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The World’s Strongest Martial Artist who has Worked too Hard, Survives in the Magic World With Ease Chapter 76


My Disciples Thanked Me


「Okay, that's enough training for today.」

As soon as I said that, Effa fell down.

「I can't even make a scratch.」
「It's no wonder you can't hit him. Even I can't hit Ash with my attacks.」

With that said, master handed Effa some water.

Effa took the water as she lay there and drank it down in one gulp.

I guess her throat was getting dry from moving around for almost half a day straight.

「You didn't land a hit, but you kept moving without a break.」

I thought honestly.

The Effa of six months ago would have collapsed in less than an hour.

It is the result of working hard every day to build physical strength.

When I praised her, Effa sat up.


With a single word, her fatigue seemed to have vanished.

「I wasn't sure if I was getting the results I was looking for, but I'm relieved! I'm going to continue to train hard!」
「Yeah. I'll take care of you until you graduate!」

As Effa and I were burning with motivation, master murmured.

「Will Effa-chan stop training when she graduates?」

Effa quickly shook her head.

「After graduation, I'm going to get a job that involves physical activity. Then, every day will be like training!」
「Job that involves physical activity?」
「A gym teacher!」

So, I guess the place of employment is at an elementary school in Nemnesia?
(T/N: Raw: ネムネシア)

The quintuplets will be in elementary school this year, and I'm sure they will be happy to have Effa as their teacher.

「I'm sure Effa will make a good teacher.」
「I'm glad to hear you say so, Master! Because it was because of you that I decided to become a teacher!」
「Because of me?」

Effa nodded vigorously.

「I wanted to find a job in my hometown, but I didn't have anything in particular that I wanted to do. I was happy to be able to live with my family...... but I thought that it would be a boring life.」

But, Effa smiles.

「Thanks to you, I have learned the joy of moving my body! That's why I'll be able to live a happy life for a long time to come! I'm really happy to have met you, Master!」

I didn't expect to be thanked so much.

At first I thought I'd just take a shot at it...... but I never thought you'll be this happy.

I'm really glad that I made Effa my disciple.

As I was thinking about this, I heard a gurgling sound from my

「I've been sitting here and I'm getting hungry.」

Effa's cheeks blush with embarrassment.

By the way, I haven't eaten anything since I came here, have I?

Effa told me she was getting hungry, too.

「It's time to get some food.」
「Yes! But what about food? It's quite a distance from here to the town......」
「We'll get food from the forest.」

Since procuring food is part of the training, I only had water in my bag.

......But Effa already tired,I feel bad making her help me get food.

「I'll get the food. Effa and master should go gather dead leaves and branches.」
「I understand! Then I'll collect the dead leaves, and Maurice-san will take care of the branches!」
「Thank you, both of you. Now, just be quiet for a minute.」
「Be quiet......?」

Effa tilted her head curiously, but did as I said.

I put my hands over my ears and focused my attention.


From far away, I could hear the sound of birds flapping their wings.

「Well then, I'll go get it.」

I told masters that, and I jumped.

I jumped like a grasshopper and landed on the spot where I heard the sound.

Then there was a cockatrice standing there.

They look like chickens, but they are over a meter in size.

The cockatrice, which looked like it could swallow a child whole, spread its wings and attacked me when it saw me.


After slicing the cockatrice's neck with my wind blade and drain the blood, I carried the body back to Effa and the others.

「I'm back.」
「Welcome back~ ......, is that a monster?」

Effa pointed at the cockatrice with a perturbed look on her face, wondering if she expected me to hunt an animal.

「Yes. It's a monster...... a cockatrice.」
「It's been a long time since I ate cockatrice.」
「It's been eight years, right?」
「I can't believe it's already been that long. Time flies......」
「I've never eaten one...... but if you consider that is a big bird, it looks delicious!」
「Actually, it's delicious.」

With that, I plucked the cockatrice's feathers.

「Its naked in an instance!」

While Effa was saying this, I cut it into a reasonable size with a knifehand.

I stick the meat onto some twig and set it around the dead leaves.

Now all we have to do is start the fire.

「Effa, use your magic to start a fire.」
「Yes! ......Ah, I'm sorry, I can't!」
「I thought I wouldn't use it, so I left my wand in my room.」
「I see. Then it can't be helped」

When I rubbed my fingertips together near the dead leaves...... it caught fire.

I Bring the burning dead leaves close to the branch and transfer the fire.

As I was building the fire, Effa asked me.

「Wha, What did you just do?」
「Hmm? Ah, I used friction heat to start the fire.」

Whenever I ran out of matches, I would light them like this.

「I know it's a little late...... but master can do more magician-like things than magician.」

Effa says the same thing as master did six months ago.

Objectively, I guess that's what it looks like.

「But I'm a martial artist.」

Objectively, I may look like a magician, but to me, I'm not.

I want to be the kind of magician who draws runes and makes supernatural things happen.

In order to do so, I must acquire magical power at all costs.

Only one ruin remains.

Departure is in 4 days. We will arrive at the eastern ruins in about 10 days.

I hope we can find some clues about magic acquisition there......

Since the past was the past, I could not expect much.

【Translator Corner!】

-First of all, I wanted to say sorry for a very long delay. There have been some trouble IRL and I just finally able to recovered this account.

-For now I don't think I would be able to consistently post a chapter every week like before but I'll try to at least post a chapter once a month. Of course if I can post more I will do so.

-Since it been quite some time since the last time I translating and my Japanese lesson my translation probably degraded on some degree, sorry about that.

-Recently, I'm hook on a new web novel series I found called Live Dungeon (Link to NU). Since I catch up with the translation, I'll probably read the raw (can't contain my excitement you know). It won't effect my time translating other stuff... I hope.

-I only do this for fun so I can't promise to do daily post but I'll try my best to do weekly post.

-Thanks for reading and if you like the novel or have some suggestion or want me to keep translating it comment down below.

-If you like the translation, please support me by reading it at my site or donate to me by ko-fi.



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