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The World’s Strongest Martial Artist who has Worked too Hard, Survives in the Magic World With Ease Chapter 74


She Interpret It Well

「Well, here we are, Ash-dono!」

Melnia-san guided me to a dome-shaped building.

The interior resembles the arena of the academy.

The seating area surrounded the square, and there were more than 100 trainees there.

I'm wondering if Fermina-san will be sitting in that seat this time next year.
(T/N: Can't really interpret this well. Raw: 来年の今頃は、フェルミナさんもあの席に座ってるんだろうな。)

「Is that Ash-san?」
「Wow, it's the real one!」
「He came all the way out here!」

The trainees look at me and say things like that.

「Ash-dono please wait here for a moment.」

Leaving me in the middle of the plaza, Melnia-san went up to the audience.

『I'm sorry to keep you waiting! The night session of the training for new recruits is about to begin! In the evening session, we'll learn how to defeat monsters with the help of Ash-dono!』

When Melnia-san said it using her loudspeaker magic, there was a huge round of applause.

I hope I can live up to their expectation...... I'm a martial artist, you know.

My fighting style is completely different from that of a magician trainee.

Defeating monsters is easy, but teaching them the proper technique is going to be difficult.

『Now, Ash-dono is going to fight against the monsters created by magic! We'll be watching closely to see how he defeat the monsters!』

All eyes are on me.

『Then, Kett-dono, I leave this to you!』

A woman about the same age as Grandpa Maurice...... Kett-san, who was sitting in the audience, waved her magic wand.

The earth in the arena rises and creates about a hundred goblins.

Does this replicate the power as well as the appearance?

Goblins are one of the weakest monsters, but it takes a lot of magic power to create more than 100 of them.

Still, Kett-san didn't look tired, and I'm sure she is an excellent magician.

I can't believe I'm going to be able to fight a great magican indirectly...... This is going to be a great experience for me.

『First, Ash-dono will have to fight a horde of goblins! Individually they are weak, but goblins attack in a group! Its troublesome to be attacked by this number!』

A horde of goblins surrounds me.

In their hands, they held swords and clubs made of clay.

『Well then, Ash-dono, we would like you to show us the technique to defeat the goblins!』

With that as a signal, the goblins attacked all at once.

I spread my arms out horizontally and spin around like a top.


All the goblins were cut in half and returned to the ground.

I... I wonder if that is a good idea......?

I looked up at the audience with excitement and saw that everyone had their mouths hanging open.

『I see! So you're saying that a wide range attacks are more effective against goblins than a single attacks!』

Melnia-san are reading deeply into this.

『It's true that the sheer number of them can be deceiving, but each one of them is weak! Even if you can't annihilate them with a single blow like Ash-dono did, if you can wound them, you could slow down their movement!』

「So we can attack them individually after a wide area attack」, the trainees seemed to be convinced by Melnia-san's skillful interpretation.

『Now, Kett-dono. The next monster, please!』

Kett-san waved her magic wand, and the pile of dirt coalesced into one, creating the one-eyed giant.

Is that...... a cyclops?

『Unlike goblins, cyclopses usually act alone! But don't let your guard down just because there's only one of them, okay? Their physical abilities surpass those of goblins!』

Cyclops's single eye catches me.

『Well then, Ash-dono, we would like you to show us the technique to defeat the cyclops!』


In an instant, I close the gap and slam my fist into its face.

The cyclops returned to the ground.

『I see! So you're saying that the cyclops' weakness is its eyes! It's true that no matter how good your physical abilities are, if you can't see, there's nothing to fear! It's a little scary to look directly at it, but...... with eyes that big, it's not hard to aim!』

The trainees nodded their heads in admiration at Melnia-san skillful explanation.

『Well then, its time for the last one! The last one will be......』

Kett-san waved her magic wand, and the soil took the shape of a dragon.

The trainees scream.

『That's right. And finally, as you can see, it's the red dragon!』

It's has the color of soil, but it seems to be a red dragon.

『As you can imagine, we can't completely recreate its strength, but we had Kett-dono use all of her magic power to create it! Even I would find it difficult to defeat it!』

The red dragon spreads its wings menacingly and looks down at me.

『Well then, Ash-dono, we would like you to show us the technique to defeat the red dragon!』

I blew the red dragon's head off with an uppercut.

『I see! So Ash-dono implying that we should aim for concussion! You may not be able to pierce the scales, but you can shake the brain! If you can stun it, you can attack without being counterattacked!』

Melnia-san's interpretive skills are amazing!

I didn't mean to, but it makes sense now that you mention it.

As I was admiring her, Melnia-san came down to the square.

She said that was the last one, and now it looks like my work is done.

「Thank you for your hard work. I thought it was for the benefit of the trainees, but I learned a lot too.」
「It was a good workout for me too. If you're okay with something like that, I'm always willing to help, so please invite me again!」
「I am glad to hear you say so. However, if possible, I would like you to join us as a trainee next time. After graduation, I would like you to come to the Knight Order.」

Come to think of it, I'm less than a year away from graduation.

Fermina-san and Effa know what they want to do, but I don't have anything in particular.

What am I supposed to do after becoming a magician?

......Well, I guess I'll have to figure that out when I become a magician.

「I'll think about that after I graduate.」
「Is that so? I'm looking forward to the day when I can see you again, Ash-dono!」

And so, with Melunia and the trainees seeing me off, I returned to the inn.

【Translator Corner!】

-That is one heck of analysis.

-I only do this for fun so I can't promise to do daily post but I'll try my best to do weekly post.

-Thanks for reading and if you like the novel or have some suggestion or want me to keep translating it comment down below.

-If you like the translation, please support me by reading it at my site or donate to me by ko-fi.



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