 100 meters...

「Two......Two seconds?! What was that unbelievable speed just now......」

「! If the last one was doping, what did those guys do this time!?」

「Well, it's....... It's doping, it's doping,. It's called double doping.」
(T/N: I love this one ダブルドーピング)

「Double doping!? I've never heard of it before! I don't know what it is, but it sounds like it's really bad!」

「Oh, it's really bad. But Johnny, I just remembered something that I need to do. Let's ignore those guys, we'll just finish the status test quickly.」

「Eh......? Aren't you going to expose their doping, brother?」

「As much as I'd like to, I don't have the time right now. Unfortunately, I'll have to let them off the hook this time.」

「Damn......! Tsk, those guys, how very unfortunate......!」

The older brother and the little guy quickly went on to the next measurement.
Rio and the others saw that.

「Oh, he's getting away......」

「What do we do, Rio? Should we go after him?」

「Well, it's okay, isn't it? It's not like he's going to say anything and apologize anyway.」

「The more disappointed people are, the more they want to be pretentious. It's sad, but  it's the truth of the world.」

She looked at the older brother and the little man with pity.

Well, it's not that they are incompetent as a hero as you guys said

It's just that the three of you are abnormal.
I hope you don't misunderstand that part.

So, despite some minor conflicts, the status test between me, Rio, Iris and Maifa went smoothly.

In a variety of tests such as the repetition jump, the shot put, grip strength, back strength, and a number of endurance and magic tests, my students and I set records that amazed the measurers.

Then, after taking the certificate photos, the certification test was successfully completed.

At the end of the day, they return to the heroes' guild to report the end of the certification test.
They then told that the hero card with the certification status would be ready in three days.

Rio and the others, who had expected to see the results immediately, voiced a bit of frustration, but no amount of fussing would instantly produce a hero card.

I took Rio and the others to eat at a rather glamorous restaurant in town, and then returned to the village.

In the middle of the night, I hug Rio in my room at home as promised.

To be honest, I was so thrilled that I couldn't help but feel guilty.

When I hugged her, I felt the girl's scent softly wafting from her hair, the girl's soft skin, and her breasts pressed against me.
(T/N: I want to hug a kemonomimi girl too ╥﹏╥ )

The innocent me who had said a year ago that I was a comfortable hugger had been blown away.
Such a view of Rio today is completely impossible.

Isn't me hugging Rio like this looks like a lover's hug? It made me feel guilty because I have some ill emotion, but it seems that Rio somehow didn't notice my inner feelings...... I think, maybe.
(T/N: Ill emotion here probably means lust, I think...)

And then, three days later.

We headed back to the heroes' guild to receive the heroes' cards that would be ready.

【Translator Corner!】

-To tell you the truth I was quite unsatisfied with the translation I did with this chapter. So I'll review it later. Should have study harder with my Japanese.

-I only do this for fun so I can't promise to do daily post but I'll try my best to do weekly post.

-Thanks for reading and if you like the novel or have some suggestion or want me to keep translating it comment down bellow.

-If you like the translation, please support me by reading it at my site or donate to me by ko-fi. 



  1. it's ok no ones perfect just keep at it while having fun and will improve in no time :)


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