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Otherworldly Memorial ~ I thought it was an RPG, but it turned out to be a gal game world, but I'm going to play many rounds and try to capture all the characters! ~ Chapter 1


Otherworldly Memorial 【Chapter 1】

I wouldn't complain if I died.

I was a game addict, or rather, I couldn't stop playing games all the time, especially after I got a smartphone.
As a result, I died from what is called walking on the phone.

I was hit by a truck at the pedestrian crossing when it was red light.
(T/N: I don't know how to put this into proper sentence 赤信号の横断歩道でトラックにドーン。)
The last thing I remember was flying over three cars.

I was a senior in high school and went to an all-boys school in middle school and high school.
I had never been in what I would call a relationship.
I was looking forward to going to a university that was rumored to have many girls with good academic background.

As I was pondering my life and lazing on the bank of what seemed to be the Sanzu River, the words echoed directly into my brain.
(T/N: 三途の川, Sanzu river are the equivalent to Styx river from Greeks mythology)

「If you like games so much, go to a game like world.」

Is it God or something?
I don't sense any sort of reality
(T/N: How do I put this into proper sentence? あまりのフランクさに、リアリティを感じない)
However, I began to feel my hands and feet again.
I don't really get it, but I guess that means I have a body again.
It's great to have a body.

This place is...
Is this the world of games?
It's not that the dots are rough, but they appeared in a black area with no background.
(T/N: Wut? 別にドットが荒いなんてことはないが、背景のない真っ黒な場所に現れた)

It's not really dark, they are enough light to look around
It seemed like a character making process.

The words that echoed in my brain earlier were "a game like world".
In other words, it's not a game.
But the next voice I heard was clearly from a game.

「Tell me your name.」

I see.
It seems that I have really come to a game like world.

The name I enter for the main character in a game like this is fixed.
It's 「Lotto」
(T/N: Raw: ロト)
Maybe, just maybe, I will start as the strongest.

「Please check your initial status and allocate bonus points accordingly.」

Oh, is that so?
I'm the type of player that prioritize HP in the early stages of the game

Liberal Arts: 5     (T/N: Raw: 文系学力)

Science: 9     (T/N: Raw: 理系学力)

Athletic ability: 5     (T/N: Raw: 運動能力)

Appearance: 8    (T/N: Raw: 容姿)

Art: 7    (T/N: Raw: 芸術)

Cooking: 2     (T/N: Raw: 料理)

Bonus points: 10
(T/N: The status board are quite hard to translate as there are no furigana so I don't really know if it's right)

It's not what I expected.
You know something like levels or magic power.
Isn't that the way it's supposed to be?

However, this parameter I seems to have seen it somewhere else.

Oh, that one.
It's similar to a romantic simulation game I played a long time ago.
The so-called gal game.
I haven't seen much of that lately.

It can't be the world that I came are......
Is it a nurturing gal game?
(T/N: 育成型, Ikusei-gata? Nurturing type? Breeder?)

For now, I don't know much about cooking, and I'm sure I'll be able to handle my academic skills later, so I've decided to assign everything to my looks.

Liberal Arts: 5     

Science: 9  

Athletic ability: 5    

Appearance: 18   

Art: 7   

Cooking: 2     

Apparently, you just decide that in your head and then proceed.

Then, I suddenly felt the wind.
I was outside, it's probably early spring
Cherry blossoms are dancing in the air. 
(T/N: Should I use Sakura instead?)
In front of me was a shiny new school building.
I seem to be wearing something that looks like a uniform.

「Hey, what are you doing?」

Someone taps me on the shoulder from behind.
He seems like a nice guy.
He may not be handsome, but he is the type of person that everyone seems to like.
It's true that you often see guys like this in gal games, as male friends.

「We've known each other since kindergarten, and now we're at the same school again. We're going to the same school again. Let's make sure to get a girlfriend in these three years.」

It's a clear and lean explanation, and I'm grateful that it's very easy to understand.
Apparently he is my best friend.

I'm sure of this.
I'm sure I've reincarnated in a gal game like world.

If this were a game, the opening movie would be playing around here, but that doesn't seem to be the case.

Now, I have no idea about this guy who I've known since kindergarten.
I don't even know his name.
Normally in gal game, it's written on the window of the line.
It's just like a game, but this world seems very real.

In an RPG world, there would be item windows or a status windows.

「Hey, Yoshitomo I hope we can get along well.」
「Oh, You too」

Nice timing! Another friend came.
It seems that his name is Yoshitomo.

「Come on, let's go, Lotto.」

I realized that I made a mistake in my name.
I mean, in a situation like this, you'd normally expect to go to a world of swords and sorcery, right?
Lotto in a gory Japanese high school worldview.
(T/N: Another hard to translate sentence, ゴリゴリの日本の高校生の世界観のところにロトだよ。)
No matter how you look at it, it just doesn't feel right.

And I soon realize that I got the parameters wrong too.

My body is heavy.
It's like my body has no muscles at all.
I don't feel like I can climb the stairs in front of the school building.

That's right, I only have an athletic ability of 5.
I don't know what the maximum status is, but 5 seems pretty bad.
I wonder if I'll walk like this when I'm about 90 years old.

Re, reset.......

My best friend quickly left.
Damn, it's so hard to walk.

(T/N: School bell chime, Kīnkōnkānkōn)

I hear the bell for the start of the school day. It looks like I'm going to be late from the first day.
As I was walking slowly, I was tapped on my right shoulder.
Looks like a girl running from behind.

「I'll go first~」
(T/N: おっさき~)

A female student ran nimbly, ta-ta-ta-ta.
(T/N: "ta-ta-ta-ta" are probably the step sound make by the girl)

Oh, oh!
Is this a meeting event!?
I mean, she's my heroine now.
(T/N: つか、今の娘なんだよ。he said "musume" here)
She's super cute!

Two pairs of big brown hairs
Fine, crisp eyebrows.
Thin lips, youthful, healthy skin.
She had long, wavy, brown hair that fluttered lightly.
She looked like a gyaru for a moment, but her carefree smile didn't give that impression.

She wears the school uniform
A navy blue blazer, a white shirt, and red ribbons and other decorations.
The skirt is green.
Her legs are thin!
(T/N: 脚ほっそ!, Ashi hosso!)

Even the most popular young commercial queen of all time can't win, can she? That's the level.
(T/N: The mc probably comparing the girl with someone. それにしても歴代一番人気の若きCM女王でも勝てないんじゃね?っていうレベル。)
Oh man! This world is awesome!
And I'm glad I couldn't reset it!
This encounter alone was worth dying for.

I was so excited and headed to school with a step like an old man. 

When I arrived at the school, the entrance ceremony was already over.

「Come on, let's go home, Lotto.」

I went home as if Yoshitomo was taking me home.
I was grateful to my best friend because I wouldn't have made it home before nightfall on my own.

My house was a two-story house that looked like it was newly built.
The house is much nicer than the one I had before I died.

「Welcome home, big brother.」
(T/N: Cute little sister obtained!)

I opened the front door, which seemed to be a stranger's house, and there was someone there to greet me.
From what she says, it seems I have a sister.
Before I died, I only had one brother.

I check on my self-proclaimed sister who greeted me.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
This is my sister!?
She was a complete and utterly beautiful girl who looked nothing like me.
Probably middle schoolers.
She had long, straight black hair, was a little short, and had a cat-like face that gave her an impression of being friendly.
She clearly has an aura that she must be a good girl, and she's just the ideal sister.
She wore an apron over her blazer uniform and held a ladle.

「Our parents have gone overseas today, so we'll be living alone. I'll be on cooking duty this week, but next week you'll have to do your best.」

Thanks for the easy to understand explanation!
Yeah, I don't know why parents aren't around in this kind of setting.
So, I'm living with this younger sister!?
Oh man, I can't believe she's my sister.
I want to propose to you right now.

「Why don't you go into your room first?」

Apparently my room was on the second floor.
Just climbing the stairs at home is hard enough for my athletic ability.

The door at the top of the stairs had a plaque saying Mai's room on it.
My sister's name is Mai
My parents in this world have crazy naming sense they name the brother Lotto and the sister Mai
I'd say that's a good sense.
(T/N: グセンスということになるね, Guzensu? Good sense?)

My room was quite stylish.
Basically a 6 tatami mat room with wooden flooring, with furniture in black and silver.
And as I look at the things in my room, I notice many things that I didn't notice before.

First, my face.
When I look in the mirror, I can see the face I had when I was alive, but it has become much uglier.
His eyes are puffy, his complexion are pale, his skin are rough, and his hair are shaggy.
Even though I used all the bonus points for this.
How can you smile at this guy, sister?

When I looked at the bookshelf, I couldn't read the title.
From the conversation, I'm pretty sure the language is Japanese, but apparently the characters are not.
A liberal arts education level of 5 seems to be a level at which one cannot live in daily life.
This world are harsh

I don't know the numbers on the calendar, but I understand them.
A week is seven days, twelve months is a year, and the calendar doesn't seem to be different.
The same goes for clocks.

As I was checking things out, I heard a voice from downstairs.

「Big brother, dinner's ready!」

Kuu, even the her voice are cute
As I tried to hurry to get there, I fell down the stairs.
My athletic ability is too low.
On the verge of death, I went into a room that looked like a living/dining room.

「You're in for a treat today.」

Mai puts her hands on her hips confidently and holds her chest out.
Looking at the table, it is indeed amazing.
What country's food is this?
It was such a mysterious dish that I wondered what the ladle she was holding earlier had been used for.

「It's nouponf de poelee and stewed valere.」
(T/N: ヌポンフのポワレと、バレーレのシチューだよ)

Mai smugly said, Fufun.
(T/N: Smug imouto!)
It's very cute, but it's also very confusing.
Poelee and stew are understandable Japanese, but what the heck is nouponf and valere?

Anyways, when I tried it, the taste was not that different from what I was used to.
Nouponf is similar to beef, while valere is similar to chicken.
But the appearance is hard to describe.
I have no idea, but if you told me it was Egyptian steak and curry, I'd probably agree.
At least, it's not the kind of dish that a middle school girl would make at a Japanese dinner table.
I realize that this is a different world.

Then I remembered that my cooking level was 2.
I understood from this meal that my cooking experience before I was reborn was completely useless.

「The bath are ready」
(T/N: お風呂も沸いてるからね)

Mai says, Come in after you eat.
Oh, I wanted to be reincarnated in a setting where I could live as a newlywed with this girl.

After I got out of the bath and was in my room looking for a way to read, there was a knock at the door.

「Big brother, I'm coming in.」
「Oh, yes」

My younger sister comes in, looking refreshed after taking a bath.
She was wearing yellow pajamas with a towel wrapped around her head.
What is she wearing?
I love her so much that I want to hug this pillow with my sister printed on it with all my might right now and rummage around on the floor.

「Well, big brother. Let's go over the current situation.」

Mihane Eiko 「Better than water fleas」
(T/N: I might translated this wrong 実羽 映子 [ミジンコよりは好き])

「So this is what it looks like now.」

All of a sudden, my sister told me about intimacy.
I'm pretty sure there was a gal game with that kind of system.
It seems like they're periodically telling me how things are going with me and my target.

「Well, I have a lot of questions, but who is Mihane Eiko?」
「Mihane Eiko is the girl you met today. She tapped you on the shoulder, didn't she?」

Ah, that beautiful girl.
Even if I don't know the name, somehow my sister has the mysterious skill to know it.

「What do you mean "better than water fleas?"」
「That's what I meant. Well, good luck with that.」

I was comforted.
Well, to be honest, when I look in my own mirror, I feel like I deserve it.
I'm not athletic enough to walk properly, and I can't even read, so it's a miracle that he tapped me on the shoulder.

「So, my main question is, where's Mai? I don't see Mai's name on there?」
「Eh? What are you talking about, big brother? I'm your sister.」

Yeah, that's right.
You're my sister.

Damn it!
It's a super shitty game if you can't capture your sister!
I feel like I've already have a broken heart!

(T/N: *Sad incest voice)

「Well, big brother. What are you going to do this week? Study? Sports?」

Ah, what you do for the week determines which status you get.
What will I do tomorrow?
Not being able to read is hard, but not being able to go up and down stairs properly is probably the hardest.

「I will train my body」
「Yes, do your best」

She handed me some kind of paper.
It was a huge amount of training menu.
It says 100 push-ups, but I don't think I can do even one in my current state.
(T/N: Gonna be Saitama)

「Um, this is.......」
「Do this every day for a week.」

She look like the devil with perfect, carefree smile.
I guess it means that if you don't do it, your status won't go up.
If it were a game, you would just click on a command, but that's not how it works.

You can't exercise without training.
You can't read letters unless you study hard.
If you don't do your best in appearance, you will remain ugly.
Art and cooking must also be necessary skills.

Damn it.
I've been reincarnated in this world.
A world where only the girls are cute and you have to work terribly hard to get them.
(T/N: That's sounds like a real world to me)

This other world are shitty gal game!

【Translator Corner!】

-I only do this for fun so I can't promise to do daily post but I'll try my best 
to do weekly post.

-Thanks for reading and if you like the novel or have some suggestion or want me to keep translating it comment down bellow.

-If you like the translation, please support me by reading it at my site or donate to me by ko-fi. 




  1. thanks for picking up !!!!!

  2. this is surprisingly good , thanks tl sama

    1. No problem mate. Hope you enjoy it.

    2. :) i hope your pillow is extra cool when you switch it over in the middle of your sleep

  3. Seems interesting, thanks for picking this up!

  4. maybe its will be fun, thanks for the hardwork

  5. The letter color makes my head hurt
    Can you tell me how to change it?

    1. I'm sorry to hear that. The colour are so because it easier for me to work at it as I mostly do it at night. I don't think there's a setting for the visitor to change it.

    2. Can't you just make it white? It really puts pressure on the eye. I like the series but can't read for too long because of the colour.

    3. I see, I'll change it in a few minute

    4. Thanks, now it's much better.


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